02/21/20 05:18AM
The H Story Source Material
So I was asked to share the source material for the H Story, so here it is. The base idea was to write a hypno story that I found funny. So there are a lot of typos, funny memes, and words spelled backwards. Enjoy, probably.


Chapter 1
Class has just ended and H approaches G#1
H: Hey you’re Ember right?
E: Yeah, and you’re the new guy right, what was your name again?
H: My friends call me H
E: But we’re not friends just give me your name, lol
H: ergh, hey look at this for me for a sec
*shows phone with larips*
E: What no lol, just … tell … me *shleep*
H: oh cool that still works, nice :)
H: Ok so get this, I’m H and you’re gonna call me H, second now your dezitonpyh and you’re gonna do whatever I say lol
E: lol
H: Now wake up in 3 … 2 … 1
E: Huh, what happened?
H: Oh you were just saying how we were gonna hang at your place
E: Oh for real?! Nice, you down?
H: Yeah
And so they head home to Ember’s home

Chapter 2
At Ember’s house
E: Hey sis I’m home, also don’t mind the guy I brought over without notice
G#2: What the fuck Ember, you can’t keep doing this, you’re in college for god sake
E: Shut up sis
H: Oh you never told me you had a sister
E: Oh yeah that’s Ann my sister, she’s a bitch
H: Ncie
A: So kid what’s your deal
H: Me
A: Is there any other kid in the room
H: Well seems you were right Ember
E: I know right
A: Huh what the hell are you guys talking about, well anyway kid if there’s any rule I have to give to you it’s this one: Don’t fuck my sister
H: whut
A: You heard me, do not FUCK my SISTER
H: Well that’s new, but sure
A: Wait for real?
H: Nah lol
E: Yeah sis you’re too uptight, you need to relax
A: Shut up
H: Oh I can help you relax, here just look at this
*H shows Ann the larips from his phone*
A: Oh shit … what’s … that …
H: Nothing much, just take deep breaths, and relax
A: Relax

Chapter 3
H has now successfully dezitonpyh Ember and Ann, who knows what he’ll do next, not even I know
H: So Ann what’s stressing u out?
A: That’s a good question Retsam H
H: wait hats a remsta?
A: That is Spanish for H
H: I see, but my question still stands
A: But it’s a question how it stand
E: haha funny meme stand
A: Sthup Ember
E: lol no
H: I see what has you stressed now Ann
A: oh wht
H: You don’t like Ember
A: That is true
E: this is true
H: Well ok then, from now on you 2 are gonna be super close and friendly with one another, like sisters, also 50% gay
A & E: Yes retsam
H: nice, and when I say the word *wake* you 2 will wake from trance and not consciously remember wht happens during sessions, but your subconscious will and will apply any commands I have given, k
A & E: ok
H: *wake*
A: You know kid, your not that bad, and just for that Imma lift the rule
*Ember shifts her position to bury her face in her sister’s chest*
E: Hey sis I love you
A: yo me too
H: Well I’m going head out now, but you two get along now
E: Ok bye H
A: see you kid

Chapter 4
The next day at college H is walking by and enters the library, whips out his phone and starts texting Ember
H: Hey Ember what are you doing?
It takes Ember 15 seconds to respond
E: Me, oh well uhh …
E: nothing
H: tell me
E: no lol
H: (tell me what you are doing)
One thing H did when with the sisters was apply certain effects that they would do no matter what
E: I’m in the bathroom masturbate
H: NaNI?!
E: what is there a problemo?
H: huh, oh no, I just seen a dude pull a book out of the shelf, crazy stuff, I mean who reads?
E: I know right, why can’t people do normal things?
H: Like what your doing?
E: ye
H: so uhh, why are you doing that
E: I was horny
H: I see, well … uhhhhhh … how’s it going
E: Pretty well actually thanks for asking
H: so do you do this on the daily, or …
E: Yeah its pretty fun, you should try it out some time
H: I’ll pass for now, but uhh … good talking to you
E: Yeah, see you after class?
H: sure

Chapter 5
After class Ember and H meat up
H: y’know this is some pretty good meat
E: I know right! It’s the best
H: So as I was saying, and then he-
G#3: Ho? You’re approaching me?
A wild girl has appeared in front of H
H: Hey Ember you know this girl?
E: I’ve never seen her before in my life
G#3: I am Holly and I have a bone to pick with you H-
H: Wait don’t finish my name
Holly: Wait why? :/
E: Wait how’d you do that with your face?
Holly: What this ‘:/ wait that’s not important, H!
H: Whats up
Holly: Do you even know who I am?
H: You said you were Holly, but I’m too lazy to deal with this so here look at this
*H shows Holly the larips*
Holly: Wait whats … that …
H: Yeah so something something you’re being dezitonpyh
Holly: WAIT NO!
H: wut
Holly: I remember this magic trick, you pulled the same thing on me last time, I won’t fall for it again
H: Oh so I already did this part then
Holly: Yeah, the last time we met
H: Then *trance*
Holly: Wait how’d you do … that with … your … mouth
Holly falls into trance
H: Cool then forget about this encounter
E: Wait you’re just gonna let her go?
H: Yeah no harm no fowl
H Dismisses Holly and continues to enjoy the meat with Ember

Chapter 7
Back at the school Holly sits in class doing something stange on her phone
Holly: What is this strange thingy on my mobile device known as the phone?
On the device is a text from an unknown person (girl)
Holly: New phone who dis?
G#4: For now call me W
Holly: Ok, W, what is it tht you desire from me?
W: I’d like to ask a favor frm you Holly, I’d like you to open save the file I’m about to send you and find a girl named Ember
Holly: Oh I know Ember, but waht do I get out of this?
W: I can give you anything you ask for
Holly: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) oh, then I want a snake, but not just any snack, I want u
W: Oh? (´・_・`) Ummm, I’m not sure that’s something I can givb you, I’m stariaght
Holly: So you’re a girl, interesting, either way so is spaghetti, until it gets wet, you best give what I ask for if Imma be going you any favors
W: I’ll see what I can do, but you better keep your end of the bargain
Holly: Will do hnaks
Holly finishes the sandwich she was eating that I never mentioned but you should know about
Holly: Looks like things are getting interesting now

Chapter 8
H is approached by someone who can really say who that is, nobody, that’s who
H: Oh? You’re approaching me?
G#4: Shut up with your stupid funny joke
H: Ok then
G#4: You H-
H: People need to learn that I just go by H, ok
S: Fine then, I am Sera and you H are hereby under arrest
H: Wait why
S: I have a witness who has witnessed questionable things you’ve been doing to girls around campus, are these allegations true?
H: lol no
S: I thought you’d say that and therefore your rights are hereby revoked
H: Wait that’s illegal
S: Not true as head of the disciplinary I hold power to revoke suspects rights
H: Well then can I get my 1 phone call?
S: Since you asked nicely, yes you may
H whips it out, his phone, and pulls up the good old reliable larips and flashes Sera
S: GOOD LORD IN THE NAME OF GOD, wait I overreacted, this is nothing
H: Nah you just need to let it sink in
S: hohoho nice try … tricks like these … would never work … on … me
Sera falls into trance
H: Sera from when you enter trance you are going to see me as a person of higher authority and you’re going to answer any questions I have, understood?
S: Yes Sir
H: First things first, why are you after me?
S: I had overheard that there was a suspicious person who had been doing questionable things to woman on campus
H: Oh?
S: All descriptions of the suspect matched you, I even had a named witness
H: Who was this witness?
S: Her name was Holly and she had evidence proving it was you
H: Holly? I could’ve sworn she wasn’t someone of interest, but now things have gotten interesting.
S: Will that be all sir?
H: Yes thank you for that information Sera, now I’m going to go ahead and leave some suggestions in your mind.

Chapter 9
H invited Holly to meet up at the bowling alley after obtaining her contact information from Sera
Holly walking into the alley, moving her legs left and right in the forwards direction towards H, with her bowling shoes on
Holly: Hey H ready to bowl?
H is all stanced up and ready to bowl
H: Ready to go, you?
Holly: Oh yeah, there’s no way I’m losing I’m what I like to call a ‘Bowling Master’
H: I could say the same about myself, also I pulled a little sneaky on the staff and wired the bowling boards and –
Holly: Your next line is: “The loser of each round is going to get a suggestion”
H: The loser of each round is going to get a suggestion. Wiat what
Holly: Hahahah huhuheuheuhehue ehehehhe You FOOL! I read into the future, I’M THREE STEPS AHEAD! YOU CAN”T BEAT ME
Holly picks up a bowling ball and gets all posed and ready to go
H: *Looks like everything is going according to plan*
Holly throws the ball and gets a strike
H: You good, but I’m better
H gets a triple scoop deluxe backflip into the lava straight into the pool and puts the p in and into the pins
The Rest of the Bowling Parts go here
By the end of the game Holly started to falter and the screen kept flashing her, Holly is now dezitonpyh due to the screen
H: Holly you were good but you challenged me ten years too early
Holly stands there motion less because of the sisonpyh
H: Oh right, first things first, loose the top
Holly takes off her shirt
H: Also now you’re going to obey me at all times because I can’t risk anything anymore, and you’re going to go to Sera and tell her it wasn’t me
Holly: Yes Retsam
H: And I just like that I stopped feminism

Chapter 10
H is at school and runs into Ann
A: Yo H
H: Hey Ann what’s up
A: My levels of wanting to touch my sister, SEXUALLY
H: O_O
A: Well outside of that there’s this new Professor
H: Oh for what class
A: I’m pretty sure it’s for that Psych class you and Ember have
H: Oh what happened to the other professor?
A: Heard he was caught for sexually assaulting students
H: So that’s what Sera did with Holly’s info then
A: You say soething?
H: Nah, anyways good luck holding out till after school
A: Nah I might just rub one out before then tbh
H: O_O
H and Ann go their separate ways, H arrives at the psychology meeting with Ember, H held the look of shock
E: Hey H what’s with the look
H turns to Ember, grabs her shoulder and gives her a thumbs up, with a crying face
E: Ok Weirdo
H: So what’s good
E: New Teach is arriving today
H: I wonder what the Prof. is like
E: I hope they’re hot
H: >_<
H: O_O
The new Professor walks in backwards and does a flip
E: That’s how you know she’s hot
Prof: Wht’s good class, I’m the new professor and everything I say will be on tomorrow’s test
E: I take it all back
P: You in the back, please, shut the FUCK up
E: *whispers* I think I’m going to die
Ember takes 6969 mental dmage and dies
The Professor continues on with the class
P: Reminder to come prepared for the test tomorrow
The bell rings and students start to leave
The class is silent for 10 whole years
P: Just kidding you can leave whenever
H drags Ember out of the war zone

Chapter 11
H: Ember, can you help me “study” for the psych test tomorrow?
E: no, I’m not gonna help you “”study”” for the stats test tomorrow. I know what the emphasis on study implies. Also just get smarter, duh
H: damn, you didn’t fall for my “””study””” puzzle… unless..? *does hypno shit* come to my house today to help me “”””study””””
E: *can’t say no because shes hypnoed*
H: cool. Cya later
E: aight
*time skip*
H: *opening door* glad you could make it
E: Im not *shoves him aside and heads into his home*
H: hey, wait where are you going?
E: *goes straight to his bedroom* *yells from his room* are we not going to “””””study””””””?
H: oh yeah *enters room*
E: ok let the studying commence *suddenly drops to knees in front of H*
H: oh w-wait I didn’t tell you to do that?? Whats going on?
E: you didn’t need to tell me to do what I already wanted
H: ?!
E: *crawls closer to him* the sooner we start, the better…
H: ?! 2x
E: *reaches a hand up, carefully, gingerly, to H’s waist…
… and takes the pencil that was sticking out of H’s pocket.
E: ok, the sooner we start studying the better, because then I can gtfo
H: r-right
*they study, nothing eventful happens. H scores a 69% on the test they studied for*
E: look I never said I was smart.
=Written by a friend=

Chapter 12
One day after school H approaches his new psych professor
H: Hey Professor M-
P: Please call me Destiny
H: oh ok then, Professor Destinys
D: What’s up H
H: It’s about the test, it was kind of bullshit it had nothing to do with psych
D: That’s a fair point
H: So I was wondering if you could not put that in the with the rest of the grades
D: H I think that’s cheating
H: Then I guess I have no choice
H busts out the good old reliable and does the thing
D: Oh my, so this is the technique that conquered Sera
H: Oh so you know
D: Yeah I think Sera tried doing it to me, but I can’t remember
H: Oh cool then that means conditions should already be mostly done
D: Yeah pretty much
H: Ok cool so then *trance* so you’re going to forget about the test and every time I do the *trance* you’ll be the stuendt and I’ll be the Teacher, any questions?
D: Yeah how do you speak in italics
H: I picked it up when I learned how to hypno, it helps, and with that Imma head out
D: K bye restam
The test was dropped from the grades and never spoken of ever again

Chapter 13
One day in the psych class H was chillin’ and Holly approached
Holly: What’s good H?
H: In my personal opinion I think that squid is actually quite tasty
Holly: What
H: You asked what’s good, and more importantly why are you in class, it was cancelled
Holly: Wait really? Plus I have this class
H: Wait really? Then how come I’ve never seen you
Holly: Cuz I kept my distance
H: ok then
Holly: So what are you doing here if class is cancelled then?
H: I enjoy the quiet so I was chillin’
Holly: Ok then I’m going to go
H: Before you go can you do something for me
Holly: Sure what’s up
H: *Trance*
Holly falls into trance
H: Ok so Holly I’m super bored and I need you to “entertain” me
Holly: What can I do for you retsam
H tells Holly what she is going to do
Holly: Ok so listen up Class, I’m the sub professor for today and for today’s class we’re going to go over the most important subjet, H
H: Yeah so what is the super important subject Prof.?
Holly: I’m glad you asked
Holly walks closer to H
H: oho you’re approaching me?
Holly: You know just for that one H
Holly begins to STRIp revealing her underwear
H: O_O, owah
Holly: Like what you see H? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
H: Ok but maybe you could also remove some more
Holly: Then yor goning to have to give me something long and hard
H: Does this pointing stick work?
Holly: Perfect
Holly takes the pointing stick and begins to “point” her special place
Holly: oooahao that feels good
H: Then maybe I could help and earn some “extra credit”
H moves closer towards Holly, taking the stick away from her, throwing it towards the door. It hit Ember who was standing there but don’t tell H and Holly. (P.S. Ember was definetly mastibing to the events that are unfolding)

Chapter 14
Class was cancelled and Ember had nothing to do, so she went looking for H.
Eventually she found H and Holly doing something rather exciting.
E: (OH SHIT! (O_O) That’s hot, I can’t believe H’s first time is gonna be taken by Holly. Damnit I thought I was gonna be the first)
As Ember keeps looking at H and Holly she can feel the fire rising in her loins
E: (Shit, I’m wet)
Ember begins to discreetly touch herself from watching H and Holly
As H and Holly continue the two get rather intimate
E: (I think I’m close)
Holly: So are you going to join or just keep watching or are you going to join in, Miss Ember?
E: O_O (Wait I thought I was hiding perfectly)
Holly: You can’t hide anything from a teacher
H: Wait Ember’s been watching this whole time?
Ember comes out from where she was, hand in pants
E: Hey what’s up … guys?
Holly: I was just giving H here an “extracurricular lesson”
H: I did the thing to Holly and she thinks she’s a sub professor
E: I see, so … can I … uhh … join in?
Holly pulled H’s pants down and started eating H out
H: Sorry what was that … ah … I’m kind of … busy
Holly: Then join in, there’s no-one stopping you
Ember takes off her clothes and joins in
H: huh, oh looks like I unconsciously changed the settings
E: What do you mean?! You were a guy the last time I seen you
H: Fun Fact: I can switch between genders, it’s a protagonist thing, y’know
E: Well I guess it’s not important then, but damn …
Holly: Hot right ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
E: Yeah
Ember is mesmerized by H’s female form
Holly: So Ember what do you want to do
E: I want to take H’s first time
H: O_O woah, I don’t think that’s possible
E: Eh, why not?
H: Because I’m a girl right now
Holly: She can still take your first time, but the question is, who wants to be on top?
H: I’m good either way
E: Then I’ll be top
Holly: Perfect, then let’s get you two into position
Holly sets up Ember and H into the scissoring position
E: Oh shit, this feels really good
H: Good God, I think I’m in heaven
Holly: Well good for you two, now I’m going to get on top of H, H eat me out, and Ember I’m gonna have a little taste of your chest
The three of them have the very good sexy times and almost forget that there is a class after theirs

Chapter 15
After the good fun sexy times H changes the gender setting back to male and goes to lunch with Ember, who is rightfully confused
E: *pouting*
H: Hmm, oh what’s wrong Ember?
E: What do you mean, “What’s wrong?” normal people don’t just casually have the ability to change their gender!
H: Oh my bad, well I mean, it’s not just something I can share casually with someone
E: Yeah ok, but I’m your best friend
H: Wait really?
E: YES! Ok so from now on you have to tell me everything
H: *whispers* And here I thought I was supposed to be the master
E: So any other secrets that you have?
H: Yeah I can speak *italics*
E: What? I could understand you there
H: Oh never mind then, anyways, you free after school?
E: Yeah I should be, why?
H: I was gonna pay Sera a visit to “ask a question” on something
E: Wait O_O like actually or *sexually*?
H: Good question
E: wtf H
So anyways they head over to the student council room and meet up with Sera
S: H I’m going to kill you
H: Ok so that answers my question, you DO have cameras in the classrooms
E: O_O wat
S: Yeah what kind of question is that, of course the school has cameras in the classrooms
H: Ok so then *trance* I want you to tell me the truth Sera
S: K Retsam
H: Did you enjoy watching, because I know you where
S: Yes Retsam I pleasured myself watching you, Holly, and Ember
H: Nice
S: I wish I could have been there to enjoy the luxury of pleasing you
H: woah, ok so thanks for that, now I want you to take that video of the fun times out of the school servers and you can keep it and use it for whenever you need to.
S: I understand Retsam
H: Alright then looks like my job here is done
E: Are you not gonna do anything with her?

Chapter 16
After having done what needed to be done H made plans to go home
E: H wtf you're just going to leave Sera there
H: Yeah, I've got bigger fish to catch
E: No the saying goes, "I've got bigger fish to fry"
H: Well whatever, I'm going fishing
E: Wat, why
H: I'm in the mood for fish, so I'm gonna get myself some fish
Ann instantly teleported at the mention of fish
A: We going fishing or what, come on let’s grab some fish!
H: I like the way you think Ann, come on lets go
H pulls out a boat and takes Ann and Ember fishing
E: Wait why am I here?
A: Because we need this family time. Oh and H answer this question honestly, have you ever tried having a fish suck you off?
H: O_O wtf no
E: O_O
A: Oh well, maybe you should, I hear it feels like heaven
H: Well I don't want fish STDs, so no thank you
E: whispers I wish I never came
Just then a fish tugs on Ann's line
A: Ah, here it is! I got one, its cumming!
With her strength Ann fishes up her first fish
A: ah, I caught it. Now lets take a look ... what the ...
H smirks because he knows exactly what kind of fish Ann just pulled up, the hypno fish
H: Good stuff Ann
E: visible confused I thought this was gonna be a normal fishing trip
H: Here take a look Ember
H tosses the fish over to Ember
E: shit ... the ... fish

Chapter 17
The fishing trip passed, H took the sisters to their house and only H remembers what happened
E: ugh, wtf I feel sore, and my mouth is exhausted
A: yo, what happened, I feel as dead as a fish
H: Good question

A: are you not going to answer
H: I really don’t feel like it
E: H I will literally beat you to death
H: lol no
Ember proceeds to do the ora ora thing and beats H up
H: *doesn’t die* I lived bitch
A: ...

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