05/18/20 07:47AM
Been looking through some of these, and I really enjoy them. I think it might be cool to make one as a community, so I'm starting this thread.

Anyone who's looked at a NSFWCYOA before, what do you like seeing in yours?
05/18/20 02:34PM
*hides in the corner, ready to swipe absolutely anything that is shared in this thread*
05/18/20 05:32PM
sleeperhit said:
*hides in the corner, ready to swipe absolutely anything that is shared in this thread*

Well fuck we can’t both do that
05/18/20 05:39PM
Hypno-Eretica said:
Well fuck we can’t both do that

Multiple corners. Can't have one without others. Otherwise you broke existence.
05/18/20 06:09PM
sleeperhit said:
Multiple corners. Can't have one without others. Otherwise you broke existence.

Joke's on you, breaking existence is my fetish.
05/18/20 06:19PM
Hypno-Eretica said:
Joke's on you, breaking existence is my fetish.

So, someone breaking YOUR existence ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), or...?
05/18/20 08:00PM
I'm usually down for whatever in mine, but prefer them sticking to erotic stuff with minimal plot.
One major pet peeve of mine though, is when one sub-niche or entirely unrelated fetish is injected and takes over the story. Do I care that other people are into diapers, or blood play, or experiencing gender swap? No. Do I HATE when people come into a story I'm reading, write 30 chapters across like, 5 branches, and leave them all locked on their specific fetish path? Yes!
If it's a site where multiple branches can be added, that's fine, I can get over it if it's tagged and I can blacklist the chapters. If it's a site where once a chapter is added, it's done and there forever... I get annoyed and feel like a story is kinda "ruined" because of how far it deviated from the original concept. It's hard to put my experiences with this into words in the short time I have to put this comment in, but I can elaborate later if what I'm talking about isn't fully clear.

If there's a single thread, and there's polls to where the story goes by ONLY the original author, then I'm much more open to basically anything that's not illegal or excessively dangerous. I like danger, but I don't get off on it...
05/18/20 09:15PM
bullet said:
I'm usually down for whatever in mine, but prefer them sticking to erotic stuff with minimal plot.
One major pet peeve of mine though, is when one sub-niche or entirely unrelated fetish is injected and takes over the story. Do I care that other people are into diapers, or blood play, or experiencing gender swap? No. Do I HATE when people come into a story I'm reading, write 30 chapters across like, 5 branches, and leave them all locked on their specific fetish path? Yes!
If it's a site where multiple branches can be added, that's fine, I can get over it if it's tagged and I can blacklist the chapters. If it's a site where once a chapter is added, it's done and there forever... I get annoyed and feel like a story is kinda "ruined" because of how far it deviated from the original concept. It's hard to put my experiences with this into words in the short time I have to put this comment in, but I can elaborate later if what I'm talking about isn't fully clear.

If there's a single thread, and there's polls to where the story goes by ONLY the original author, then I'm much more open to basically anything that's not illegal or excessively dangerous. I like danger, but I don't get off on it...

Some confusion, THIS is what I mean by CYOA
05/18/20 10:08PM
Nice detailed descriptions. Brief descriptions do nothing for me.

also no photos
05/22/20 04:06PM
eldomtom2 said:
Nice detailed descriptions. Brief descriptions do nothing for me.

also no photos

I agree on the descriptions, but not the pictures, so I guess adding pictures or not are both options here ? It might depend on how relevent to the cyoa they are, or the quality of them maybe ?

As for me, I'd say I really like new ideas. Seeing forms of mind control or characters that are too basic isn't as fun as seeing something you didn't thought about, or maybe at least revisiting the thing.

For the number of possible choices, it's nice to have a sweet spot bettween "I can have what I like" and "I have to make choices", there's a lot of interesting systems out there so I'm not sure how specific this can get, but it's worth a thought I think.

It's kind of hard to be more specific, there's so many possibilities with CYOA
05/22/20 11:25PM
I ran a few but I always dropped them
05/22/20 11:45PM
BrainWaves said:
I agree on the descriptions, but not the pictures, so I guess adding pictures or not are both options here ? It might depend on how relevent to the cyoa they are, or the quality of them maybe ?

No PHOTOS. Not no pictures.
05/24/20 06:07PM
eldomtom2 said:
No PHOTOS. Not no pictures.

Aaahn, okay yeah I get it now. Oops.
05/30/20 12:33AM
I want more CYOAs that go beyond being just character pre-gen. Give me some kind of story progress, resolution mechanic, anything.
05/31/20 12:59AM
All good suggestions, what types of content do y'all like to see, in terms of fetishes, character options, drawbacks, etc.?
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