04/30/20 07:23AM
RP the sex lab
You are involved with a lab that has the goal to advance sex to even higher levels.
There are a lot of sexy scientist and experiments to have "fun" with to~

Appearance:( height,boobs ass and/or dick size,eyes,hair etc)
Rank:( rank 1-5 can enter levels that are the same as/or under there rank, 1=safest 5=most dangerous)
Department:("OBJECTS" sex toys etc,"EXPERIMENTS" living creatures made/found by the lab)

Cereal Number: ( any number)
Threat Level:(1-5)
Gender:(if any or multiple)
Trait:( super power etc)

05/24/20 01:57AM
Experiment #106
Threat level: 2
Name: Admit 1
Description: This object takes the form of a roll of tickets. The individual tickets measure 1 inch by two inches. They are made from red paper and have the words, "Admit One", printed on them.

When a ticket is torn off from the roll and presented to a person, that person appears to go into a trance. They will take the ticket from the presenter and tear it in half, preventing it's reuse. If the presenter withdraws the ticket before the subject takes it and withholds it for at least 4 seconds, the subject will awaken with no memory of having gone into a trance. The ticket can be reused under these circumstances. If attempts are made to prevent the subject from tearing the ticket after it has been handed over, the subject will resist even to the point of violence. Expirement proposals to use lethal force to retake a ticket to see if it can be reused have been denied by the ethics committee.

Once the ticket has been torn, the subject will remain in a trance and wait for the presenter to make a request. In experiment 106-B, the subject was kept waiting for 72 hours before a request was made.

The subject will only respond to requests to be allowed to penetrate the subject, all other requests are ignored. The subject will agree to oral, vaginal, or anal penetration if female. The subject will agree to oral or anal penetration if male. Sexual orientation, social norms, age difference between the subject and presenter, or preexisting relationships between subject and presenter do not appear to affect the subject's willingness to allow themselves to be penetrated by the presenter. If vaginal or anal is requested, and the subject is wearing clothing that would be a barrier, they will remove those articles of clothing immediately without being asked. The subject is equally willing to be penetrated by objects as well the presenter's member. Once the presenter withdraws the object or their member, the subject will put on any removed clothing and awaken with no memory of the events.

The ticket roll came to the lab's attention after it was used in a domestic homicide. On ##/##/2008, in the suburban neighborhood of ############ outside the city of ######## police responded to the sound of a gunshot and found the home's residence next to the body of her husband. After initially interviewing the woman, the police called our organization for a consultation. A lab representative interviewed the women and discovered that her husband had acquired the roll of tickets from an unknown source and were using them to cheat on her. She decided to get revenge by stealing the roll and giving a ticket to her husband. The husband then allowed himself to be anally penetrated by the barrel of the gun they kept in the home for protection.

This object has been assigned a threat level of 2.

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