04/20/20 09:06AM
Unique inductions
I've always had a thing for inductions involving creative and out there ideas, the more creative the better, and as hypnosis in works outside of this specific community tends to be samey and bland in execution, I figured the best way to rectify the situation would be to make a forum for the weirdest induction methods you can find. They can come from anything from movies, games, stories etc. I couldn't find a forum for this, but if it does exist, I'll take this down
04/20/20 10:07AM
Well, mine would be a humorous twist on the classic strapped-to-a-machine scenario with hypnotic helmet, only instead of a normal one it resembles more an old diving helmet with round fish lens and it has knobs like a washing machine, basically it washes out your mind with a hypnotic solution then dries it into a more mallable form, then tumbles the new mind together. You could use it for opposite personalities, creating mindless drones, or sissification.
04/20/20 10:10AM
There was a (Chinese, I think?) movie that came out recently called Guilt by Design about some guy in a jury blackmailed to try to fix a verdict - the guy's a hypnotist (and, from what I saw, the hypnosis scenes are actually pretty hot). It has one of the most... creative... induction methods I think I've ever seen, with a microwave of all things.
04/20/20 12:54PM
04/20/20 03:44PM

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