04/13/20 05:27AM
Long Time No See!
All right, so long story short, I figure I might as well give this place a shot again. Took a break due to a variety of things, figure I might as well come back.
Admittedly for a reason, lol.

I want YOU to tell me what you might find the MOST fuckworthy for an image. What is the MOST fappable image ever that you would want!
I might have plans.

-Do NOT consider this a guaranteed drawn thing, of course!
04/13/20 06:33AM
Well, its not much but I'm really into images of tentacles helping to get someone off, rubbing the clit or wrapped around the dick to stroke it, especially if the victim is also being hypnotized and trying to fight off the pleasure but in the end they give in anyways.

Risque outfits are also a plus in my book.
04/13/20 06:56AM
TheGoodShank said:

Risque outfits are also a plus in my book.

What do you mean by "risque"? Like, are we talking wearing a tutu frille for a skirt?

Or are we talking skintight rubber thong-back shirts that totally show off practically everything beneath a female's hips? Or maybe a skintight leather thong leotard that's been soaked and treated with a thick, moist, horrid substance that STINKS like Female obedience! It is tight and thick and moist and it itches and rubs and squeaks and STINKS, lol
04/13/20 07:39AM
TheGoodShank said:
Well, its not much but I'm really into images of tentacles helping to get someone off, rubbing the clit or wrapped around the dick to stroke it, especially if the victim is also being hypnotized and trying to fight off the pleasure but in the end they give in anyways.

Risque outfits are also a plus in my book.

Duly noted!
Can't promise I'll do anythin with tentacles, but there's a decent chance. Probably be good that I get some practice there, lol.
04/13/20 10:10AM
Definitely something that involves tech-control, that is the hottest way to control someone, even better if the sub is under remote control, and the ice on the cake is body control, the thought of controlling someone against her will makes it even better
04/13/20 10:17AM
Parasites all the way for me. Resisting gals into mindless drones also do it. Turning the tables can be hot.
04/13/20 03:21PM
Well, pet play, fembots or nakedness unaware are always well received for me.
04/13/20 04:16PM
People being tempted to fall into a trap, like a perfume so sweet that you can´t help but walk towards the person smelling like that or a music so incredible that you must hear more of the artist or a person so beautifull that you can´t help but stop everything that you are doing to stare at her/him.
In short anything that makes people feel so much dizzines and pleasure that they walk into traps or into the arms of a hypnotist. Its specially hot for me if they know that they are being tempted but fall anyways because they can´t think of anything that would feel better than this.
04/13/20 05:39PM
Welcome back! :)

I often like personality changing.
Stuff that either results in the character having a drastically different personality, into something like a cheerleader, nurse, robot, motherly figure, etc... with an outfit to match.

I also really like common sense/reality perception alteration.
Stuff that usually results in the whole- "What are you looking at me like that for? Sucking dick is just the normal way to greet a guy! You must not know how to be polite. No, my clothes are completely appropriate for this, thank you very much! You're just jealous of my superior sense of fashion." -trope.
04/13/20 09:19PM
Generally, enslavement is a turn-on. Futile resistance, some good spiral eyes, altered perception for the slave so that she doesn't quite see reality as it is, those are some good stuff.

BUT my number one is something I coyly dub "director's fetish". Bluntly put, I control a scene. What a slave sees? Altered and sculpted with great care and detail. Outfit? I care greatly. The emotions that a slave feels and the words used to convey those emotions? Half the conversation is written so perfectly, I can slot in and dominate their everything, their tears of fear and desperate cries of help and rescue slowly breaking away from their writhing likely penetrated bodies, until it all wears out and shatters at once, leaving only love, lust, and pure, sweet, sultry, unfiltered obedience.

Okay, I take it all back. The biggest turn-on ever is the raw power I felt writing the above paragraph. WHOO! That's a drug.
04/14/20 12:03AM
I'm a big fan of the "mindless standing at attention" type of image. Also bodysuits/leotards.
04/14/20 02:34AM
I honestly enjoy the hypnotized being aware, like “This isn’t a thing I usually do? Why am I doing this?” That sort of thing
04/15/20 04:28AM
Sexuality change Straight to gay is pretty hot to me personally.
04/15/20 10:16PM
Roomful (3 or more) people just sorta zonked and somewhere between messily unclothed and naked.

Fetish overdrive if there's a pettanko in frame grinning smugly at her harem.

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