05/18/20 06:29AM
PornHub Controversy Thread

This is something our community and others like it should be aware of. And I think its an important matter that needs to be discussed.

Stuff like this runs the risk of having tensions flare high...so for the sake of the Hub, please keep it civil.

In Summary: Allegations againsts pornhub are being made that they are profiting off CP & rape content. Pornhub's social media accounts are currently blocking the accuser's accounts.
05/18/20 07:30AM
Without even reading the article, they're not wrong if accusations of CP content running rampant on PH is what they're charging them with. I can't remember the exact number, but I remember hearing that PH put out an official number somewhere around 5-10% or something therein of their content is CP, usually hidden in the amateur category. Be careful when browsing there, and my personal advice is to avoid the amateur category until this all blows over.
05/18/20 07:33AM
there is pretty much no excuse. either PH knew this content was on the site, or they didnt. which means they dont care if cp is present, or they never bothered checking. i dont know which is worse
05/18/20 07:37AM
crazyman said:
there is pretty much no excuse. either PH knew this content was on the site, or they didnt. which means they dont care if cp is present, or they never bothered checking. i dont know which is worse

Either way is terrible, lol. If they don't get this shit sorted, immediately, they deserve to be raided by the feds.
05/18/20 09:22AM
PornHub has long had issues, to the point where this absolutely does not surprise me.

I'm willing to bet few people here will support PornHub given their whole thing with 'Premium accounts can't view hypno content' (and yes, that has to do with the fuckedness of CC processors in the US, but it's sitll a problem). They've also been accused of having a history of functionally condoning piracy of commercial porn (The video gets DMCA'd, the account gets banned, it crops back up under a new account in literal seconds) and other issues.

So, yeah. Kind of a scummy bunch at best, and if this is true, they're actively making their users felons, which is to put it lightly very bad.
05/18/20 11:11AM
Shitty companies doing shitty stuff. What else is new. I signed a petition, but I doubt anything'll happen.
05/18/20 05:34PM
^ I think you are vastly over simplifying it

Dont get me wrong, you have a point. Major media isn't going to pick up this story because "porn" is apparently too icky to talk about out in the open.

What really gets me is that this NEEDS to hit major news outlets. We dont want to villianize porn, but these people were taken advanatge of because the industry surronding porn is fucked up. It needs to change.

(signing a petition is always appreciated)
05/18/20 09:19PM
TheMadPrince said:
Shitty companies doing shitty stuff. What else is new. I signed a petition, but I doubt anything'll happen.

Unfortunately correct.

It's very rare that any company, be it porn or otherwise, has to suffer for scummy actions because that's how capitalism works. And, as the old proverb goes, "Scum always rises to the top".

If people raise enough of a stink MAYBE they'll delete the single item in question. But in two months everyone will forget this fiasco, and they won't make any headway into actually fixing this problem overall.
05/19/20 08:32AM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
Without even reading the article, they're not wrong if accusations of CP content running rampant on PH is what they're charging them with. I can't remember the exact number, but I remember hearing that PH put out an official number somewhere around 5-10% or something therein of their content is CP, usually hidden in the amateur category. Be careful when browsing there, and my personal advice is to avoid the amateur category until this all blows over.

5-10%?! I know it's a massive platform that you can't completely montior but 5-10% is jail-time worthy to me. How the hell do you let 5-10% of your content be the sexual abuse of children?
05/19/20 08:39AM
kegmeg said:
5-10%?! I know it's a massive platform that you can't completely montior but 5-10% is jail-time worthy to me. How the hell do you let 5-10% of your content be the sexual abuse of children?

Criminal negligence is the term that comes to mind, and that's only the best case scenario. There's obviously a fair chance that at that level they're profiting off it somehow.
05/19/20 03:08PM
kegmeg said:
5-10%?! I know it's a massive platform that you can't completely montior but 5-10% is jail-time worthy to me. How the hell do you let 5-10% of your content be the sexual abuse of children?

That number does seem pretty ridiculous. That's statistically one in ten to one in twenty videos being CP. There is no way to get to that kind of number without it being noticed by even the laziest of moderators.
05/19/20 04:59PM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
Criminal negligence is the term that comes to mind, and that's only the best case scenario. There's obviously a fair chance that at that level they're profiting off it somehow.

They absolutely are profiting off it through ad revenue alone
05/19/20 05:25PM
Jabberwocky said:
They absolutely are profiting off it through ad revenue alone

PornHub is an American corporation. A victim should just sue them for having video of their abuse.

Take that to civil court and Pornhub will lose a few million if they try to settle. If they lose, it will open the floodgates to other suits and government crackdown.
05/19/20 05:39PM
really blocking accuser accounts shows to me that they're aware and don't care about fixing it until it's too late
05/19/20 06:47PM
Sargin2 said:
PornHub is an American corporation. A victim should just sue them for having video of their abuse.

Take that to civil court and Pornhub will lose a few million if they try to settle. If they lose, it will open the floodgates to other suits and government crackdown.

An underage victim is not going to be able to field the same caliber of legal talent as a large corporation like Pornhub.
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