03/28/20 05:40AM
My slightly morbid realization
I've been using the hub for years and posts are constantly being submitted everyday to the point where I miss many and tbh I check the hub more than I check all my other social media. Anyway after thinking about how it's been many years since I started using this website and the posts just keep coming and will probably eventually be too much to keep up with in a day I realized that once I die I'm gonna miss many amazing and hot posts and that really bums me out. lol. Also it's crazy how quickly time passes.
03/28/20 10:44AM
The Internet is a great ball of instant pleasure on speed, where few things are guaranteed to be seen and almost none will stay. My philosophy's always been: check out what you can, save what you must, and don't be bummed out when it's over, as an almost exact copy will probably pop up at some point in the near future.

Besides, we're all gonna die soon anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
03/28/20 12:51PM
The feeling I hate the most is all the hot post I've already missed. For example, the hypnosis chat collection which has a lot of post, but most of the links are dead, which really sucks.

Not even just on this site, but dead links on other sites, as well as youtube videos that have been deleted that I didn't save that I'll never see again, really sucks.

I'm pretty obsessed with hypnosis at this point (to the point I try to save every video or pic I like) so I doubt I'll miss or lose anything I like now. But I do get upset sometimes about all the stuff that I've missed.
03/28/20 04:25PM
I'd like to think that it's more important to leave something that others are gonna remember, rather than keep up with the things that other people keep posting, good as they may be.
03/29/20 04:56AM
Frace said:
I've been using the hub for years and posts are constantly being submitted everyday to the point where I miss many and tbh I check the hub more than I check all my other social media. Anyway after thinking about how it's been many years since I started using this website and the posts just keep coming and will probably eventually be too much to keep up with in a day I realized that once I die I'm gonna miss many amazing and hot posts and that really bums me out. lol. Also it's crazy how quickly time passes.

As the Romans said, "All Glory, is fleeting"
Life is a gift, we must enjoy what we have now, rather then yearn for the unknown we'll miss.
03/29/20 04:52PM
I mean, is the realization that death is inevitable and no matter how hard we try, we can't do everything we want in life only "slightly morbid"? Cause that sounds like an existential crisis to me.

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