04/22/20 11:51PM
Got a craving for drones, any recommendations for stories/games/etc?
Big fan of Uzobono and Tabico's 'Core' and 'Aria of the Hive' series, especially the whole mc content, the corruption, and the robotization. Also followed the Drone Agenda series and really enjoy those as well as John Doe's Birdcage which I'm severely bummed how little there is of that series. But I'm struggling to find similar content beyond that, especially when it comes to games (only one I can think of that has those elements is Cereborg).
Anyone got any recommendations?
04/26/20 03:54AM
Spiral Clicker has two "Drone" trances, although they're basically just some text that doesn't affect gameplay. It's still a great game overall, though, so I'd recommend it.
04/26/20 04:41AM
edcellwarrior said:
Spiral Clicker has two "Drone" trances, although they're basically just some text that doesn't affect gameplay. It's still a great game overall, though, so I'd recommend it.

some of the trances on Spiral Clicker have a voice option, no clue if there's one for Drone, have not used the voice

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