03/30/20 05:37PM
Hypnotic music
There are currently 868 pictures on the Hub with the "hypnotic_music" tab. Since most of these do not specify anything about the music itself, what do you imagine hypnotic music as sounding like? Personally I always thought of something similar to Undertale's Chill: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rA36mNVPVU
03/30/20 07:42PM
<<m.youtube.com/watch?v=XR8BD6PuRQw|The Alien>> from the soundtrack of Annihilation.
04/02/20 05:23PM
The classic answer is the <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XPfoFZYso8|glass harmonica>>.
04/02/20 06:44PM
Zermelane said:
The classic answer is the <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XPfoFZYso8|glass harmonica>>.

Somehow, I imagine this as the theme for a vampiric villain staring out a window, wondering about his plans, his regrets, diving into his psyche for an unexpectedly human moment for a character that didn't seem to be heading in the direction of one.

I can't imagine what'd be coming out of hypno-rigged headphones other than a werid kind of static, but without headphones, I'll always think of a snake charmer recorder tune.
04/02/20 08:19PM
04/02/20 09:20PM
Zermelane said:
The classic answer is the <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XPfoFZYso8|glass harmonica>>.

Are you saying Delia Derbyshire had a kink?
06/03/20 11:59PM
All of your suggestions are worthless, I have found the correct answer and it is <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDISjp3aOEo|Kevin MacLeod's Garden Music>>.
06/04/20 12:09AM
sleeperhit said:

I can't imagine what'd be coming out of hypno-rigged headphones other than a werid kind of static, but without headphones, I'll always think of a snake charmer recorder tune.

"You ar listening to the weird static channel, playing weird static all the tine, please don't switch. If you have been bound and forced to listen to this via headphones, we strongly require the settings to be stereo to allow for a more threedimensional listening experience. Any urges that overcome you while listening are natural and should be carried out. And now back to 'obey, you worthless slut', one of our all-time favorites, topping the weird static charts for over 5 months, and later we have a talk panel with our best slaves, have fun listening"
06/04/20 01:33AM
Well, <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKsuRxarqAE|World of Nothing>> is kinda nice. Any subs wanna confirm, hypnotic or no?
06/05/20 07:03PM
So it's not exactly music per se, but it is audio related. Shepard (sometimes Shepard's) tone is an audio illusion of a sound that's constantly rising / falling. Since it's an illusion the range is infinite so you can listen to it for x hours and still feel like it's falling. Here is the best one I could find: youtu.be/O0ET0aMjzjQ
06/06/20 11:53PM
L991221 said:
So it's not exactly music per se, but it is audio related. Shepard (sometimes Shepard's) tone is an audio illusion of a sound that's constantly rising / falling. Since it's an illusion the range is infinite so you can listen to it for x hours and still feel like it's falling. Here is the best one I could find: youtu.be/O0ET0aMjzjQ

That sounds like it could be useful as background audio for hypnosis files. Maybe combining it with binaurals and stereo effects could make it sound even more interresting.
10/20/20 12:47PM
thanks for sharing^^
10/22/20 12:48PM
i listen different music
03/15/21 08:59AM
I can agree with opinion that music is great thing for mood and relax. Ilisten music everytime. I prefer to download favourite songs into laptop and other devices. For it I use some apps from <<notmp3.com/blog/vevo-video-downloader|here>>
03/15/21 09:41AM
I don't know why, but I feel like this might be something played at a hypnosis club:


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