05/08/20 06:16AM
Which novella do Y'all want to see first?
Hello Everyone! I finished my exams today. I am free to do whatever I want for a month.

So, I will be spending this time writing several novellas (8-20k words). I have several book covers made and have teased a few here on the Hub.

Here is what I am going to do. I love art and it is my firm belief that all of you fine people agree with me on that. Let's play a game.

On May 10th (in 3 days) at 8pm CST, I am going to drop 3 images.

Each image will represent a novella. The most favorite votes by May 11th at 8pm CST will be made into a story first. I will also release an image only here on Hypnohub of a character from the winning franchise when I drop the EBook. Second and third place will still be made, but in their order.

Here are the choices:

1. Knight of Spirals (Katherine Lyons and/or Ingrid Karlson) -Exclusive image will be the Lady of Spirals controlling her boyfriend Adam.

2. Unorthodox Brainwashed Love (Sova Crann) - Exclusive image will be of a new elven character from the tale having some self love.

3. Hypnotized in Shanghai (Zhang Jun) - Unfortunately, Lauren Kifton and Rebecca had their models lost during the Great Hard Drive Crash of 2018.

If this one wins, then the exclusive image will be a new character for the sequel.
05/08/20 09:52AM
How will you decide who the winner is? Will it be the one with the most favourites, or the most comments? Do we have to show our choices on the image, or in this thread?

I realise I should probably wait to see the covers, but I get the feeling my choice is going to be Hypnotized in Shanghai.
05/09/20 03:55AM
HollyDolly said:
How will you decide who the winner is? Will it be the one with the most favourites, or the most comments? Do we have to show our choices on the image, or in this thread?

I realise I should probably wait to see the covers, but I get the feeling my choice is going to be Hypnotized in Shanghai.

I will decide given the amount of favorites on the competition images themselves. I will count commentary on the images as well if a preference is acknowledged.

This thread only exists to make everyone aware of my plans to do this pseudo-poll. In regards to Hypnotized in Shanghai, I just finished the render image for the competition. Two more to make.
05/10/20 06:53PM
I have finished rendering and editing the images for the competition. However, I have thought for a minute on this. The rules for deciding which image wins must be tweaked slightly.

Instead of votes being counter by number of favorites, it will be counted by number of comment votes on the images themselves. The reason being is to avoid a false positive result of people favoring images and then not voting via commentary.

I will post the images in around an hour or two. It is Mother's Day after all and my Mother hasn't opened her gifts yet.
05/10/20 08:11PM
The images are uploaded. Now begins the competition, the image with the most votes given via the commentary will win. Deadline is tomorrow at 9 PM EST.
05/12/20 04:04PM
The contest is over! "Hypnotized in Shanghai" won. I will make "Unorthodox Brainwashed Love" after that.

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