04/20/20 03:44PM
Would anyone have an idea how to transpose the translated notes on the Hub to downloaded pictures?
What the title says. Basically, there's a few images on here which have been kindly translated by members of the community, and I'd like to get them and their translation. Now, I know I can erase the text and write the translation replacement in Photoshop or Paint, but I was wondering if there was a way to have the Japanese text stay, but have transparent "translation boxes" on top (like the ones we have on the Hub, only, y'know, as a software). Anyone have any ideas?
04/21/20 04:24AM
you know it's not how pictures in computer work right? :)
other way i think you could do is stretching the pic's border down making a blank rectangle under it then paste the translation there
or you could also make a pdf, there's a note feature similar to what we have in the hub, you can make your own comic strip also, there's Adobe acrobat or foxit for it.
04/21/20 10:05AM
laststand0810 said:
you know it's not how pictures in computer work right? :)

Well, I was wondering if there was a software for it, that's why I asked. Your suggestions about pdf are interesting though, I might give that a try. Thanks.
04/21/20 01:13PM
Sorry for the double post, but just reporting back that laststand's method worked. I made some sticky note comments on a converted pdf in Acrobat that display the translation when hovered over, which was what I essentially wanted. The best part is that pools of images can be grouped into single comic images that are easier to read like this.

My only complaint is that I can't use my default PDF reader, CDisplayEx (the most convenient one in my opinion) to read these notes, but ah well. It's a good solution still.

So yeah, if anyone's wondering (I doubt it, but I'll post my method just in case): convert your images to PDF (I used <<|PDFCandy>>, but I'm pretty sure any converter, online or offline, works), then in Acrobat Reader, you can add some sticky notes as comments - just copy/paste the translation on each of the text bubbles.
04/21/20 06:46PM
good to hear that my ideas was of some use. I was even intend to suggest building a small image loader on web, running with local data, just like what in the hub right now but with data on the computer. My web dev skill have risen up a bit lately so it would be fun to do something like that in my free time.

maybe a couple of weeks later i'd push the source onto github, might share if posible.
04/21/20 07:17PM
laststand0810 said:
good to hear that my ideas was of some use. I was even intend to suggest building a small image loader on web, running with local data, just like what in the hub right now but with data on the computer. My web dev skill have risen up a bit lately so it would be fun to do something like that in my free time.

maybe a couple of weeks later i'd push the source onto github, might share if posible.

That sounds like a really cool thing, if you can do it! Good luck with that, please don't forget to share if you finish it :D

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