06/07/20 05:30PM
The notes to get the FEELS
Hello, Zuko here!

So, music has power. We all know it. Music is scientifically proven to latch on to memories and emotions more than most things. That being said, it's only fair that we give this power its due in a place about the mind! What music gives you the powerful emotions (of any variety) when those notes start to go?

I'll go first: <<|The music that never fails to make me cry out in emotional pain and bittersweet feels! :D>>
06/07/20 06:22PM
Well that was... surprisingly pleasant, for some reason, I expected it to be thrash metal or somethin.
06/07/20 07:03PM
For me, the best music I ever heard is 2 Steps from Hell's Victory:

This piece of music is amazing. It starts calm and relaxing, the first piano notes gently taking you along, like gliding on a cloud. Then come the drums and cellos, and suddenly the calm gets replaced by strength, and your very heart resonates with the music. And with the main theme, the gliding sensation returns, when I listen to it I become a bird flying in the night, over an endless army marching towards a certain victory. This music strengthens your resolve and makes your goals clear, it has a mind made of steel.
06/07/20 07:56PM
TheGoodShank said:
Well that was... surprisingly pleasant, for some reason, I expected it to be thrash metal or somethin.

<<|Fine, have some metal>>
06/07/20 08:12PM
TheGoodShank said:
Well that was... surprisingly pleasant, for some reason, I expected it to be thrash metal or somethin.

Metal, you say? Here's my answer. Basically everything this band has makes me feel some sort of way but these two songs specifically... hot damn.
06/07/20 08:28PM
Okay, my list is LONG. Music impacts me a lot, and I listen to a very broad range of music, so I find a little of everything that REALLY hits me. I really love music, and most of what I listen to regularly is much more intense than what I'm posting here, but a couple examples of music that really hit home...
^This one basically puts into words how I dealt with my mom dying awhile back. Her birthday was in November, so that one line in the song also just tugs a little harder.
^kind of the same with this one.
^I love Disturbed, and their music is pretty alright, but this song in particular just makes the hair on my arms stand up, and that shiver run down my spine. It also makes me think of my dad, who was in the military and was deployed more than a few times before and after I was born.
^Sometimes, I just like beautiful music. Discovered this song and artist through SSX on PS2 back in 2001 or 2002. It's not classical or anything, but it's what helped me discover that I actually can like classical and similar.
06/07/20 09:09PM
<<|God, my year in Inaba comes flooding back every time.>>
06/07/20 10:00PM
I think if I listed every song that made me cry, I'd end up with an insanely long list.

Honestly, I cry at everything from <<|Elton John>> to <<|Vocaloid>> to <<|Judas Priest>>.
06/07/20 10:12PM

I've long since lost the ability to cry easily. I'm used to being upset. This is the last song to make me cry, and fittingly so.

The Track is called "History" and is from Sonic Mega Collection and Mega Collection Plus. This track plays whenever you are choosing a Game to Play, or, when you're going through the unlockable image gallery.

I spent a good portion of my childhood with this game, and as a result, it takes me back to what remains as the best days of my life. Days and nights were all so long, school was a bore, but wasn't all that hard now that I look back. I had plenty of friends and didn't really have a care in the world. Now all I can think of is that my childhood of happiness was a lie, because I just wasn't aware. Shit was still getting bad. Really bad. But I was just a dumb little kid who didn't know. I don't want to go back to not knowing, because i'd be worse off for it...

Every time I listen to this track it reminds me of a time that I thought was real; A time where nothing was wrong, and where I could just enjoy myself, be happy, play with my big brother and baby sister, hug my mom and watch cartoons without a care. I miss living in a world where nothing seems wrong.
06/07/20 10:24PM
06/07/20 11:35PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:

First of all, how dare you.
06/07/20 11:41PM
06/08/20 10:14AM
Probably some unoriginal choices here, but: Johnny Cash - Hurt (the original's depressing as all hell, this one is just heartbreaking to me) Gary Jules - Mad World (mostly for Donnie Darko's ending scene, but the lyrics have always hit me hard) Spirited Away "Always With Me", music box version (no comment) Coldplay - The Scientist (cheesy and probably too pop for a lot of people, but I've always liked it)
06/08/20 03:15PM
I heard the song "Ripples" by Genesis at a time when I was younger and the lyrics spoke to me in just the right way, so now it gets me hard in the nostalgia-feels when I hear it.

Also: the fucking Land Before Time soundtrack, enough said X'D
06/08/20 03:39PM
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