04/08/20 08:37PM
Experiences that awakened your fetishes.
[Insert new clever intro here]

So, that hilarious intro being said, it leads perfectly into what I wanna discuss: Fetishes! Skullman's already got images on lock in another forum, but I want stories from y'all. What happened to you, and what on earth gave you the fetishes you have? The drama, the intrigue, the awakened zest, I wanna hear it all. So let loose, and maybe I'll tell mine somewhere down the line.
04/08/20 08:51PM
Please keep your thread title to something that clearly states the topic at hand.
04/08/20 08:53PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Please keep your thread title to something that clearly states the topic at hand.



do I have to make a new thread, or can I edit the title somehow?
04/08/20 09:27PM
Since It isn't about images, I think i might have an easier time...

Mystique in the X-Men movies made me really dig weird, alien-like nudity and skin-tight body suits and the like. Zero Suit Samus too.

I don't really know where my sentient slime fetish came from...Evil Brain Eating Meteor maybe?

Lola Bunny turned me into a furry. Easy. I think she also made me like boobs...

Jenny and Arcee got me into Robot Girls...

Lastly, My hypnosis fetish kinda just...emerged from the ether. I honestly do not know where the hell it came from. One day i just started looking at pictures on e621 of hypnosis, and then I found this place. It's the strangest thing...Maybe it was Poison Ivy in Batman and Robin? That's the only thing I could possibly think of...I was pretty young when I saw that movie...
04/08/20 09:54PM
sleeperhit said:


do I have to make a new thread, or can I edit the title somehow?

You should be able to edit it yourself. If not, just name a new title and I'll edit it in.
04/08/20 11:14PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
You should be able to edit it yourself. If not, just name a new title and I'll edit it in.

How about... "Awaken, my fetish!"
04/09/20 05:19AM
My hypnosis fetish started when I was 5. I saw Powerpuff Girls and the episode of Blossom getting hypnotized is what triggered it. Along with all the hypnotize the princess stuff that is floating out there in the mass media.

I sometimes only watch a tv show just for the hypnosis. Code Geass is my favorite anime since it incorporates bits of Celtic mythology, mecha, mind control and hot girls all in a great anime.
04/09/20 02:36PM
Hypnosis for me started with the Molly Moon book series, about a young orphan girl who finds a book that teachers her how to hypnotize people.

Masturbating in the shower also probably got me a couple other kinks in the pipes, I think. Combine them and you get hairwashing/brainwashing, a total fave of mine.
04/09/20 08:53PM

Yeah, it's time for my story.

When I was like 13, I went with my mom and dad to my father's co-worker's/best friend's house to meet up with some of my dad's old pals we hadn't seen in ages. Now, one of the groups there was my dad's old friend (he has a lot of those), his wife, and their daughter my age- we'll call her Paige, as a placeholder name. Paige and I had never really gotten along at all, but looking back, every time we ever hung out (a pretty rare event, we were from different states), we spent all of the time we had plotting to fucking kill each other- yet each time I looked back and say that I hated her but I had such a fun time. It was weird. Anywho, the adults were all out on the big balcony/backyard/I don't know what to call it, chatting up a storm for literal hours on end. And that just left Paige and I inside the house with little to do besides watch a Jason Bourne movie that was on TV.

That is... until Paige found the host's cat toy. I don't remember why the cat wasn't there in the house, whether or not they got rid of it, or it died, or whatever, but there was a dog that was alone in a room and didn't feel like coming out that often, and then there was this cat toy- a little thing dangling from the end of a plastic stick.

I really wish I remembered why I got it in my head to start waving it in Paige's face, and I CERTAINLY wish I remembered why she started swatting at it like a cat. Petplay-AWAKENED.

And then that went on for a while, me toying endlessly with Cat-Paige. I'm pretty sure I started petting her head at one point... hm... And then we started some mock-hypnosis shit. I'd dangle the toy back and forth, she'd fall to the ground, I'd "give" her some basic-ass trigger, I'd "wake" her up, and it kept going. (I had already known about hypnosis and been kinda interested, but not as a fetish.) Neither of us really questioned it in the moment. Hypnosis-AWAKENED.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuntil I got a little into it and might've sort've grabbed her ass.
That one put everything the hell on hold.

We started talking about how we were both pathetic bitches who weren't going to lose their virginity (I... highly doubted even then that she wouldn't end up on a street corner or in a club at some point in her life) and just were kinda desperate to feel something like that.

The awkward truth or dare session that followed (Sub-fetish- A Game of Truth Or Dare: AWAKENED.) was my first kiss. As well as the most mentally stimulating "partner" I've ever had [spoiler= my love life sucks](my first real girlfriend had the personality, default facial expression, and thought process of a dead fish, and my second was just kinda nice and there and she broke up with me the night before my birthday; my love life sucks)[/spoiler], and I never even saw Paige again after I left that night.

I really invented a thread for the attention I'd hoped to receive off of this one story, didn't I?

Well, we'll see how this goes.
04/10/20 02:35AM
sleeperhit said:
A whole block of word vomit shit

And daaaaaaaaaaamn, I really did scare everyone off!
04/10/20 04:07AM
sleeperhit said:
And daaaaaaaaaaamn, I really did scare everyone off!

Nah...Sometimes the forums just go...silent. Happens a lot.
04/10/20 04:57AM
sleeperhit said:
And daaaaaaaaaaamn, I really did scare everyone off!

It was six flipping hours.
04/10/20 05:25AM
sleeperhit said:
And daaaaaaaaaaamn, I really did scare everyone off!

Naw, it's just that I doubt most of us have an interesting story to tell, like you did. Most of us probably just saw/read Pokemon/Totally Spies/Molly Moon and thought "huh, neat" until later on it became a fetish. Not much of a yarn to tell on it.
04/10/20 07:13AM
Disney's Tropical Rainforest Pamphlet: The Movie

Featuring Vinny the Snoop as Car the Snack

Besides the obvious hypnosis and snake coil interests with The Jungle Book, I think I can blame the Aladdin cartoon for getting me into Damsel in Distress stuff. Jasmine got into a lot of trouble in that series, lol.
04/10/20 07:24AM
FenOxo games.
1 2>>>

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