03/28/14 06:05AM
Tagging Scheme Overhauled - Please Read!
Last Edited: 04/07/14
Most recent changes in bold.

Alright, so, thanks to the hard work and brainpower of the people who participated in the <<|Official Tags Thread>> and my fellow administrators, we found a way to improve our tagging scheme. Most of these changes have to do with furry characters, but monster girls and pretty much anything not strictly human is effected, so I suggest you read on.

Here's a list of the changes:

* There is a new [[Animal_Only]] tag.
** All images that have animals as the sole character focus use this tag. Animal characters no longer warrant the use of the Furry tag.

* The [[Furry]] tag is now to be used on anthros but not animals, as implied above.

* The [[Monster Girl]] tag now has a brother tag, [[Monster Boy]].
** Obviously, each tag will be used synonymously to one another with characters of the appropriate gender.

* The [[Monster]] tag has been redefined entirely. To see how it is now used, just read the tag definition via the link.

* The [[Animal Ears]] tag is no longer used for Furry or Animal characters!
** Furry characters with animal ears will now get the [[Anthro Ears]] tag.
** Animal characters are just assumed to have ears most of the time that their species generally has ears. Would you really be surprised to see a dog with ears? No? Didn't think so. :P

* There is a new [[Anthro Ears]] tag, which has been outlined in one of the subpoints directly above this one.

* The [[Bestiality]] tag is now used when a non-animal non-monster character is having sex with an animal, rather than just when a human is having sex with an animal.

Those are all very specific changes. This next one is more general.

* All gender-specific "species" tags, such as cat_girl and dragon_girl, will use an equivalent tag with the opposite gender suffix for male characters, such as cat_boy and dragon_boy. Just like how we added the monster_boy tag for the same reason.
** There are a few tags for which this doesn't work for whatever reason, such as [[Mermaid]]. Mermaids are, by definition, female. A mermaid_man tag wouldn't make any sense. As such, the gender opposite of mermaid is [[Merman]].
** Furry and Monster_<gender> characters, as well as those tagged with animal_ears or fake_animal_ears, will all use these gender-specific species tags. Animal characters, however, will use species tags without a gender suffix, such as Cat and Dragon.

And that's all of the major changes. It's a lot to take in at once, I know. If you have trouble understanding this summary of the changes, you can take a look at my <<|unofficial summary>> (the reference the animal tag here is outdated; read about the animal_only tag in this post, here), which might be easier to understand, as a lot of the detail is cut out and it's formatted differently.

If you have any questions about all these changes, feel free to ask.

And, remember: if you're unsure about how to tag something, do what you think is right and then ask on the comments for that image.
03/28/14 09:22AM
Anonymous01 said:
What about subsection furry types like "scalie"?

No. The furry tag covers all anthropomorphized animals. Such things would be found under "lizard_girl/boy" and similar.

What about a "Tail_sex" tag?

I have mentioned the possibility of adding the "tail_insertion" tag from other boorus to this one due to its occurrence in a lot of snake images. It'll probably happen at some point.

Can another type of searching be added? For example (I know the specific tags are not used here) searching for "female" but not "male" but not if the picture also has "solo"?

To exclude tags from searches, just type a - before it. So, for example "snake -kaa" will get you all snake images that are not also tagged with "kaa".

I'd also like to mention that if you have any suggestions for new tags or tag changes, you can make them in forum #8844.
03/28/14 10:01AM
Anonymous01 said:
I'm searching for "verb". I do not want pictures that have both the tags "male" and "solo", but I want pictures that just have one of the tags.
Is that possible in the current searching system? Can it be added?

I don't see how that's different from what I described. If you searched "male -solo". You'd get pics with the "male" tag, but not the "solo" tag. You could combine this with other tags if you wanted. For example, "pendulum femsub -malesub" gets you only females being hypnotized by pendulums.
03/28/14 02:22PM
If i understand what Anonymous01 wants, it could be achieved by doing three seperate searches (tags you want -male -solo, tags you want male -solo, and then tags you want solo -male) but not with one single search. I think they want, not a search that finds those tags, but a search that only finds images that DON'T have BOTH tags at once.
03/28/14 08:18PM
GJT0530 said:
If i understand what Anonymous01 wants, it could be achieved by doing three seperate searches (tags you want -male -solo, tags you want male -solo, and then tags you want solo -male) but not with one single search. I think they want, not a search that finds those tags, but a search that only finds images that DON'T have BOTH tags at once.

Ah, yes. If this is the case, then there's no way to do it outside of multiple searches, as there's no way to do an "either/or" search with exclusions. I feel like I might be able to help more if I knew exactly what he was trying to search for, though.
03/28/14 09:04PM
You can do an OR search with tags, actually. Prefix the tags with a tilde (~). However, OR searches cannot be done with other types of searches. So, for example:

"~femsub ~femdom" - The results will have EITHER the femsub tag OR the femdom tag, but never both.

"~femsub ~femdom malesub" - Because a normal tag search was added to the OR tag search, the OR tag search won't work and is ignored. Instead of the intended, this search will result in the same thing as if you searched for "femsub femdom malesub" and find only images that have all three.

You can find this information and a bit more on the <<|cheat sheet>> section of our help files.

Just ignore the part where it says to use LastName_FirstName order in tags for character names, since we don't do that here.
03/28/14 09:06PM
Vanndril said:
"~femsub ~femdom" - The results will have EITHER the femsub tag OR the femdom tag, but never both.

This isn't true. I tested it, and you will get pics with both.
03/29/14 09:35PM
As far as I can tell, all options marked with a ~ are put in a list and the search requires "at least one" of all ~ tags.
If you search "~femsub ~femdom maledom malesub" you get a maledom and a malesub in each image, and then also probably a femsub, because it's rare to have two different gender doms, and "at least one" of them is required.

So my guess is that if you search "~femsub ~femdom malesub" you get all items tagged malesub that are also tagged femsub, femdom, or both.
03/30/14 01:30PM
greasyi said:
As far as I can tell, all options marked with a ~ are put in a list and the search requires "at least one" of all ~ tags.
If you search "~femsub ~femdom maledom malesub" you get a maledom and a malesub in each image, and then also probably a femsub, because it's rare to have two different gender doms, and "at least one" of them is required.

So my guess is that if you search "~femsub ~femdom malesub" you get all items tagged malesub that are also tagged femsub, femdom, or both.

Ah, I may have misunderstood the feature, then. Honestly, I've never had to use it. But that makes more sense.
04/07/14 05:16PM
Vanndril said:
Ah, I may have misunderstood the feature, then. Honestly, I've never had to use it. But that makes more sense.

You described an XOR (exclusive-OR) earlier. The way it works is the way ORs work.
04/08/14 12:10AM
TakyonH said:
You described an XOR (exclusive-OR) earlier. The way it works is the way ORs work.

Yeah, I knew that. :P

I just wasn't sure which way this was set up and for some reason just assumed it was using exclusive OR logic.

I'll admit that I never saw exclusive OR referred to as XOR. Is that a standard?
04/08/14 01:29AM
Vanndril said:
Yeah, I knew that. :P

I just wasn't sure which way this was set up and for some reason just assumed it was using exclusive OR logic.

I'll admit that I never saw exclusive OR referred to as XOR. Is that a standard?

Yeah, at least in comp sci and logic stuff. OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, fun stuff.
06/03/14 12:26PM
Post unstickied, because it's no longer current news.

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