04/21/20 02:49AM
A general pokémon game thread
Hello everybody

I hope a thread like this doesn't exist yet, I've gone through 20 pages in the search history.

So yeah, as I'm a pretty big fan of the series itself (and not just the hypno parts) I'd like to just open up a general thread to talk about it and its other facets, be it the games, the anime, the mangas or just anything.

I'm a veteran player and I've been into the competitive side since way back in gen4. Is anyone else into competitive play? Or curious about it? Or do you like to collect? Hunt or breed shinies?

Do you like to spice up your games? Nutzlockes, speedruns or other challenges?

As you probably noticed I'm very into the games, but this should not dissuade anybody from talking about the anime, manga, spin-offs, selfmade content or literally anything.
04/21/20 03:38AM
I just play the tabletop anymore. It's just the best way anymore
04/21/20 03:45AM
I'm a casual player, I started back in Gen 4, and haven't played since Gen 5, preferring 2D graphics and that cute shit in Heartgold where you can have a Pokemon (even Legendaries) follow you around and emote to you.

Competitive play never interested me, because I like playing with my personal faves, and my personal faves would be inviable together, competitively speaking :P. My favorite evolutionary lines are Duskull, Shroomish, Magnemite, Corphish, Cyndaquil, Venipede, Kabuto, Solosis. Put that together and it makes a Pokerap, but yeah, inviable.
04/21/20 03:55AM
I love JRPG's. Straight-up. Octopath Traveler, Final Fantasy VII, Persona 5, Kingdom Hearts, Xenoblade, Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario, the list goes on. I love strategies, I love party building, weakness systems, customizability, good stories and worlds, it's all the stuff I live for.

And the world of Pokemon, from the designs of the creatures, to the myriad human characters, to the lore, to the hours I spend just reading through the Pokedex online to learn more about this realized world and these realized species, to just how FIRE certain generations of the anime were. All magnificent.

I have never liked a main series Pokemon video game that much.
04/21/20 06:18AM
My fav starters are as follows:


Also, I really enjoyed Colosseum.

I'd also like to point out two interesting videos:

<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtYdnwBXp8M|So This Is Basically Pokemon>>
<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGhpDOx0CMk|Let's Make A Pokemon Game>>
04/21/20 10:02AM
When I was a kid, I was a huge fan of the card game - tbh, I played that way more than any of the video games. For some reason, I've also always loved Mewtwo since Smash Bros Melee, no idea why (and the character was actually probably the worst one in the game, but I liked his fighting style).
04/21/20 04:47PM
I see myself as a casual-competitive player. By that I mean I understand EVs/IVs and like to theorycraft a bit, but I'm more interested in messing around with weird builds than actually trying to win. Everything must also have Attack or Special Attack maxed, even things like Ferrothorn or Skarmory >=]

I used to bring a joke OU team into battle spot back in XY/ORAS to make it look like a normal battle. Then in comes Genger Explosion turn 1 into Metronome spam Togekiss, and finally Mega-Evolve the Gyarados to have it use Splash. Had more than a few people just pause for a bit after the initial boom and just roll with the silliness after they realized what was happening.

Also Gourgeist counters Physical Aegislash; nobody knows Phantom Force goes through Kings Shield. There was one time I Trick-or-Treated a Snorlax and it Cursed itself to death. Fun times.
04/21/20 06:40PM
I played since Red/Blue, still play now, bought 2 switches last 6 months to play double pack by myself. I play breeding most of the time, breed 6ivs with egg moves and HAs, sometimes even hunt 5ivs shinies which pop out quite a lot. Never was a competitive guy though, find it hard to form up strats to play though I do know a few common tricks like fling belch or running weather team with swift swim and rain disk. I kind of a bad loser myself too so I try not to get involve.

Just sayin' it was kind of a let down this gen, bought a lot of things but ends up not playing much, the whole giant hunting was kind of fall apart after lots of exploit, got myself so many rare stuff which makes them not rare anymore. too bad for the first 360 moving gen.

might be back this June, already bought both the expansions.
04/21/20 09:49PM
Those were a lot of answers. I'll try to react to as much as I can (:

Dr_Mabuse said:
Duskull, Shroomish, Magnemite, Corphish, Cyndaquil, Venipede, Kabuto, Solosis. Put that together and it makes a Pokerap, but yeah, inviable.

Breloom and Magnezone are really powerful, Crawdaunt and Reuniclus are also very powerful, just slightly outclassed and pretty much all of this works pretty well in a Trick Room team, so it's not completely unviable (:

sleeperhit said:
I love strategies, I love party building, weakness systems, customizability, good stories and worlds, it's all the stuff I live for.

I have never liked a main series Pokemon video game that much.

But isn't pokémon perfect for all that? You have hundreds of different possible party members (crossing out some pre-evolutions) and a near limitless number of possible strategies, you can tailor stats to the extreme and it is very customizable.

ghost13 said:

Also, I really enjoyed Colosseum.

Yeah, I really loved them too. I especially liked the idea that was more expanded in xd about corrupted moves, like the corrupted fire, ice and lightning moves. While I'm not too much a fan of corruption in mind control themed stuff, I love it in regular media, the idea of amplifying an existing power but also making it more sinister and aggressive is great.

TheMadPrince said:
When I was a kid, I was a huge fan of the card game - tbh, I played that way more than any of the video games. For some reason, I've also always loved Mewtwo since Smash Bros Melee, no idea why (and the character was actually probably the worst one in the game, but I liked his fighting style).

The card game was great (or maybe still is, I haven't kept up since long long ago), have you played the tcg2 game? It was japan exclusive, but there are english patches and it is just soo good. They add Team Grand Rocket, a more cult like version of Team Rocket that specifies in dark counterparts to regular mons, and so much more. The dark gym leaders can even implement special rules in a battle, like the grass leader fighting in an arena that makes all grass types immune to any status with her ace card being Dark Vileplume that can now freely spam Petal Dance without being confused.

Cradily said:

Also Gourgeist counters Physical Aegislash; nobody knows Phantom Force goes through Kings Shield. There was one time I Trick-or-Treated a Snorlax and it Cursed itself to death. Fun times.

There once was a halloween tournament where only ghosts were allowed, a metagame completely dominated by Spiritomb (no weakness to ghost), Mega-Banette (can take out all the other ghosts with priority moves) and Aegislash (yeah, broken) and being able to hit with Phantom Force against Aegislash was one of the absolute center pieces of the metagame.

laststand0810 said:
Never was a competitive guy though, find it hard to form up strats to play though I do know a few common tricks like fling belch or running weather team with swift swim and rain disk. I kind of a bad loser myself too so I try not to get involve.

Just sayin' it was kind of a let down this gen, bought a lot of things but ends up not playing much, the whole giant hunting was kind of fall apart after lots of exploit, got myself so many rare stuff which makes them not rare anymore. too bad for the first 360 moving gen.

might be back this June, already bought both the expansions.

Fling is actually a pretty awful move that is never used in competitive at all, same kinda goes for Rain Dish, which is essentially considered a waste of time when you only have limited turns to overwhelm your opponent with swift swimmers. Swift Swim, Sand Rush etc. are very awesome though.

I also felt somewhat let down by the generation, but more by the battle aspect. Dynamax is absolutely horribly unbalanced in battles. It's a fun thing for raids, but in battles it is just completely out of control. Also a 20 minute timer is way too short.
04/21/20 10:00PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
But isn't pokémon perfect for all that? You have hundreds of different possible party members (crossing out some pre-evolutions) and a near limitless number of possible strategies, you can tailor stats to the extreme and it is very customizable.

That's the point I was making. Theoretically, it should be a great fit for me, but it just isn't. They have not hooked me. I practically force myself to get my second badge, and then I'm just out of the game. I am bored to tears. Pokemon as a world and concept isn't suited to be a turn-based RPG, I find. As funny as that sounds, a grid-based system with movement and positioning being more important seems far better for how Pokemon works outside of the games themselves. Maybe it's because of move stamina, or how you're only limited to four moves a 'mon, but something about Pokemon just drags ON and ON and O N while games like Octopath Traveler and Final Fantasy VII nearly break me from their speed.

I don't think they're very well done. If they were the only outlet to experience this world that Game Freak created, that timeline's me would be far easier on it. But as it stands, the RPG's aren't very good.
04/21/20 10:17PM
If I could have any Pokemon in real life, I'd want a Golett/Golurk


Because Giant Robots. That's why.
04/21/20 10:31PM
sleeperhit said:
I am bored to tears. Pokemon as a world and concept isn't suited to be a turn-based RPG, I find. As funny as that sounds, a grid-based system [...] seems far better [...] something about Pokemon just drags ON and ON and O N while games like Octopath Traveler and Final Fantasy VII nearly break me from their speed.

While a Tactics-style Pokemon game could be neat, I also need you to get the eff off my lawn
04/22/20 12:01AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
While a Tactics-style Pokemon game could be neat, I also need you to get the eff off my lawn

Didn't they try that while crossing it with the Sengoku Era?
04/22/20 12:39AM
Nobunaga's Ambition is a separate franchise.
04/22/20 02:35AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
While a Tactics-style Pokemon game could be neat, I also need you to get the eff off my lawn

I don't get it. "Lawn"? Don't get the joke.
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