05/07/20 06:56PM
A hero for a more hypnotic future
Recently learned about the creation of Wonder Woman and how it was literally designed to spread the fetish of bondage since his creator was convinced that the key of world peace was to make everyone feel more joy in being controlled that controlling others.

This sounds like a good idea but like all in this website know the true fetish to enjoy being controlled its mind control so good people of the Hypnohub let me hear your ideas for a superhero that uses mind control to fight crime.Like Wonder Woman the focus of the superhero it should be in reforming villians and not straight up beating them
In my head i have the idea of a prison therapist with an alter ego that tries to help super criminals but let me hear what you guys think

Also full disclousure i am building a Mind Control university spin-off and i will use a character with this concept and some of the ideas that people may add to this post.
It is just that i thought that it was an interesting concept and would give a good conversation
05/07/20 11:18PM
I'll bite.

Wonder Woman worked because it wasn't just wank fuel. Marston wanted to further the feminist cause and wove the themes of control, bondage, and surrender into the work.

Wonder Womn's use of a lasso on her male foes was a direct assault on the toxic masculinity of that time, where men weren't allowed to acquiesce, to listen to others, or to be vulnerable, because such things were "unmanly". Likewise, Wonder Woman being bound was always a bad thing, unless she was submitting to one of her loving sisters.

So if you want a character that's more than just fap fuel, figure iut what you're trying to say with the character and how mind control, as a theme, can be intertwined with that.
05/07/20 11:41PM
I don't think the guy's trying to influence a generation; I think he's trying to make something to jack off to.

Mind control heroes need to have some pretty big limitations to be interesting. When they're villains, they only need one weakness that the hero can exploit so they can be done away with. But a hero needs to be the underdog in most situations they encounter, and mind control is a pretty powerful power. For jackoff material, I think you want to start with a look and a theme, because you want them to be appealing enough in some way to jack off to. Pretty lady who dresses in businessy clothes, acts like a tough hardass, but can mesmerize people who watch the sensual motions of her hands/fingers sounds pretty generally appealing. Now, you gotta make limitations. Obviously she's gotta be close enough for them to hear her and see her hands, and her enemies can't be blind. Even when she's close, people can probably still resist. Maybe it's easier for her to work on people who don't expect it, so as her notoriety grows, she needs to come up with more and more creative ways to get people under before they know what's coming. Once they're under her spell, what can snap people out of it? Maybe she needs to be wary of loud noises or flashing lights that could distract people.

Once you figure those details out, then you can start coming up with criminal scenarios she can thwart. What was the first job she ever busted? Did she even set out to bust it with the intention of being a hero? Maybe she was in a convenience store when some petty little super was trying to kickstart their career as a villain by robbing it. Maybe her powers even awakened there - she was just trying to plead for her own life, holding her hands up as he approached her, and found that he was suddenly much less interested in the cash in the register than he was in her fingertips.
05/07/20 11:45PM
Napavalleydays said:

Sincerely for my story i just want a sexy character, i want to give it some deep so ti doesn´t feel hollow but i don´t plan to write about her alone.
If i had to point out a theme would be her jaded compassion, in my head ( i put this post so i see if i get a better idea) she is a jail psychologist with a superhero alter ego, trying to protect people and help her patients.She genuily belives that everyone begins as a good person but her experience has given a lot of examples on how some people are beyond help never given the chance to be good for tremendous trauma or how some people even given the chance still fail to be even somewhat decent.
In the quest that i am crafting the primary storyline its that there is a multiversal university that offers people that wants it classes in diferent disciplines of mind control.
In my version after a tremendous personal lose where the protagonist loses someone really important to herself she goes to the university so she can learn to cure even by force all the criminals.
I just liked the concept and i wanted to see what people here would say about it
05/08/20 12:01AM
I think that i need to clarify what i am doing,
Its a quest, a story where i put the scenario and i give choices on how the story will develop, its an spin-off of the Mind control university quest by sunt
The primary storyline would be that diferent people are invited to a university of mind control where they will recive incredibly advanced teaching on 5 fields
Hypnosis (Hypnotic inductions with a big enphasis on psycology)
Chi (wuxia martial arts)
Psionics (telepathy, telekinesis...etc)
Magic ( well magic)
Science ( everything from clockwork to picomachines)
People from all parts of the multiverse come to this university and the students are allowed and encouraged to make slaves of the rest of the students with a few rules to ensure a fun game for the dean.
The superheroine its one of the characters invited to the university, i got the idea from hearing about wonder woman creation and i wanted to see what the people of the hub could do with the concept

05/08/20 12:07AM
akaece said:
Stuff about the powers

The powerset is still in the air, i have tentatively gived her low super strenght and speed and hair that can be used like a extra limb, my idea its that after defeating a enemy she can submerge the enemy in her hair and force the enemy to relax into a sugestive trance.The trance can be provoques by pheromeones in the hair, expert hypnosis in her voice or chi flowing from her hair to dominate the body of the enemy.
But is still vage as superheros its a really flexible concept and want to be able to round up the rooster if i see that i am lacking from some disciplines when i am done creating the characters.
05/08/20 12:08AM
If you're looking for an existing heroic mind controller, there is Hitoshi Shinso from My Hero Academia.
05/08/20 12:20AM
anonymind said:
If you're looking for an existing heroic mind controller, there is Hitoshi Shinso from My Hero Academia.

I mean he is cool but is a bit dry and his power has very few aplicationts.
I also trying to be original with the characters i am writing the story because i think that it will be fun but i also want to get better at writing and writing in english
05/08/20 02:20AM
Motorata said:
round up the rooster

ahahahaha oh man
05/08/20 01:52PM
Well, I had an idea once for a superhero team of a telepath and someone (usually a man, but not always) with the power to exchange their intelligence for strength, and if the second person went too far, they'd be too easily distracted or just forget what was going on, so the telepath had to steer them, but it looks like you're more going for a single hero.

Love your hair ideas though, and I think you should stick with that. You could have her secret identity have a tight bun as part of the disguise. For actual fighting, I liked how you described her victories, but you could also put a little into the fights, letting her get the occasional instruction in with a punch, nothing major, but something to give her an advantage or get some information.
05/08/20 01:57PM
A goblin style character with a flat screen where the face would be held up with tv antenna, the power is that said character can shoot out bolts of static to either pick up or recieve other peoples thoughts, can even project anything that has appeared on the electronic wavelengths like tv shows or radio drama to confuse or even outright cause people to re-enact specific information or repeat anything they have done in the past.

ITs essentially a more mind controller version of jojo moody blues, except forcing others to copy past actions instead of the stand.

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