04/27/20 08:18PM
Loading bug in Sonia and the Hypnotic City
Hello, so I've been wanting to play this hypno centered game called Sonia and the Hypnotic City, but there's this bug where at the start of the game, at the exact same moment, every single time, I get this message:

Now I can press a key to make it go away and the game continues, however it comes back regularly, and it becomes an actual problem shortly after, when the game tries to load something and it gets stuck in a loop of trying to load it, failing, giving the error message, and trying again. On the download page it did say to install a Japanese language pack, which I did. I even set the region and language of my computer to Japanese in order to make sure that's not the issue, but the bug persists.

One last potentially useful information is that the message tells that the game can't load a certain file, I tried looking for said file since the message gives its supposed location but couldn't find it. So in one last attempt to fix the problem, I placed a png with the same name where this seemingly missing file is supposed to be to see if it would load it but I still get the same message.

So yeah, I'm out of ideas and I couldn't find anyone who had the same problem so I'm making this forum post. Any idea would be greatly appreciated.
04/29/20 09:03PM
This might be a locale problem (system language and locale are different things, changing one might not change the other). There happens to be one single image in the game that is named using Japanese characters rather than English. It seems that the error you're getting is happening because the game is asking the system to grab that image, but the system can't interpret the Japanese characters with its current locale.
<<|Here's a guide to change locale for Windows 10.>>
Try changing your system locale to Japanese. Do note that this will cause some minor changes and/or compatibility issues that may or may not matter to you.
If you'd rather not change your system settings, you can also use <<|Locale Emulator>>, a tool that lets you run a program with a Japanese locale, even if your system locale is something else.

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