05/04/20 10:35PM
I Think I Tranced Myself Somehow
I've tried hypnotize myself for years through online files. Occasionally I'd feel all warm and floaty or something, but none of the triggers really worked. I've just always had so much trouble clearing my mind and not focusing on the fact that I was trying to hypnotize myself.

See, I've always vaguely hoped that, somehow, I'd be able to use a trance state to live out my impossible fantasies in especially fantastical scenarios -- ironically as a dom, not as a sub. After all, the kind of stuff we like on sites like this isn't exactly something we can live out in real life, for the most part. What better way to live these things out than in the comfort of one's own mind? Of course, that way of liign out my fantasies has remained a fantasy itself for a long time.

However, to my surprise, I think I somehow successfully hypnotized myself this morning, completely by accident. I woke up way too early and decided that there was no point in getting up yet, so I turned over and tried to get back to sleep. Along the way, I just kinda starting thinking of a sequence of lights to focus on and clear my thoughts.

That's when I realized that I was beginning to feel all floaty again, but this time, I somehow managed to keep my thoughts totally clear. Maybe it's because I was so tired from just waking up, I don't know. But anyway, I was completely empty except for my own voice in the back of my head who realized what a golden opportunity this was.

The first thing I tried to do was give myself a trigger to get back to the same state easily, but after that I thought I'd try to live out a fantasy.

And it worked. It actually worked. I could feel my body and perspective shifting until I was a snake in a tree with a hypnotized damsel in my coils. I remember feeling her in my grip, remember seeing her obedient smile, remember commanding her and seeing her obey. I even remember the taste of her feet in my mouth.

It was like something between dream and reality -- it was clearly unreal, but it was all so vivid in the moment. I'm also fairly certain it wasn't a literal dream, since in the back of my mind I knew where I really was, and I was able to consciously control things; I've never done that before. I had the impression that if I got better at this, it would be so much clearer and easier to control.

But as swiftly as it began, the whole thing began to fade, and I was back to full awareness. I tried to say the trigger I initially planted, but all that did (and currently does, actually) was make my feet and eyes twitch a bit or stretch out.

I don't know if that was an actual trance, or if I somehow accidentally lucid dreamed or what. All I know is I really, really want to do it again and get better at it.

Has anyone here ever experienced anything like this or have advice for how to repeat it?

05/04/20 11:51PM
Don't drink Fiji Water guys.
05/05/20 12:07AM
DouDile said:
Don't drink Fiji Water guys.

If you're implying I'm on drugs, you're wrong. If you're implying something else, I'm not sure what it is. I'm more a Dasani guy myself.
05/05/20 12:32AM
Nadie said:
If you're implying I'm on drugs, you're wrong. If you're implying something else, I'm not sure what it is. I'm more a Dasani guy myself.

05/05/20 12:42AM
DouDile said:

While I appreciate your highly insightful comment, I would ask that future replies be restricted in scope to the actual subject of my original post.
05/05/20 12:58AM
Nadie said:
While I appreciate your highly insightful comment, I would ask that future replies be restricted in scope to the actual subject of my original post.

I'm trying to give some life on this, i hope and don't die like other post.
05/05/20 01:30AM
DouDile said:
I'm trying to give some life on this, i hope and don't die like other post.

Oh, well I appreciate that. I really would like some input from the folks around here. I'm hoping people just haven't seen it yet.
05/05/20 04:08AM
Wow...when you go into trance it sounds like a vivid, lucid dream! I wish that I could have dreams like that and go into trance that vividly. When I get tranced, it just feels a little floaty...
05/05/20 04:27AM
Defcon7 said:
Wow...when you go into trance it sounds like a vivid, lucid dream! I wish that I could have dreams like that and go into trance that vividly. When I get tranced, it just feels a little floaty...

When you go into trance are you giving yourself suggestions? That's what I did, somehow. That dim voice just told me "You're a snake in a tree." Or something like that and it just happened.

The closest I'd previously come to using that voice was with my fingers. I'd try to meditate on my fingertips and convince myself that they were getting closer together then further apart. Eventually I'd just be using my inner voice like "now your fists are clenching," and it felt like they were clenching all on their own.

I previously tried to use that same technique to visualize fantasy scenarios, but it never worked before this morning. I wonder what changed; I was hardly even trying this time, and it's been months since I last tried the finger thing.
05/05/20 04:31AM
Nadie said:
When you go into trance are you giving yourself suggestions? That's what I did, somehow. That dim voice just told me "You're a snake in a tree." Or something like that and it just happened.

The closest I'd previously come to using that voice was with my fingers. I'd try to meditate on my fingertips and convince myself that they were getting closer together then further apart. Eventually I'd just be using my inner voice like "now your fists are clenching," and it felt like they were clenching all on their own.

I previously tried to use that same technique to visualize fantasy scenarios, but it never worked before this morning. I wonder what changed; I was hardly even trying this time, and it's been months since I last tried the finger thing.

The thing is, I always have someone else trance me. And i've never done live verbal hypnosis, always just text. (I prefer having male tists dom me with text instead of voice...I'm really only comfortable with female voiced hypno.)

I also feel like I need to have a heavy mix of Binaurals, visuals and a voice to get the full trance experience.
05/05/20 07:01PM
Maybe it really was more like a lucid dream. When I realize I'm lucid dreaming I always try to shape it in a similar way, giving instructions to what is happening, but I feel it frustratingly hard to get a full grasp of the situation, it's like trying to grab and shape liquid. You have it for a moment but then it falls apart and there is no way to truly grab and fully hold it. Once I was fully aware that I was in a lucid dream because I fell asleep extremely overworked and dreamt of a friend of mine visiting me and when they left with the bus it drove through a tunnel near my work that is at a slightly different place normally and I realized I was in a dream. I was so excited about it that I instantly started giving instructions to the dream in my head and they started playing out.
Except they later began to literally glitch out, I noticed environments having no color, slaves next to me started to glitch in and out and sometimes I just saw shapes before I woke up.
Maybe that experience is relatable to yours.
05/05/20 11:18PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
Maybe it really was more like a lucid dream. When I realize I'm lucid dreaming I always try to shape it in a similar way, giving instructions to what is happening, but I feel it frustratingly hard to get a full grasp of the situation, it's like trying to grab and shape liquid. You have it for a moment but then it falls apart and there is no way to truly grab and fully hold it. Once I was fully aware that I was in a lucid dream because I fell asleep extremely overworked and dreamt of a friend of mine visiting me and when they left with the bus it drove through a tunnel near my work that is at a slightly different place normally and I realized I was in a dream. I was so excited about it that I instantly started giving instructions to the dream in my head and they started playing out.
Except they later began to literally glitch out, I noticed environments having no color, slaves next to me started to glitch in and out and sometimes I just saw shapes before I woke up.
Maybe that experience is relatable to yours.

Perhaps. I always heard lucid dreaming requires weeks of before and after bed mid training, and this was rather spur-of-the-moment. How did you start to get into lucid dreaming, and have your experiences been improving?
05/05/20 11:31PM
Nadie said:
Perhaps. I always heard lucid dreaming requires weeks of before and after bed mid training, and this was rather spur-of-the-moment. How did you start to get into lucid dreaming, and have your experiences been improving?

Sadly I don't have control over it like that, it usually happens when I'm really sleep depraved and still in a long thought process, where I end up kinda continuing that thought process while my body drifts into sleep, my thoughts get kinda scrambled and then I either end up in a horrible nightmare that ends with a jumpscare waking me up again (like I usually walk around in some area outside at night, fully aware I'm dreaming and I just feel something is odd until some nightmarish monster attacks from behind and I wake up) or I dream regularly but something is odd, making me aware that I'm in a dream and then I can control it, albeit not that clear since my dreams kinda tend to pretty much glitch out when I do it too much. The first one is kinda like I'm working down a list with 10 points in my head and my extremely tired body falls asleep at the beginning and when I finish the list I look up and realize I'm in a nightmare and it sucks pretty bad but I know I won't be sleeping for long... And then I can't sleep for hours after I wake up.
05/07/20 04:16AM
That sounds like where you get strange experiences just as you're about to fall asleep. It's an interesting rabbit hole to explore along with why you don't usually remember that transition.
Have you tried lying in bed and repeating the same visualization? Practice and reinforcement are powerful tools even if they're not the fastest.
05/07/20 05:16AM
bugmenot said:
That sounds like where you get strange experiences just as you're about to fall asleep. It's an interesting rabbit hole to explore along with why you don't usually remember that transition.
Have you tried lying in bed and repeating the same visualization? Practice and reinforcement are powerful tools even if they're not the fastest.

That article mentioned weird lights, which I definitely remember at first, but I'm thinking the visualization was more of a lucid dream.

I have tried revisualizing while repeating that attempted trigger in my head, but the most that happens is my legs and feet stretch out sometimes.

Still, I've never come this far before; I don't think I'll be giving up too quickly.
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