05/09/20 11:19AM
Your thoughts on a brainwashed slave in general?
So it's not much too popular of a news but the MC-themed author @inikanata just finished another of his work of brainwashed magical girls (the kind like Magi madoka one) and it doesn't end... particularly well, well... not in our term but in general where justice is decimated and the evil rules, for us it's the happy ending for the Manipulator :D. So after it is finished, I was kind of wondering is this a good way to have a slave? What should a brainwashed slave really be? Are you really comfortable with that kind of servant around?

In @inikanata's stories, they usually portrayed slaves to be absolutely loyal to the manipulator, some lost the sense of self, another have the idea of serving the manipulator dwarfed everything else in their brain, to the point of insulting/hurting their own family if they ever against the manipulator, the kind of brainwashing of Nazis or Stalin in the past if you put it in equivalent term. The slave will usually have their full cognitive functions, sense of self and logical thinking in tact, just now their primary and absolute goal in life is to serve the manipulator's bidding, and they will do whatever it takes to please him, just whatever he order them to be. And boy do they did it in the latest story. <spoiler>The heroine turned back to be the bad guy's strongest apostle, begin decimating her organization, killing all the personnel, including her friend's granddad, who in turn thanked her for doing so, chastises her own bloodline for going against her Master</spoiler>. While the story is neat and all, plus all the girls are under the influence of the brainwashing, the detail is a bit over the top for me, if I put myself as the controller, I don't think I like this new girl, she's not the girl I try to turn into my slave anymore, just a mockery of her old self (even though I'm the one who turn her into that :P)

To me I think a brainwashed slave is interesting when they still act as their own selves while loyal to me in secret, I dunno why but I think it's kind of nice, like a puppet you would spring up when needed, play for a little bit, then put back to where it used to be, unnoticed by anyone. Another type would be an artificial persona CONSTANTLY active fooling everyone around it while doing my bidding. Making a slave changing 180* degree and make her trample her own former allies in a zealous rage is kind of too much.

What are your thoughts on the matter? What kind of brainwashed slave do you think is appropriate? (heh, I sounds like a hypocrite lol)
05/09/20 11:32AM
If you're talking about the Magia series, I don't really have any complaints with it besides not being able to read it. But that's why I'm uploading them here (albeit slowly) so they can be translated into English so I can finally read them. The endings where the badguy wins are always my favorites, and ini always delivers.
05/09/20 12:06PM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
If you're talking about the Magia series, I don't really have any complaints with it besides not being able to read it. But that's why I'm uploading them here (albeit slowly) so they can be translated into English so I can finally read them. The endings where the badguy wins are always my favorites, and ini always delivers.

yeah don't get me wrong, the bad ending was a good touch (for us, meh, gotta admit we are the bad guys with these fetishes :) ), what I'm trying to say is, the girls was turned a bit too much and being treated too harsh in my opinion. While it kicks all of my buttons, I feels a bit gross on the idea, had it been all mindless girls killing their allies or just end with serving the bad guys, It would be ok. The fact that they know everything yet still act as they told seems a bit much.

Also yeah, about the uploading, I think it's a bit too slow so I was intended to restart the whole process with a new patch in comic strips manners, I think it's better that way. On 1 point @ini did states he don't want his arts being uploaded anywhere without permission on the pixiv page, and I don't think we asked him yet, so I think we should downscale the comic while making strip out of it, just enough for everyone to read that is, and translate on that, anyone who want the original arts must come to the author's site to get on their own. On another point is, most of the pages don't have contents on their own so we should just link them together for better visualization. If it's ok with you I think maybe I could offer some help again.
05/09/20 12:24PM
laststand0810 said:
yeah don't get me wrong, the bad ending was a good touch (for us, meh, gotta admit we are the bad guys with these fetishes :) ), what I'm trying to say is, the girls was turned a bit too much and being treated too harsh in my opinion. While it kicks all of my buttons, I feels a bit gross on the idea, had it been all mindless girls killing their allies or just end with serving the bad guys, It would be ok. The fact that they know everything yet still act as they told seems a bit much.

Also yeah, about the uploading, I think it's a bit too slow so I was intended to restart the whole process with a new patch in comic strips manners, I think it's better that way. On 1 point @ini did states he don't want his arts being uploaded anywhere without permission on the pixiv page, and I don't think we asked him yet, so I think we should downscale the comic while making strip out of it, just enough for everyone to read that is, and translate on that, anyone who want the original arts must come to the author's site to get on their own. On another point is, most of the pages don't have contents on their own so we should just link them together for better visualization. If it's ok with you I think maybe I could offer some help again.

Woah woah woah, wait a minute. He doesn't want it uploaded anywhere else? If you can provide a link to that statement, I'd appreciate it. I figured he or anyone in general would be grateful for the increased exposure, but if that's not the case then I'll hold off for now.

Anyways though, as for the girls being aware of their previous lives fully that's actually how you ideally do brainwashing. You let them remember everything from before but twist their morals and loyalties so that they just don't care anymore. It's far more soundproof than simply erasing their memories and implanting new ones, though that's certainly hot as well.
05/09/20 12:41PM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
Woah woah woah, wait a minute. He doesn't want it uploaded anywhere else? If you can provide a link to that statement, I'd appreciate it. I figured he or anyone in general would be grateful for the increased exposure, but if that's not the case then I'll hold off for now.

Anyways though, as for the girls being aware of their previous lives fully that's actually how you ideally do brainwashing. You let them remember everything from before but twist their morals and loyalties so that they just don't care anymore. It's far more soundproof than simply erasing their memories and implanting new ones, though that's certainly hot as well.

here's what he posted in the pixiv profile:


無断転載はおやめください Please do not reprint without my permission."

well, I'm not sure posting elsewhere counted as reprint or not but I think we should ask him first. I was hesitated for quite awhile because of that line. I was intended to post it back when in last Sep.

about brainwashing, yeah, that does sounds the most foolproof way to do now that you say it that way, maybe I just overthink it a bit too much.
05/09/20 01:26PM
laststand0810 said:

here's what he posted in the pixiv profile:


無断転載はおやめください Please do not reprint without my permission."

well, I'm not sure posting elsewhere counted as reprint or not but I think we should ask him first. I was hesitated for quite awhile because of that line. I was intended to post it back when in last Sep.

about brainwashing, yeah, that does sounds the most foolproof way to do now that you say it that way, maybe I just overthink it a bit too much.

I wish he or someone he knew understood English so I could ask him, lol. I got a very rough translation of one of his twitter posts that clarifies that he can't understand the English comments he gets. I'm thinking that sharing his work isn't the same as reprinting though, so long as he gets credit which he has already. I also make it a point to upload the strips in their entirety, even going so far as to include the blank action/timeskip things that he does. So I'm 90% sure it's fine to continue sharing them.

And yeah, you were probably just overthinking it a bit. The main thing to remember is that these aren't actual people. No point in getting too attached to them as if they were, though I can certainly understand why people do. Gehrman's story made me tear up, and I wish he'd gotten the chance to be with Maria in life. Though of course, it wouldn't be a Soulsborne game without a bit of tragedy eh? XD
05/09/20 06:41PM
The most ethical version of forced slavement is what i have seen in Mind Control university a quest in fiction live

The protagonist Dhapne knows that slavement its wrong and its a version of rape but brainwashing its so much a part of her that she will do it even if she knows it is wrong.
She customizes the slavement to each of their slaves so all of them feel happy and don´t clash with their morals and even whithold of doing things to the slaves that clash to much with their morals( with the exception of more slavement).She uses their fetishes to make the sex better and helps them to grow as persons with minimal changes to their real personalitys.
She also helps the worlds of each slave in a big scale, her idea is that she will be an evil rapist hypnotist in her personal life but she will try to compensate it with good deeds.

The other ``ethical´´ version that i read its from the GirlsTM stories from jukebox in MCstories
its about a group of alien robots that take the form of sexdolls and try to get all humanity under their control, the thing is that they only want the best things for us they are a caretaker AI that decided to take care of any form of life that they find, they want you to get that promotion, they want you to finish that book, they want you to ask the girl that you want.The thing is that they know how hard its to make all this hard decisions all the time so you won´t have to make those decisions, all those decisions will be easy since they are the decisions that your GirlTM wants you to do.
They are a strage mic beteween Dominatrix and Mr Rogers and i personally love it.

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