03/25/20 07:25PM
Game giveaway
Hi there!

Due to the recent quarantines in many, many countries, cities and areas of the world, with many people needing to keep busy and to be entertained, I thought of helping by giving away free games. Gaming can be very nice, but it can also be expensive and thus in an effort to help those in need, I'll be giving away Steam Codes for those who don't have any money or with tight funds.

You can learn more about it by checking my latest journal on DA.

If you want one, do please comment on the journal itself as it'll be easier for me to keep track of things.

Thank you.
03/25/20 07:28PM
NGL I was almost horrified that this was a bot. Good to see that a) you're not, b) you seem to have a liking of genie stuff, and c) you're doing this nice thing for people who use Steam. I'm not one of those steamy customers, but good to see they're getting love by a nice person.
03/25/20 07:32PM
sleeperhit said:
NGL I was almost horrified that this was a bot. Good to see that a) you're not, b) you seem to have a liking of genie stuff, and c) you're doing this nice thing for people who use Steam. I'm not one of those steamy customers, but good to see they're getting love by a nice person.

Beep boop, I am Incredible Intrutron. I am a robot.

Must have genie artwork and stories. Hypnosis galore. Beep boop.

*Insert 56k modem noise here*

Joke aside, I do try to help out and I can understand why you think this might be some kind of ad, a phishing attempt and what-not...But it's genuine. I got so many games from Humble Bundle that I don't use and I'd prefer that they not waste away while people could actually enjoy them instead. :)
03/25/20 07:35PM
Incredibleintruder said:
I got so many games from Humble Bundle that I don't use and I'd prefer that they not waste away while people could actually enjoy them instead. :)

Sounds like the kind of thing my father used to chastise me for doing. I hated all of that, man; it was like he was trying to teach me not to be a good person and more than that, betray what I felt was right. Good to see someone else just go for it, helps my psyche a little.
03/25/20 07:38PM
sleeperhit said:
Sounds like the kind of thing my father used to chastise me for doing. I hated all of that, man; it was like he was trying to teach me not to be a good person and more than that, betray what I felt was right. Good to see someone else just go for it, helps my psyche a little.

I sympathize with your plea.

And I hope everything will be fine for you on your end. :)
03/25/20 07:43PM
Incredibleintruder said:
I sympathize with your plea.

And I hope everything will be fine for you on your end. :)

Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine. Didn't mean to make you worry. We all got emotional baggage, and none of us have Psychonauts on hand to help. Hope someone takes your offer, sounds pretty sweet.
03/25/20 07:44PM
sleeperhit said:
Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine. Didn't mean to make you worry. We all got emotional baggage, and none of us have Psychonauts on hand to help. Hope someone takes your offer, sounds pretty sweet.

So far it's been going well. It took off fast, but now it's slowing down. I've been spreading it around a little to make sure people take advantage of it.
03/25/20 08:42PM
Already posted a comment. Thanks a bunch.
03/25/20 08:43PM
Contorted said:
Already posted a comment. Thanks a bunch.

You're quite welcome. ;)
03/25/20 10:14PM
This is very nice of you. And thanks for the key.
03/25/20 10:35PM
Mindwipe said:
This is very nice of you. And thanks for the key.

No problem.
03/26/20 08:43AM
Said it in the comment there, but props to you for being an awesome person in times like this.

Always nice to see good people doing good things!
03/26/20 12:39PM
shotgungunshot said:
Said it in the comment there, but props to you for being an awesome person in times like this.

Always nice to see good people doing good things!

It's not much, but if it can make it so a few people can have a few hours of fun in these trying times, then I'm happy.
03/26/20 01:55PM
Saw Shenmue 1 and 2 so I couldn't resist throwing my name in the hat for such an awesome classic.

03/31/20 07:16PM

I've added some more games to the list and now people who already got one can go on and seek a second title from the list.

And it's still 100% free. ;)
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