05/09/20 03:23PM
Interest check for a hypnokink RP-oriented Discord server
So as was brought up in another thread, some people were asking for a forum or place for hypnokink roleplay to take place.

I've written a fairly large and feature-packed Discord bot that has RP management as one of its focus points - channels can be created dynamically for individual roleplays, users can manage access to them themselves, logs can be saved, exported, replayed, etc... it's all the benefits of a traditional forum with all the benefits of Discord. It even has features for storing and switching between various characters.

With that in mind, I thought I'd do a quick interest check for a server like that - I'd be happy to set one up as a test to see how people like it. If you think that sounds like something you'd be into, pop a comment below :)
05/09/20 11:57PM
I'd love to see a server like that too.
05/10/20 03:19AM
I was in one awhile back, it fell off after a bit.
05/10/20 06:36PM
Well, let's give it a go! I've set one up as best I can at discord.gg/y9u69DB - so feel free to have a peep.
05/10/20 07:37PM
Zhingouz said:
Well, let's give it a go! I've set one up as best I can at discord.gg/zhMgpak, so feel free to have a peep.

Link doesnt work i think
05/10/20 07:40PM
skullman2033 said:
Link doesnt work i think

I think its bc of the ,
05/10/20 08:02PM
Sorry about that - I've updated the link: discord.gg/y9u69DB

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