05/15/20 04:45PM
I'm Looking For Help For A Massive Tagging Project
Hello Again Everyone,

I've recently started a new project that's similar to an old one that I had tried in the past. Basically, I've created a new more hypnosis focused booru and I already have a lot of images on there thans to the booru Mass Uploader.

That leaves me with my main problem right now which is tagging. I have lot of images which could use some tags before I make this booru open to the public. So if anyone is interested in helping me tag some images let me know via this thread or DM. I could use as much help as possible. The more people who help with the tagging the less images will need to be tagged by each individual.

Thanks for your time and to any volunteers.
05/16/20 01:30AM
If you're cloning a subset of HH, it should be possible (and definitely ideal) to programmatically copy over the existing tags. I haven't looked into how id generation or matching would work though.
05/17/20 09:09PM
lifmcs said:
If you're cloning a subset of HH, it should be possible (and definitely ideal) to programmatically copy over the existing tags. I haven't looked into how id generation or matching would work though.

Yea, there's no reason to do it manually; it can all be done by code if you can figure it out, or get someone else to help with that. No sense in blowing hours upon hours of time, manually copying things over.
05/17/20 09:20PM
bullet said:
Yea, there's no reason to do it manually; it can all be done by code if you can figure it out, or get someone else to help with that. No sense in blowing hours upon hours of time, manually copying things over.

Well, any help in that direction would be greatly appreciated as well. I'm terrible at code.
05/19/20 09:10AM
Where can we find this new booru? Or is it not available yet?
05/19/20 06:16PM

Here's a link, though the site is still in its developmental stages I figure a little exposure could help a little bit.
05/19/20 09:11PM
It looks good.
05/19/20 10:05PM
Waldo said:
It looks good.

Thanks for saying so. It's stiil a work in progress though. I'd like to change the background color at least.
05/22/20 07:38PM
The rules of this site are a lot to remember... and also unclear.

e.g. Apparently replacing the irises of the eyes with symbols is not allowed, yet symbol-in-eyes and heart-eyes are tags with plenty of images, all posted by the same person who wrote that rule.

I guess it’s supposed to be some kind of “softcore hypnohub with lolis”?
05/22/20 08:57PM
I'll admit the rules are a bit arbitrary but that's mostly due to me trying to drive the site in a specific aesthetic direction; away from things that have almost nothing to do with hypnotism.
It's not exactly a "softcore hypnohub with lolis" and if you find any explicit lolicon content let me know so that I can delete it right away.

I guess from a certain perspective it can seem like a softcore version of the hub but it's main purpose is to produce a more hypnosis/mind control focus on content.

The images on the site that are tagged as "heart eyes" or "symbol in eye" either don't have the irises removed or aren't manips as the rule only applies to manips allowing people to still post original art of characters the feature irisless eyes.

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