05/08/20 06:08PM
Roleplay Forum?
I haven't seen an offical RP forum on this site so I figure we might as well start one. Post your rp requests here so we don't flood anyone's pics with RP requests
05/08/20 06:09PM
There've been a few rp requests/forums before I think. They just never get anywhere on this site for some reason.
05/09/20 05:19AM
Who needs a forum? We can roleplay right here.

I've already rolled up a Level 62 Psionicist with 25 Cha and 25 Int.

To join in, use standard point-buy, core rules to build a level 20 character, then the advancement rules from the Epic Level Handbook.

Finally, roll 2d10 for anal circumference, and you're ready to go.

I'll start.

/put on Robe and Wizard Hat
05/09/20 05:35AM
/Casually rethink my life choices
05/09/20 09:34AM
I've written a pretty extensive module for my Discord bot that's oriented around managing a lot of RPs at the same time. Would there be any sort of interest for a hypnokink RP-oriented discord server? I could set one up, if people are into the idea.
05/09/20 09:41AM
Zhingouz said:
I've written a pretty extensive module for my Discord bot that's oriented around managing a lot of RPs at the same time. Would there be any sort of interest for a hypnokink RP-oriented discord server? I could set one up, if people are into the idea.

I've joined a few for the sake of watching, but they've all been pretty dead in terms of roleplay. It's like with f-list rooms; there needs to be someone regularly "facilitating" things (with a pocketwatch, or whatever) or nothing ever gets started. That said, I'd probably join another just to see what happens.
05/10/20 06:37PM
I ended up setting up a server for this to try out the concept, see if people like it. - if you're interested.
05/21/20 02:30PM
great idea! I want to join

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