03/07/20 06:34AM
PSA - False Advertisements in the Forum
It's come to my (and other staff members') attention that a handful of threads in the forum have had "bots" posting links to suspicious websites. I am not fully convinced that these are bot accounts, and are instead individuals being paid to advertise random websites. Whether or not they're real people is beside the point.

Ultimately, staff are aiming to remove any links + ban any accounts that solely aim to falsely advertise on the site. If you notice any suspicious activity, be it past or present, feel free to DM a staff member or report it to one of these two threads:
<<|Poke a Mod>>
<<|Where to report bots?>>

When reporting, make sure to check a user's account to see if they've ever commented or uploaded anything, or if they're merely posting to the forums. Especially if they're asking (sometimes weird) personal questions, it's likely they're not being genuine. For any users who worry that they'll be directly affected, as long as you're an active member of the community, you shouldn't have to worry about being banned for this. I do ask though to try and be wary when making threads that ask questions about products and/or personal stuff. Cause even if you're not advertising anything yourself, the thread can attract users aiming to post ads. Avoid responding to them and simply tell a staff member know.

[spoiler=Examples of fake personal threads used for advertising:]

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