04/29/20 10:52PM
Searching for untranslated MC works to translate
Heyo people!

As the title says I am looking for suggestions on untranslated, Japanese, MC works. I guess it does not have to be explicit content but, I mean... you know, given the wast majority of content on this site and all.

Preferably looking for manga/doujin material for translation instead of individual images like I have seen threads for around here before.

Looking because the small extra income from the scanlation group work I'm part of as well as me trying to practice my Japanese has left me in a position to try to get some of the works out there that never got a translation, translated. (This would involve me commissioning help from the scanlation group on translating and me taking on the editing)

Some of the previous work(Hand-picking MC based work):

So yeah, thats more or less it! If you have any works that you've always wanted translated but never got to see, now's the time to post it!
Big or small, it does not matter, if it ain't suggested then I will for sure not pick it up!

Slight disclaimer here at the end: Just want to say that even if you do place a comment down below with something there is no guarantee that I'll get to it or that I will even go in order of comments. I'll reserve the right to pick and choose the works I get most excited by personally.

Anyways, stay safe out there friends!
04/29/20 10:57PM
Or, of course if anyone would like to go directly to them they do more or less everything, as far as I've experienced there is no genera/tags they don't do. You can easily find them at: hennojin.com/home/
04/30/20 01:42AM
Just throwing this out there in case you decide to try it =P


It's some kind of church girl that revives like Re:Zero? There's a succubus mind control/hypno part it seems around page 64-7x, otherwise I have no idea what this story is about, just a lot of 'wtf??' based on the images.
04/30/20 02:05AM

I aspire to be able to read this some day when my Japanese is less god awful
04/30/20 02:15AM

This, right here. I really want to be able to read this. Especially since it stands out from the majority of MC hentai by hypnosis not just being an excuse for sex...


And this because the previous chapter brought up that hypnosis does not work unless the hypnotized is willing to accept the suggestion.
04/30/20 07:50AM
Underscore said:

Some of the previous work(Hand-picking MC based work):

Yo I fucking love you man, each of those were ones I wanted translations for, was even about to pay for someone to translate the last two, so glad I waited. I've got a couple doujins I've been wanting to see translated if you're up for it.

This one I found on a japanese website dedicated to milf hentai, it's got some pretty nice eye effects and expressions

This one just has great facial expressions on the girl's part

These two are sequels to a touhou futa hypnosis doujin I liked, but weren't translated like the first one was

I like this one cause you don't see a lot of chubby girls getting hypnotized

These two are both from kamiya ogawa, and his mind control stuff is always really nice, they're also from galleries centered around mind control so there might be some other doujins you'd enjoy in them
exhentai.org/s/3e2f39a0c8/1548107-25 pages 25-50
exhentai.org/s/6e38231e39/1231908-6 pages 6-31

This last one is really long and in 3d, but the facial expressions and how seemingly deep the girls go make up for it, at least in my opinion

Thanks again for translating those three you mentioned, hope you like one or more of these enough to translate them too
04/30/20 07:51AM
do you do audio works?
04/30/20 10:21AM
skullman2033 said:
do you do audio works?

Flyman said:
Yo I fucking love you man, each of those were ones I wanted translations for, was even about to pay for someone to translate the last two, so glad I waited. I've got a couple doujins I've been wanting to see translated if you're up for it.

Thanks again for translating those three you mentioned, hope you like one or more of these enough to translate them too

Just to confirm, while I am taking suggestions here, you don't want me anywhere near translation in any official capacity just yet xD

Flyman said:
Thanks again for translating those three you mentioned, hope you like one or more of these enough to translate them too

Thanks for your high praises, but I don't feel they are justly directed to me. I've only ever been the editor on these three meaning I've only done the cleaning and typesetting. Other people in the scanlation group does the translating.

Only one I can take credit for I guess would be the first link in terms of I was the one to commission it as well as edit it. Still not translating yet, but was a little more involved in getting it made.

skullman2033 said:
do you do audio works?

I am still very much so learning the language so for audio works it would technically not be me but the other guys/girls in the group. That being said it would not have been the first audio work to come through Hennojin so I don't see why not. (Though don't expect us to dub it... we tried it once... you don't want that... trust me fam, you really don't xD)


As an overall note; Thanks to everyone who has posted so far, I knew it was both a good and bad idea to ask for this here. Good in terms of finding awesome looking works I had never heard of/seen before that would be awesome in general to get translated.
Bad in terms of the amount of work/commissions I am now probably going to end up making to get some of this stuff translated xD
Keep em coming though! Not fully decided on anything yet and even still, this post is already an awesome list to keep coming back to whenever I work up some disposable income to get another work translated again or for when I actually learn enough to do it myself!
04/30/20 08:34PM
You wouldn't be able to upload it to the Hub but can you consider translating any of Hypno Sushi's works?

04/30/20 11:17PM
One of the ones I can think of off the top of my head would be "Saimin de Joushiki ga Kowasareta Sekai" by eitarou
05/01/20 04:03AM
This has a bit of mind control in it:


05/01/20 04:15AM
Thanks for taking suggestions, you should check these:
e-hentai.org/g/954194/1d41384754/ (this already has textless a version in it)
they're both one-shots focused around mc
e-hentai.org/g/312602/9874dc7003/ (this is the second part of 2, the other was already translated many years ago, but they left the second untranslated)
05/01/20 03:41PM
honestly the rest of the brainwashing runway on this site really needs to be translated,also there was an update of 6 pics from the artist as well not on the site yet
05/04/20 06:55PM
Heyo people!
Just wanted to give a quick update here to make sure you all don't feel like I just dropped this thread.

Just placed a few (like 6) works in for translation (1 or 2 of them were my own suggestions). And to be a maximal tease I ain't gonna spoil which ones xD

I'll be sure to post an update to this thread when they release as well as do my now standard routine of posting the cover with the e-hentai link onto the image board as well :)

So keep your eyes peeled! I hope there is something in these that everyone can enjoy!

(And as a last note, I'll probably just keep on reviving this thread when I am going for the next wave of stuff to commission so if people out there still feel like dropping suggestions in here (or if you'd rather PM me on the hub) I'll be keeping up to date on this thread as I compile my list for the second wave of MC commissions :))

Stay safe out there people!
05/05/20 06:33AM
Some of my favorites that never got translated: exhentai.org/g/1039404/e331dd0072/

@ghost13 Second one got translated already and licensed on fakku sadly, so it'll get taken down if another translation happens and gets put on exhentai, it would stay up on nhentai though.
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