02/15/20 01:24AM
Pokemon style battles with hypnotized girls
So for years I've always wanted to combine pokemon battles with hypnotized lesbians fighting, I even planned a big fanfic about this with Neptunia with hundreds of hypnotized girls roaming around in the grass with Big Nep as their trainer travelling the whole dimension beating gyms.

But I always had trouble coming up with battle mechanics. The moves that can be used by each girl, how much damage they do, the level system, accuracy, critical hits, what is super effective, etc.

And now I just found out someone already did that for me:


Can someone upload all these pics here so it can get a translation? I don't think I can upload all of them myself, they're just too many. It'd really help me forming a more concrete concept about how the battles would work.
02/15/20 01:30AM
You could upload 5/6 pages per day until finish it, You don't need to upload the whole thing in the same day.

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