03/17/20 03:11PM
How has Cornoavirus (covid-19) affected you?
Thought I'd start a thread to see how everyone is dealing with the virus and how it has affected everyone.

I'm on Spring Break currently, and my school has officially announced that we will switch to online classes for the rest of the semester. It's not great because it will make my classes a lot harder and because my classes are super fun (especially my Creative Writing class).

My job has suspended all shows for the next 2 weeks, but they're still gonna pay us for the hours we would have worked. After those two weeks are up I don't know what they're gonna do. And I'm probably gonna get little to no falconry training since the others need to work.

For now I'm just chilling at home, catching up on my comics and playing video games. Just got Ori & the Will of the Wisps and Gears of War 5, so I'll be occupied for a while.
03/17/20 03:27PM
Kids are out of school until the 30th—my daughter didn’t really have homework to do, but my son who goes to a special school for kids on the autism spectrum brought home a TON of work to complete over the break, so that’s kind of annoying. My husband also hasn’t had to travel for his job at all due to college campuses closing down across the country, so he’s been home with pay. My sister, however, has to file for unemployment until her job reopens, she works as a bartender in a country club.
03/17/20 03:39PM
By doing nothing except ruin everything I liked. NCAA, NBA, E3, all sorts of fan/nerd conventions all around the country, and toilet paper/paper towels.

At most it changed my work schedule at the mall I work at. Now it opens an hour and a half later than it usually does. But at least I get to stay home more, but now afternoons are kinda gone for me since I used to work morning shifts. And even when I go to work, there's like.... NOBODY here.
03/17/20 03:42PM
In-person classes cancelled for the rest of the semester.
And because I actually work for my college, I'm getting at least a month of paid time off.

So all in all, this has actually been pretty good for me. More time at home and free money.
03/17/20 04:31PM
Was off work for a few days last week with flu symptoms so might have already got it and got over it

My boss dropped my work PC off at my house over lunch. From tomorrow we're all working from home. Told this might last month's. Which I think is pretty cool because I prefer my quiet house to the office
03/17/20 05:59PM
My lifestyle was already pretty isolated so not much change in that regard (aside from not being able to go to the place I went to for 'daytime activity' a couple hours from Monday-Thursday to get me out of the house or music practice), but I AM worried about potentially not being able to get food as I just don't have the room to keep food stocked for more than a couple of days (all I have room for is four cans of soup).
03/17/20 07:54PM
Well for me seems like everything is closed down only things I go our for is to hang out with my gf and maybe magic the gathering but havent played magic the gathering in a while so ya that sucks I also go shoping weekly so thats good other than that stay home relax play video games
03/17/20 09:57PM
I work part time in a hardware store so its rough, i can't risk public transit so i've been hoofing it to my job about three and half a miles one way. My FLGS is being hit hard too, so i'm trying to lend a hand and buy from them frequently. Also having family home all day is driving my fucking nuts 0_o
03/17/20 10:12PM
I just learned that the new ad on the top of the page with the sexy black lady wearing the black fetish bondage mask is a link to a page trying to sell me facemasks.
03/17/20 11:18PM
I work at cheryls cookies and its usually 7 to 3:30 job with 2 breaks and 1 launch but now its 1 break and a launch and there are 3 lines running and each line starts work and leaves work at different times each day like Line A will fallow Time B one day and the next they will fallow time C
03/17/20 11:33PM
This situation reminds me a case on México in 2009-2010 with a "virus" called AH1N1.

in the beginning people are scared on that moment, but with the past of time people beat it like "nothings happen"

I just want to think this Coronashit gonna be beat it.
03/17/20 11:43PM
I may have one of the best deals that anyone on this site has. I work in a health insurance call center (hold your booing until the end) so I am able to work from home, but my employer has also provided me with a laptop, 2nd monitor (because we dual-screen at work), peripherals, and 3 hours of OT to compensate for time spent getting all of this home and set up. The only thing I have to provide is a desk (using a card table) and internet.

It's not quite full paid vacation because I still gotta work my schedule, but I really can't complain.
03/17/20 11:49PM
Well I can't work at Dave and Buster's because of this weird 50 person policy meaning no bussers can come into work for the forseeable future so I gotta sit on my ass and so jack and shiiiiiiiiet.....
03/18/20 12:44AM
All my classes are now online and I think I’m gonna go stir crazy...I’m too scared to go on walks anymore because one of my housemates has a compromised immune system. Plus I don’t work well at home at all, so this is going to SUCK.
03/18/20 01:57AM
I work for a Trader Joes. Has its good and bad sides.

Good -
My job is probably 150% secure. If the grocery stores close, society's officially doomed.
Probably'll get a perk of some kind, like some extra money or whatever my Captain comes up with after this disaster.
Running out of food will never be a worry. I'll always be able to get something, even if I don't prefer it.

Bad -
My chances of getting the virus are ridiculously high. Doesn't help a majority of the customers are... less than worried about personal hygiene.
People are insane and the job has become just as bad. The last week was the busiest my store has ever been, and boy it felt like it.
The job has basically become my life. When all you can do is sit at home and go to work (not want to do, but literally that being the only option), there tends not to be much else to talk about.

Honestly, not the worst place I could be in. It's exhausting, but it puts me in a somewhat good position.
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