03/31/20 02:34AM
Watching Eroges Online
What's up fellow hypno fans? I was wondering if anyone could help me with something. I'm fairly new to the site so I apologize if this question is posted in the wrong section. Anyways, I love seeing the screenshots from all of the hypno visual novels like Saimin Yuugi and Soushinjutsu, but I personally would actually like to see videos of the gameplay (though I'm well aware that most are not translated). Does anyone know of a good site to find and watch these? Any help would be appreciated.
03/31/20 11:31AM
well, you can just buy the game (or obtain it in "different measures") then play it yourself, there's methods to hook up to eroges' contexts then pop them to an auto translator, though it's not perfect English in any senses, you can still play quite decently due to the constant supports of the communities' translations.
03/31/20 01:39PM
I usually type the name of the game in Japanese in Google and look in the video tab, but it's gonna be extremely limited. No one would upload their gameplay of a visual novel, especially with games like these.

Most of this kind of games have demo version you can download in their official site. You can always buy the full version, though I think most of them are overpriced. Or you can obtain it in "different measure" like laststand0810 mentioned.

There's one youtube channel that uploads clips of gameplay, though they stopped uploading since 10 months ago:

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