03/23/20 01:46AM
Looking for OCs to cameo in a comic (no payment required)
So a comic that I'm currently scripting out takes place at a party at a mansion, and thus is going to involve a lot of people "onscreen" beyond the ones who will be focused on. So instead of coming up with tons of references for characters who will only be seen a couple of times in the whole comic, I came up with an alternative that would both save time and let other people on the hub get in on the fun!

The basic plot is that my OC, Madam Zorra, owns an entire town, and the entire population of it is secretly drugged and brainwashed to do her sexy bidding whenever she wants. She is currently throwing a "welcoming party" for the newest residents of the town, a party she intends to flood with hypnotic gas to turn them into her newest batch of slaves, who she will force to spend some of every week working naked in her mansion while they spend the rest of the time keeping up appearances and pretending this is a normal town.

Male or female doesn't matter, as long as you're willing to have them sub. Zorra brainwashes everyone indiscriminately. And since you'll be saving me a massive amount of time, nobody needs to contribute money to pay for the commission. I'll be taking care of that myself.

If you want your character to be a part of this crowd that is shown partying, drugged, and then ordered to strip naked en masse, I need a reference for your character, along with a reference for an outfit they'd wear to a party (formal or informal party doesn't matter; they could be going to a fancy cocktail party, or they could be going clubbing), and anything else important you need me to know about them since you won't be that involved in the commissioning process. If I think they're a good fit, I'll put them in!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them!
03/23/20 01:51AM
How many do you think you'll need? Is there a minimum limit you're hoping to reach?
03/23/20 01:52AM
03/23/20 01:52AM

As for her party dress it'd be something like this: m.lovelywholesale.com/who...rical+knitting+mini+dress(with+elastic)-g187388.html?currency=USD&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmdzzBRC7ARIsANdqRRkJKqJxMmqeg_X-UgY34TLjrK7_i8BzMCiZqNdzBANgNRw4QFbHiQQaApK8EALw_wcB
03/23/20 02:00AM
Furrwhore said:
How many do you think you'll need? Is there a minimum limit you're hoping to reach?

Right now I'm hoping for as many as I can get. Obviously there's a limit of how many will be drawn, but the more I have to choose from, the better.
03/23/20 02:15AM
Well Obviously I'll put in my girl Caelia~
03/23/20 02:15AM
Oooo hella happy to sign up for this!

<<hypnohub.net//data/image/...ad1bc1d9b5b557c38a100.png|My self insert as always XP>>

<<cdn.discordapp.com/attach.../656522716173828096/a.jpg|And make the glasses here pink, and the tie fully pink, and that'll do me fine ^w^>>

The red details were for a project I'm working on, and the glasses design always varies from artist to artist, but the reference design is what I always hope for.
03/23/20 02:18AM
03/23/20 02:28AM

This is my oc Skullgirl. She can wear what she is currently wearing
03/23/20 02:28AM
I'm gonna throw in Allison into the mix

03/23/20 02:34AM
Would love to have me/Gemna be a part of this especially with her having a party outfit already with her reference sheet lol

03/23/20 02:38AM
Lara. She's tomboyish so a basic dress or pants. Make everything you want (I'd prefer hypnotized into an animal, robot, altered perception, naked apron, maid, etc xD, but do what you want with her -no sad stuff please-.)

03/23/20 02:39AM
IDPet said:
Lara. She's tomboyish so a basic dress or pants. Make everything you want (I'd prefer hypnotized into an animal, robot, altered perception, naked apron, maid, etc xD, but do what you want with her.)


Awesome, but can you give me a specific one of these pictures I can show the artist, and also a specific oufit?

Kachopper9 said:
Well Obviously I'll put in my girl Caelia~

Same thing here. Did you have her standard outfit in mind?
03/23/20 02:45AM
Hawkeye said:
Awesome, but can you give me a specific one of these pictures I can show the artist, and also a specific oufit?

Same thing here. Did you have her standard outfit in mind?

Well, I'm the artist xD, maybe a maid costume (something like she had nothing more to wear lol)

Or if you prefer, her policewoman uniform.

her armor: hypnohub.net/post/show/92...hair-bottomless-empty_eye

03/23/20 02:45AM
IDPet said:
Well, I'm the artist xD, maybe a maid costume (something like she had nothing more to wear lol)

Or if you prefer, her policewoman uniform.

her armor: hypnohub.net/post/show/92...hair-bottomless-empty_eye

Ah sorry, I meant the artist of the comic I'm making, not the artist of the pictures she was in XD
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