02/18/20 08:38AM
Is/are raceplay/racial tropes a banned topic for manips here?
I ask because I just had a manip removed because "The dialect banks on racist tropes and stereotypes."

I can find no rules on this site that prohibit the use of such things within manips. If they exist, then they should be added and posted publicly so that people can abide by them... and if they don't exist, I'd like to know why my manip was deleted.
02/18/20 03:34PM
Could I see your manip?
02/18/20 04:30PM
Please just...don’t. This is a political BOMB waiting to go off Hub Wide. Please, please, please, PLEASE. I am begging you to not do this...Politics ruin good things. Don’t ruin this for us...
02/18/20 04:39PM
Defcon7 said:
Please just...don’t. This is a political BOMB waiting to go off Hub Wide. Please, please, please, PLEASE. I am begging you to not do this...Politics ruin good things. Don’t ruin this for us...

Everything on the planet is politics. While you're not wrong, I also think there's a hair of exaggeration present...
02/18/20 04:47PM
Feels to me like "Don't be racist" isn't something that needs to be explicitly laid out for you to reasonably know ahead of time. I get that its a fetish thing and not meant as an attack on anyone, but that sort of stuff can get a site nuked for having it on there regardless of context, so it's understandable that it wouldn't be allowed on most sites.
02/18/20 04:51PM
GrandDad said:
Could I see your manip?

It's a racist caricature hypno-domming another racist caricature. It's, to my eyes, purely fetish-bait.

Defcon7 said:
Please just...don’t. This is a political BOMB waiting to go off Hub Wide. Please, please, please, PLEASE. I am begging you to not do this...Politics ruin good things. Don’t ruin this for us...

Not to do what? Complain that my images are being taken down for violating no posted rules?
02/18/20 04:54PM
Changer said:
Feels to me like "Don't be racist" isn't something that needs to be explicitly laid out for you to reasonably know ahead of time. I get that its a fetish thing and not meant as an attack on anyone, but that sort of stuff can get a site nuked for having it on there regardless of context, so it's understandable that it wouldn't be allowed on most sites.

If that's the concern, then I think it should be posted in the rules of the site. They are not presently written to make that apparent.

What concerns me is the double standard. I've seen plenty of race-play stuff posted here before, and much of it has been allowed to stay up. That implies that there are a set of guidelines/standards that are being applied to them... and I'd like to know what they are.
02/18/20 05:04PM
Transformation which happens to involve skin color changing is not inherently racist, if those are what you are pointing out. I haven't seen the piece in question, but from the report reason, it sounds like it's a dialogue issue not an image issue.

Edit: saw your link to it. Yeah that's no good in my opinion. It's hitting a current hot political issue and modern race tensions. That is just a firestorm waiting to happen.
02/18/20 05:07PM
Changer said:
Transformation which happens to involve skin color changing is not inherently racist, if those are what you are pointing out. I haven't seen the piece in question, but from the report reason, it sounds like it's a dialogue issue not an image issue.

I linked it above, and it's 100 percent a dialogue issue. My concern is that nothing on HypnoHub's posted rules prohibits overtly racist dialogue, yet my image was removed for it anyway. If you're going to remove images, the reasons you're removing them should be publicly posted in the rules of the site, and the same standard applied to all of the images uploaded here. As it stands, my image was removed despite violating no rules. That's, for me at least, a problem.
02/18/20 05:34PM
As I said before, "don't be racist" isn't something that needs to be explicitly stated. Unless a place has an explicit "anything goes, don't get offended" rule, you can safely assume being offensively racist is going to be disallowed. Getting righteously indignant over it is ridiculous.
02/18/20 05:43PM
Changer said:
As I said before, "don't be racist" isn't something that needs to be explicitly stated. Unless a place has an explicit "anything goes, don't get offended" rule, you can safely assume being offensively racist is going to be disallowed. Getting righteously indignant over it is ridiculous.

Literally straight from the HypnoHub FAQ:

"Q: I don't like X fetish, it shouldn't be allowed here!

A: That's cheating, you didn't even ask a question! *cough* Well, too bad. It's here and we have no intention of banning it. You can always use the Blacklist if you don't like it. Or, you know, just ignore it."

02/18/20 05:50PM
NaughtyNat said:
Literally straight from the HypnoHub FAQ:

"Q: I don't like X fetish, it shouldn't be allowed here!

A: That's cheating, you didn't even ask a question! *cough* Well, too bad. It's here and we have no intention of banning it. You can always use the Blacklist if you don't like it. Or, you know, just ignore it."

There's a difference between something to be blacklisted by some folks, like parasite control, and a kink that's dangerously skirting the line relative to a global, topical issue. Stores in a mall don't have to have signs that say "don't be racist here" so why should a fetish site (one that doesn't advertise itself as a no man's land)?

02/18/20 05:56PM
bullet said:
There's a difference between something to be blacklisted by some folks, like parasite control, and a kink that's dangerously skirting the line relative to a global, topical issue. Stores in a mall don't have to have signs that say "don't be racist here" so why should a fetish site (one that doesn't advertise itself as a no man's land)?

Because other pics here with racial content in them have been allowed to fly free without being removed, while mine have been taken down. The rules of the site should reflect where the line is, and they currently don't. Unwritten rules are silly, just write them down so everyone can follow them.

My manip had/has no agenda. It's purely fetish bait. It's a fairly stereotypical white/conservative/MAGA chick being hypnotized to love BBC by a stereotypical thuggish black guy. That's pretty plainly in the strike zone of this site, and doesn't really have any deep political message.
02/18/20 06:04PM
Dude, seriously. You're acting like "Well how was I supposed to know you aren't allowed to stab people in THIS room in particular? Nobody told me that!"

There is a huge difference between "racial content" and "racist content". Yours is explicitly very racist, and so topical it is nearly guaranteed to start flame wars. Take your victim complex elsewhere.
02/18/20 06:10PM
I'm just glad that this political shit has been given a venting outlet in this channel, so everything else stays clean. A scapegoat, in a sense.

That's all I have to contribute.
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