04/13/20 03:19AM
Any chemical lobotomy fans?
Like, as in where a girl or maybe a boy if he's super cute like Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug are abducted and pumped full of fluid that destroys their brain, basically washing and washing and washing their brain-meat until they're nought but twitchy, gurgling meat-puppets??

04/13/20 05:37AM
Shit man, it sounds weird when you say it like that but I can dig it
04/13/20 05:45AM
Lol I totally understand !! Personally it stinks like perv so much that it totally makes ME want a lobotomy, and I'm not even a Female Purification fetish-boy or whatever creepy ickle thing they're called !! I'm only here to learn about it for something I'm writing!!
04/13/20 07:57AM
that seems less mind control more murder
04/13/20 08:45AM
skullman2033 said:
that seems less mind control more murder

I would find it hard to label it any more murder than any of the stuff on the site that implies an entirely new personality overwriting the one the person had. The only difference is the lack of a new personality in it's place. Personally I'm into it.
04/13/20 10:15AM
So, literal brainwashing? That's an interesting idea, and I like your description. "Twitchy, gurgling meat puppet" is a phrase I might have to use in the future, lol.
04/13/20 05:29PM
do you have an example of ehat you mean OP?

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