06/13/20 11:33AM
Your (most and least) favorite form of mind control
Hello everybody (:

I'm sorry if a thread like that already exists, but I was just curious about all the aspects of hypnosis and mind control. There are so many facets of this fetish, so I think it's really interesting what types of it interest (or don't interest) everybody here.

For example, what I really like:
any sort of "battle" between the tist and sub, where the sub really doesn't want to be enslaved but loses either due to overwhelming or to some mean trick like breaking attention for a second (a second too long) or putting out the really really big guns
Teasing, both before and after the control (either the tist confronting the soon-sub eith what's happening or even telling what the tist will do with the sub once they're under control, or afterwards, the tist always mentionin who and how the sub was before)
The sub being too trusting and falling into the tists trap
Hypnotic spirals @.@ and being forced or tricked into warching them
Swinging objects, especially when they have some sort of magic attatched (and of course dicks, tits or asses too)
Tentacles, either to hold the sub in place so they can't escape or as a hypnosis inducer in general
Direct brain control (often through tentacles as well)
Escaping the tist the first time just to end up enslaved again
Orgies, gangbangs and mass hypnosis
Using a friend of the sub (that's usually enslaved as well) to get the sub
Femsub, because that's what I can identify with..
Very pure and innocent subs with a strong sense of justice (makes the acts done under control much naughtier)
Hypnotic objects or accessories, especially when forced into or onto the struggling victim (big big bonus points for collars)
Brainwashing facilities, as in organized places where a sub is restrained, aroused and brainwashed mechanically

Things I only like in a certain context and otherwise not at all:
Body control, I only like it as a form of teasing and setup, to make the sub mentally resisting even harder while still restraining them, but I don't want the main action to happen to a body controlled sub
Brainwashing, I really love the idea of the sub keeping her original personality, just being deeply submissive and obedient to the dom, but I feel like it can be messed up and causing the sub to be too dom to everybody else, which I just don't like...
Splitting the personality of the sub, usually into a domimant part that wants the regular part to give in and be a slave, it's incredibly hot if the inner dominant part mind controls the sub from inside, breaking her resistance, then vanishes or occasionally makes the sub do naughty things but it can end up in a regular corruption really fast
Aphrodisiacs, I love them when they are given to the sub in full awareness, especially when the sub is restrained or struggling, and if they have a strong mind-numbing effect. Bonus points if the aphrodesiac is just used to make the sub more open and vulnerable to the actual controlling. Negative points if they are just sneaked to the sub, like the classic aphrodesiac slipped into a drink. Coating the cock in aphrodesiac before fucking (let's be honest, raping) the sub is fine though.
Mind control apps, if they are actually showing hypnotic stuff and the sub is forced to watch them, are great. The type where you just have to look at the victim and press a button to make her completely enslaved (hello 90% of ugly bastard hentai) feels boring and cheap to me, there is no real interaction or struggle there and the sub coul've just been a slut from the start
Consensual hypnosis, I know that sounds messed up but a lot of time the sub accepting hypnosis willingly can feel like a bit of a turn off, especially something like a willing hypnotherapy gone wrong.

Things I don't like:
Malesub, simply not my thing, I could at best get off seeing some sort of entity controlling both a man and a woman and makes them fuck, otherwise really not my thing...
Possession, it just doesn't feel like the sub is really controlled here, rather removed and someone else takes over their body... I just really can't get into that (pun somewhat intended, but I just can't imagine myself being possessed, because it would just be... Me not being me)
Corruption, I usually just don't have that control feeling there when I see anything with corruption. Sure it is mind control, the corrupted victim becomes someone else than before, but so often the victim of corruption is neither entranced but actually fully aware of her surroundings, having their own thoughts and doesn't even generally act submissive, but rather like a dominant zealot for the curruptor.
Instant control, see mind control apps, I don't like the sub becoming a completely submissive slave to the tist a second after meeting right away without even a chance to be scared, shocked or to resist without any sort of interaction either
She was a "slut" all along, big no for me, a healthy sexuality is part of even the most innocent subs and drawing out that inner naughtiness is great but sub that are openly sexual from the beginning and just need a very light push to end up enslaved still feels a little cheap to me and makes the hypnosis less impactful
Triggers, if they affect the awake mind. The only trigger I like is the "you fall back into trance if I..."-trigger, but having the awake mind do stuff without being brainwashed just feels not that great, the sub should at least be kept in a trance while all the triggers are active

That was a lot and I probably forgot my fair share of things, but I think mind control is just so versatile and full of facets that probably everybody will have a different answer here (:
06/13/20 11:55AM
Hypnotic accesories.
Particularly objects that become one with the sub so control can never be reverted.

Possession is a thing I like.

Split personalities, too. I like that as well.
06/13/20 02:26PM
Same answers for me as always:

-Parasites and/or possession;

-Related to, but not entirely the same as, the above (though they obviously work well together), viral takeovers/memetic control/infections - i.e. a military base slowly is entirely taken over by some alien force;

-Brainwashing chairs, especially when it's used to brainwash resistance away;

-Resisting then succumbing, in general, especially if the side the victim is converted to is a side or an allegiance they hated before (Agents of SHIELD and the Faustus method come to mind);

-When a physically strong gal, or an athlete, or a skilled soldier, falls prey to mind-control (especially if they're some implication or outright expression of "physical strength but weak will");

-When some force of good, especially if they're presented as having some influence within the world (politician/businesswoman/general/etc) is turned into a subservient puppet of the enemy;

-Important characters in general (whether good or evil) being turned into "mooks", or minor soldiers, for the opposing side;

-And finally, in no particular order, turning the tables, either via an overconfident hypnotist or an overconfident fighter, hypnotic accessories, including stuff like hypnotic liquids and the like, hypnotic eyes, glowing eyes, and yuri. And Jedi Mind Trick, which sadly is not used or explored nearly as often as it should.

Things I'm not a huge fan of, but can still enjoy, include characters like Kaa being reused over and over, though as long as it's not vore I don't mind too much, futa, haigure, consensual hypnosis, just traditional pendulum/non-flashy hypno, bimbofication, mind-control used as a rape device and not a way of gaining power or fighting your enemies, and slow burn type conversions.

Things I actively dislike are scat, vore, sissification, TG and "traps", TF in general, making the victim into some latex-coated object or a gray robotic drone, age regression, malesub without any femsub, and when there's good potential for a femsub scene and the writer/director doesn't go the full way and just "gives the audience a taste", or implies it, or otherwise doesn't show it.
06/13/20 03:45PM
My absolute favorites:

- Remote control in particular, and other forms of tech control
- Triggers, in particular orgasm on command
- Body control, speech control
- Consensual MC
- Controlling subs & Controlled doms
- Franchise characters having a different position than their original behaviour suggests (e.g. a normally dominant character becoming a willing submissive)

What I really don't like are the overused stuff like Kaa, haigure or bimbofication, scat/diaper stuff, and any form of malesub.
06/13/20 05:47PM
+ Swinging objects
+ Magic Spells
+ Monstergirls like Lamia or Succubi
+ Hypnotic eyes
+ Body fluids, like semen or breastmilk, whether it's an intrinsic trait or just a hypnotic suggestion
+ Brainwashing chairs, especially if there's a progress indicator and there are characters in different stages of washing
+ Absolutely vampire bites
+ Symbiotic suits, especially if the victim is still somewhat conscious
+ Possession
+ All of the above with Kitsune, there aren't enough Kitsune or Vampires on the hub

- Brain removal. Just... why?
- Toilet play
- Anything that results in vore
- Believe it or not, most unaware stuff, especially Tsundere "You'd better give me your dick you loser" stuff.
- Extreme physical changes. Bimbofication to the point of caricature is not sexy, it's not even entertaining.
06/13/20 06:03PM
Generally I most enjoy more "realistic" types, where the sub isn't going under just because a stranger is swinging something in front of them, nor are they so weak-willed that they can't ever truly resist (let alone reject) commands just because they've been put under once or twice. In short, I enjoy it when the sub(s) can and will fight back (often physically), and call friends, relatives, the police, whoever they can to make sure the shitstain that tried to forcefully and overtly take away their freedom is brought to justice. And consequently, my favorite doms are the ones that rely on more than just raw power to get their way, be it guile or charisma. Another huge plus is when these characters have clearly defined personalities and thought processes that believably lead them to either abandon their free will or become someone who would rob others of theirs.

It follows from that that subs with no concept of self-preservation or willpower, doms that practice the hypnosis equivalent of beating someone unconscious and mugging them, and overpowered instant hypno-apps, drugs, magic eyes or what have you, are generally not my cup of tea, though I can tolerate or even like them if there's enough groundwork.
For instance, a sub getting kidnapped and subjected to the Clockwork Orange treatment can work for me, since there's the implication that it's not a quick process, so the dom needs to both ensure a safe, remote location where no one will come looking, and also make certain that they've sufficient control on their sub that they can safely let them go once the process is done, assured they have been drilled enough to independently and satisfactorily explain why they just vanished for two weeks without any forewarning. If they've made any mistakes, the dom will eventually find themselves up to their neck in shit, and the likelihood only increases the more people they put through this treatment.
06/14/20 04:25AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Generally I most enjoy more "realistic" types, where the sub isn't going under just because a stranger is swinging something in front of them, nor are they so weak-willed that they can't ever truly resist (let alone reject) commands just because they've been put under once or twice. In short, I enjoy it when the sub(s) can and will fight back (often physically), and call friends, relatives, the police, whoever they can to make sure the shitstain that tried to forcefully and overtly take away their freedom is brought to justice. And consequently, my favorite doms are the ones that rely on more than just raw power to get their way, be it guile or charisma. Another huge plus is when these characters have clearly defined personalities and thought processes that believably lead them to either abandon their free will or become someone who would rob others of theirs.

It follows from that that subs with no concept of self-preservation or willpower, doms that practice the hypnosis equivalent of beating someone unconscious and mugging them, and overpowered instant hypno-apps, drugs, magic eyes or what have you, are generally not my cup of tea, though I can tolerate or even like them if there's enough groundwork.
For instance, a sub getting kidnapped and subjected to the Clockwork Orange treatment can work for me, since there's the implication that it's not a quick process, so the dom needs to both ensure a safe, remote location where no one will come looking, and also make certain that they've sufficient control on their sub that they can safely let them go once the process is done, assured they have been drilled enough to independently and satisfactorily explain why they just vanished for two weeks without any forewarning. If they've made any mistakes, the dom will eventually find themselves up to their neck in shit, and the likelihood only increases the more people they put through this treatment.

That's interesting; I tend to get turned off by the more realistic type of control precisely because it's too realistic. There are all kinds of actual brainwashing, manipulation, and personality control techniques that really exist, and I view them as some of the most insidiously vile actions one human can do to another while technically being nonviolent. The more a fictional scenario reminds me of real abuse, the less comfortable I am jacking off to it. Reading about someone using a hypnoray or psychic powers to control someone doesn't bother me at all, since it's so removed from any real-world harm.

I'm not saying you're bad for liking that, by the way, I just thought it was interesting how we view it differently.
06/14/20 04:27AM
My favorite way would be good old fashioned internet videos. It gives me hope that a video could work wonders on me. Another good reason is that it's more likely consensual than other forms, even if it's in a "more than you bargained for" kind of way. I especially love it when they show the late stages of the "treatment" with the sub being entirely "in-character", most notable in ones about bimbos and sissies (hehe).

The one I least like is those "remove the brain" type ones. Not making someone as dumb as rocks, but removing the brain entirely. It borders too far into body horror foe my tastes, and it kind of stretches the term "mind control" since it just removes the "mind" part of the equation. So yeah, that's a bit icky.
06/14/20 04:44AM
+ Spirals
+ Pocket Watches
+ Hypnotic Videos
+ Unaware
+ Altered Perception
+ Retaining Personality

- Making friends fight
- Parasites
- Bimbofication
- Suicide
- Murder
- Mindless
06/14/20 07:48AM
My favorites things in the context of Hypno:
+ Spiral Screens
+ Slime Possession
+ Succubus
+ Yuri
+ Slow, Subtle alteration of perception
+ Aphrodisiac
+ Gender Change
+ Ghost Possession
+ Hypnotic Food and Drinks
+ Feminization
+ Uniforms
+ Harems
+ Nagas
+ Robotization
+ Blissing out
+ Ass and Boob Expansion
+ Corruption
+ Transformation
+ Purification (Like a Mean Girl being Forced to be good)
+ Penis Milking
+ Breast Milking
+ Stripping and Dancing
+ Consensual

Least Favorites:
- Kaa, and Kaa Look-a-Likes
- Death
- Bimbos with bizarre Sausage Lips
- Toilet Play (Piss and Scat)
- Brain Removal
- Hard Vore
- Abuse of any kind
- Gore
- Humiliation
- Most Maledom
- Forced Betrayal
- Ugly Bastards
- Aware and Forced to watch
- Humiliation
- Age-Play
- Feet Focus
- Enemy Conversion (Making Characters fight their allies)

06/14/20 11:32AM
What I like to see:
+Long, drawn out inductions
+In-depth programming, with the original personality largely intact
+Benevolent or otherwise affable controllers
+Subjects who know they've been hypnotized but don't see it as a problem
+Spirals or rings in the eyes
+Harems, and the social dynamics therein
+Hypnotized hypnotists/Slaves assisting with inductions
+Heroines turned evil/ Villainesses turned heroic
+Vampires, snakegirls, kitsune, and genies
+Bikinis, lingerie, or harem outfits (preferred over outright nudity)

What I don't want to see:
-Blunt inductions (ie. "Hey, check out this watch I found. By the way, I own you now.")
-Personality permanently erased
-Controllers who are assholes about it
-Aware and clearly distressed subjects
-Furries (Not totally against it, but the furthest from human I'm comfortable with is Tigra from The Avengers.)
-Bodily fluids of any kind
-Explicit male anatomy
-Lobotomy or surgical mind control
-Death or torture of any kind
-Worst of all, underaged subjects. (I'm looking at you, Gwen Tennyson fans!)
06/14/20 01:17PM
origamiswami said:
That's interesting; I tend to get turned off by the more realistic type of control precisely because it's too realistic. There are all kinds of actual brainwashing, manipulation, and personality control techniques that really exist, and I view them as some of the most insidiously vile actions one human can do to another while technically being nonviolent. The more a fictional scenario reminds me of real abuse, the less comfortable I am jacking off to it. Reading about someone using a hypnoray or psychic powers to control someone doesn't bother me at all, since it's so removed from any real-world harm.

I'm not saying you're bad for liking that, by the way, I just thought it was interesting how we view it differently.

Just a little clarification; I put the word 'realistic' in quotes in my original comment because I didn't necessarily mean it as in real-life brainwashing techniques specifically, more like things that have their rules that they abide by. I guess, in hindsight, a better word for it would have been 'balanced'. One recent example is the 'Hypno Blink' doujins by Sakamata Nerimono (should be easy to find on sadpanda). The MC in those is powerful, to be sure, but also has clear weaknesses; limited number of uses, time limit, no post-hypnotic suggestions (shame about chapter eight, but hey, it was good while it lasted). Basically, I like it when unrealistic control methods like psychic powers, hypno apps, brain chips, whatever, abide by Sanderson's laws of magic (particularly the first and second): "An author's ability to solve conflict with magic is directly proportional to how well the reader understands said magic. Weaknesses, limits and costs are more important than powers."

On the morality side, I'm overall pretty neutral to it. I don't inherently enjoy suffering or the grim reality of how real life brainwashing works, but to me that serves as a yardstick to just how much it takes to truly bend someone to your will by force. As far as the characters are concerned, it's all real to them, whether they were subjected to months of abuse or a minute with a spiral, and if they result in the similar outcome, I believe they should react appropriately.
06/15/20 01:06AM
I lke:

-When the subject is aware. Seeing their reaction is half the fun!

-Triggers. The tist snapping their fingers and causing an involuntary reaction from the subject is probably my favourite thing about hypnosis / MC.

-Body control. It's like bondage, but better in every way.

-Hearing the thoughts of the subject as they sink.

-Consent / happy trance / wholesomeness / generally making the subject feel good.

-Seeing the subject in trance, completely relaxed and free from worries. Basically everything etlabsotwe ever posted.

-Catgirls. Cats make everything better.

I don't like:

-The crossover point from animal ears fo furries. I don't really care about furries, but it's quite frustrating when i find an incredibly hot post and the girl is just a little too close to being an animal.

-Nude males / futa. I'm a guy and i like girls. Yuri makes everything twice as hot, and an exposed cock ruins everything.

-Body fluids and all that other gross stuff.

-Any kind of permanent changes. The only time this is acceptable is when you are genuinely trying to help the subject with an issue and you have their permission. Fucking up their mind for your own amusement is just wrong.
06/15/20 01:10AM
I can't stand snake hypnosis

Fucking kaa, pink kaa, kaa that's also some buff guy for some reason. They're all awful.

"look at my coils" yeah your coils, that's as dumb as "look at my abdomen and be hypnotized oooOOoooo"
06/15/20 06:35PM
my likes:
- f/m, m/f, and m/m. i do like f/f sometimes but it isn’t usually my thing... and when it IS, i like when the sub hates that she’s being forced to fuck her domme while under hypnosis

- possession. a little out there, but this was my entryway into being into mind control and it has a dear place in my heart. it really turns me on to imagine a demon or a ghost taking control of a sub.

- love potions

- superhero/supervillains

- brain injections

- age regression

- stepford wives (i think is the term i’m looking for??). so hot when the sub is forced to become a cute little house wife.

my dislikes:

- i don’t like transformations. they... creep me out. the animal transformations, the male to female and female to male transformations.... i don’t want to bash on anyone’s tastes but they really give me the heebie jeebies.

- furries. sorry. >_< i do like mildly anthro characters but full on furries are a no from me.
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