03/31/20 10:46AM
Niche fetish boards. Any you want to find or reccomend?
I find that some niches don't have explicitly well-known image boards, and here on one of the more popular to my knowledge boards of the more specific kind, I'd like to request that we try to share our preferred niche-quenchers around, and ask if anyone has found what we need.

What do you want to share, or have be shared by someone else? I'll start!

For a while now, I've been a fan of raceplay of all kinds, but one that feels underrepresented is white-dominant raceplay, perhaps scared off from more mainstream and general sites due to being interpreted as political? A while ago I found a board called

Which managed to please this particular niche quite well, I think. The community is rather dead from what I've seen, and I wouldn't be surprised if most of the site believed in the ideology unironically, but perhaps someone else here will enjoy its artistic content and help breath some life into it.

Now, in regards to something I'd like to see someone else introduce, one niche I always found quite the treat was misogyny-play. I respect all people generally speaking, but something about misogyny-play just hits me half the time. Anyone know a board with that as the focus?

I hope we find what we're looking for here! :)
03/31/20 10:12PM
I love anthro/human raceplay, specifically human worship, and is where I go to get my fix. One of the most posted fetishes on there is human worship and I can't get enough. Kinda sucks that registration is closed and no one can make a new account.
03/31/20 10:32PM
Anyone got one for orgasm denial/edging? Been looking for one but found nothing. I know most boards tend to have a small orgasm denial section, this one included, but I just can't get enough of the stuff, lol.

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