05/23/20 03:51PM
I am thinking of creating a short RPGMaker game
So far, my plans are to publish "Perverted Supervillain Brainwashed My Wife!" next week. After that, "Hypnotized in Shanghai" and "Unorthodox Brainwashed Love [Sova's Story]." Since there were no votes given to "Knight of Spirals," Katherine Lyons will take a backseat for awhile. I might do a Patreon for this game, if there is enough interest for a full game.

I want to create a game in which an Elven witch goes around Carrqui (Sova's world) to destroy Kumani (Human) Civilization completely. This witch, Seara, is on a quest of revenge. Seara uses magic to make Kumani kill each other and themselves.

Since Seara is a horny elf, she sometimes like to have sex with her thralls before disposing of them. This all may change as her anger cools with time and blood. This game will not be for the faint of heart; there will be large amounts of blood and death.

I am thinking of creating five major sex scenes for the game. More can be added.

Sova and Oirn will make appearances in the game. I am thinking of having two scenes with them.

The earliest trial version is planned to be released in August.

Any questions?

05/23/20 04:24PM
Hey, if it's what you're into, go for it! RPGMaker is a really easy to use, but versatile tool. If you can get or make the right assets for it, I can imagine this turning out pretty well. Even if it's not my cup of tea, I'd still be glad to give feedback from the design and development perspective.
05/23/20 05:11PM
bullet said:
Hey, if it's what you're into, go for it! RPGMaker is a really easy to use, but versatile tool. If you can get or make the right assets for it, I can imagine this turning out pretty well. Even if it's not my cup of tea, I'd still be glad to give feedback from the design and development perspective.

Thanks! I intend to make it free just like my inspiration, "Overwhored." I have actually made a MC game on RPGMaker VX called "Siren's Song" that got corrupted due to my hard drive crashing. At the time, MV just released. I want to try my hand at it with MV.

I will post a picture of Seara on the Hub in the next few days.
05/23/20 07:12PM
Sounds great! I don't know much about RPGMaker, sadly, but I love me a good RPG and while a battle system probably isn't very high-priority for you, nothing gets me quite like a good one. Maybe a twist on that with mind control techniques and resistance bars instead of spells and HP?
05/23/20 10:06PM
Sargin2 said:
I have actually made a MC game on RPGMaker VX called "Siren's Song" that got corrupted due to my hard drive crashing.

Was the game at least corruption themed?

Just kidding, that's sad to hear, did you put a lot of time and effort into it or was it just something to test out the system?
05/24/20 01:18AM
Hypnomaid20 said:
Was the game at least corruption themed?

Just kidding, that's sad to hear, did you put a lot of time and effort into it or was it just something to test out the system?

It was to test the system. I did put some time into the game itself and the story. Actually my first renders here on the Hub as Sargin were of Siren's Song. The game was just direct mind control, it was supposed to be Lyria controlling 3 human characters to do missions for her. At the end, Lyria along with her brainwashed sidekick Cambria take over the coastal town.

Lyria was supposed to be the MC. I am going to modify the Lyria character for a novella in which she acts as an Elven Circe.

Seara (name will change) is going to be based on an Elven character that I have been experimenting with. She will be similar to Lyria in that she will make humans and others to do some of the heavy lifting.
05/24/20 01:26AM
sleeperhit said:
Sounds great! I don't know much about RPGMaker, sadly, but I love me a good RPG and while a battle system probably isn't very high-priority for you, nothing gets me quite like a good one. Maybe a twist on that with mind control techniques and resistance bars instead of spells and HP?

I will incorporate the mind control through events because it allows me better control of the storytelling. Events will take place between and during battles.

HP will stay since Seara (placeholder name) wants to kill as many humans as she can. Though a lot of the mind control techniques will be used in battle. A spell can be made to turn enemies on each other. Another can make enemies kill themselves along with a chat box. The entry level technique will be to stop them from hitting you for a bit. I also want to make it where the MC (Main Character) can simply cause enemies to kill themselves or go on rampages as distractions.

A lot of techniques will appear as options when speaking to NPCs or doing an event. For example, MC approaches a flower girl. MC gives flower girl a flower that shoots out spores that make one obedient. Flower girl is entranced. MC fucks flower girl and sends her off to kill her neighbor. Flower girl does it while screaming about turning the old man into mulch for her beloved plants.
05/24/20 02:06AM
Sargin2 said:
I will incorporate the mind control through events because it allows me better control of the storytelling. Events will take place between and during battles.

HP will stay since Seara (placeholder name) wants to kill as many humans as she can. Though a lot of the mind control techniques will be used in battle. A spell can be made to turn enemies on each other. Another can make enemies kill themselves along with a chat box. The entry level technique will be to stop them from hitting you for a bit. I also want to make it where the MC (Main Character) can simply cause enemies to kill themselves or go on rampages as distractions.

A lot of techniques will appear as options when speaking to NPCs or doing an event. For example, MC approaches a flower girl. MC gives flower girl a flower that shoots out spores that make one obedient. Flower girl is entranced. MC fucks flower girl and sends her off to kill her neighbor. Flower girl does it while screaming about turning the old man into mulch for her beloved plants.

Wow, that sounds awesome! What kind of battle system? Purely turn-based, or maybe ATB? Something action-based like Mario or Undertale?

Also, making enemies turn on each other sounds INCREDIBLE. But if that happens, the only acceptable victory animation can be Seara handing that enemy a loaded gun (given their aforementioned desire).
05/24/20 02:18AM
sleeperhit said:
Wow, that sounds awesome! What kind of battle system? Purely turn-based, or maybe ATB? Something action-based like Mario or Undertale?

Also, making enemies turn on each other sounds INCREDIBLE. But if that happens, the only acceptable victory animation can be Seara handing that enemy a loaded gun (given their aforementioned desire).

It will be turn-based. I am thinking of using pre-created renders found in VX ACE for a lot of the people, terrain and the like to quicken the process of game making. All these pre-created assets were made in Daz, which is the same software I use.

I can definitely add that suicide animation in the end of any battle when you use the move. Already figured out the mechanics of it. I can also mix it up with Seara (placeholder) seducing an enemy at the end of the battle. Seara then kills the enemy once they're done with pleasure. Seara is an evil bitch.
05/24/20 03:44AM
Seara (placeholder) will begin the game in the Republic of Qi'uk, an Elven superpower that controls much of Carrqui (setting world). MC (mind controller) commits horrific crimes aganist humanity in a vassal of Qi'uk. Qi'uk outlaws MC and banishes her to the wilderness filled with human settlements.

Other locations will be the Independent City of Faru (Sova and Oirn's home). Faru will act as a home base for the MC, where supplies can be purchased. More erotic quests can take place here as well. Faru will have the Ascendant District, which is the main part of town where most of the elves live. The goblins live in the Council Manors, rundown conditions and high crime rates abound here. The Jester's Armory (Sova and Oirn's store) will be the main supplier during the course of the game. They sell everything from love potions to gas masks to magical anti-human devices.

Note: Sova and most other elves in Faru despise humans for killing a third of their city's population. Thus, anti-human weaponry is big business in Faru for self defense, be it proactive or reactive.

Enemy Territory: (Not in order)
1. A depopulated (a la Island Iffish) Dwarf city filled with human occupants.

2. Some unfortunate fishing village.

3. The Vassal State of Calio. It is technically part of MC's home territory of Qi'uk.

4. A Goblin camp.

5. The Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Hatshepsut II. One of the most important rulers of Mefi before the Vekish Conquest.

6. Desert Capital of the Vekish Empire. The Veks are a group of icy warriors from Carrqui's North that have decided to send a warlord to expand their empire south. The Veks crushed the Pharaohic realm of Mefi.
05/24/20 04:11AM
A final note: I will create a finalized version of the MC character in a few days. Her name will most likely not be Seara since it sounds similar to Sova Crann. I am leaning towards calling her, "Geara," in reference to the Irish word for bitter (Gear).

I am thinking of having Geara's first image being her controlling an agent. There will be agents for Geara to recruit throughout the game. Agents will eventually become companions. The player will be able to control agents as they do their missions for Geara. Geara will have scenes with each of her agents and another scene for her companions. I am thinking of there being 3 agents and 5 potential companions.

05/24/20 10:18AM
Your ideas here all sound super good, but, speaking as someone who's attempted several big ambitious game projects, I would definitely recommend trying out small first. I'm not trying to discourage you or anything, and if you feel you can get through this, all the more power to you, but, if you're trying to make a game like this, I would advise attempting to just focus on finishing a single part of the game first, before moving on to everything else.
I mean, worldbuilding is always a good idea, but, for instance, try seeing if you can make a working agent/gameplay system for the single area of the fishing village (as an example, it depends on which area you want to start out with).

If a project is very big and ambitious, it runs the risk of seeming like a daunting task to even try advancing in it, and discouraging you after a while. Small steps, in my experience, are the best way to design stuff as a non-professional.

You do you, though, of course. This is just some simplistic advice, which you're absolutely free to disregard.
05/24/20 11:55AM
TheMadPrince said:
Your ideas here all sound super good, but, speaking as someone who's attempted several big ambitious game projects, I would definitely recommend trying out small first. I'm not trying to discourage you or anything, and if you feel you can get through this, all the more power to you, but, if you're trying to make a game like this, I would advise attempting to just focus on finishing a single part of the game first, before moving on to everything else.
I mean, worldbuilding is always a good idea, but, for instance, try seeing if you can make a working agent/gameplay system for the single area of the fishing village (as an example, it depends on which area you want to start out with).

If a project is very big and ambitious, it runs the risk of seeming like a daunting task to even try advancing in it, and discouraging you after a while. Small steps, in my experience, are the best way to design stuff as a non-professional.

You do you, though, of course. This is just some simplistic advice, which you're absolutely free to disregard.

I have actually made a mock-up of the agent system in the fishing village years ago. The flower girl example is actually something that I created in the fishing village. Flower girl after snapping out of it, realizes what she has done and is self-immolated (burned alive). It was all a distraction for Geara to get close to a young woman in the village and enslave her to be an Agent. However, this Agent will not be in the demo nor final version as I have decided on another agent to replace her.

The Agent system will be the player controlling a new character for a bit and getting to learn how to use them. Then the same character with the same powers will become a companion, this streamlines production of the game.

But you are right, small steps are best. My biggest issue will be time since my law school reopens in August. That is why I want to churn out at least a demo before I have to focus on school. I am aiming for at least the intro to be done in which Geara is banished and ends up in the fishing village.
05/24/20 06:15PM
Sargin2 said:
I have actually made a mock-up of the agent system in the fishing village years ago. The flower girl example is actually something that I created in the fishing village. Flower girl after snapping out of it, realizes what she has done and is self-immolated (burned alive). It was all a distraction for Geara to get close to a young woman in the village and enslave her to be an Agent. However, this Agent will not be in the demo nor final version as I have decided on another agent to replace her.

The Agent system will be the player controlling a new character for a bit and getting to learn how to use them. Then the same character with the same powers will become a companion, this streamlines production of the game.

But you are right, small steps are best. My biggest issue will be time since my law school reopens in August. That is why I want to churn out at least a demo before I have to focus on school. I am aiming for at least the intro to be done in which Geara is banished and ends up in the fishing village.

Well, regardless, I wish you luck with it. This certainly sounds interesting on paper, so I'll be trying it out for sure when you release something.
05/24/20 11:11PM
TheMadPrince said:
Well, regardless, I wish you luck with it. This certainly sounds interesting on paper, so I'll be trying it out for sure when you release something.

Thanks for the advice. I will have a demo created for the game after I finish writing "Perverted Supervillain Brainwashed My Wife!" I am thinking of actually making it a full-length game. I may create a Patreon or sell it on Steam for $4.99.

The Demo will consist of Geara getting arrested, sentenced and banished. A series of awesome events occur which prevent Geara from arriving in the intended area. So begins the adventure...up to arriving at the fishing village. The village is at the end of a long forest path with all sorts of decayed and unseemly things in it. The Woods were feared in ancient times for good reason because there are monsters lurking in it. There will be monster sex. Truth is that all the sex in this game will be Elf-Monster, Elf-Elf, Elf-Goblin, and Elf-Human.

If this game is successful, I can create a second game in the same universe based on my Lyria character in which she fights off an invasion of humans like Circe.

The game engine will be RPGMaker MV and will use medieval tiles pre-rendered in DAZ studio. The game will be played on PC or Mobile (Smartphone). I will have to figure out how to render my characters into the game itself. I suspect that it will be a process of creating a front and back for the characters (2 Renders).
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