06/18/20 02:04AM
Thoughts on the findom scene?
I've been lurking a lot on various hypnosis-related Twitter accounts, a lot of which overlap with or primarily focus on findom (tributes, the whole $end thing, amazon gift cards, all that). Without going into too much detail, a certain part of that scene tends to cause drama with methods that others see as incredibly cruel, especially when some users on the lighter side/not into findom tear that wound open once more. That's not to say it's all fucked like that, I've seen some healthier relationships in findom. But just in general, I'd like to see what this community thinks of it. To me, especially on twitter, it seems really easy to fall into a trap and end up getting manipulated to $end my way out of my rent and I would almost never willingly get into it unless I were absolutely sure it was safe/non-manipulative. But if I personally knew someone who was into it and there weren't any red flags, I'd let them go right ahead.
06/18/20 03:41AM
Maybe it's just that what little I know about it has made me not want to find out more, but this phenomenon of simping and/or findom is pretty baffling. I know it's an old joke that men are just walking ATM's and it's probably someone's fetish, but to think that it'd be so widespread that there's a community around it...

I mean, if you have disposable income you want to spend on the ladies, but don't wanna get into a relationship, wouldn't you at least want to get bang for your buck? Maybe it's just my outsider view, but isn't it really just 'cough up, paypiggy' and little else? There's plenty of escorts that provide the "girlfriend experience" (who'd doubtless be more than happy to accept tips in addition to their usual rates), and I'm sure more than a few dominatrices who know a thing or two about the verbal side of their occupation for a taste of having someone act entitled to your money.
06/18/20 04:08AM
I largely don't see the point of findom. It is really a beautiful thing when someone makes their money legitimately. Why squander it on a woman that will not appreciate the love and give you nothing back except empty words or, insults.

The one case where I would see findom being okay would be what Lady Mesmeratrix did with an old American guy. This guy must have been in his 70s, and she basically roleplayed some hypnosis with him. The guy gave her a ton of money and let her stay at his condo for awhile. Mesmeratrix basically had the guy, strip naked, serve her and he was enjoying it.

Truth be told, I would do the same thing if I was that man. Otherwise, no. Findom is not my cup of tea personally since I try to be frugal.
06/18/20 04:51AM
My personal take is, if you findom someone else, you are a piece of trash. Double if it involves hypnosis in any way. If you want to get money out of people in a sexual manner, just sell your fucking nudes like everyone else.
06/18/20 05:29AM
crazyman said:
My personal take is, if you findom someone else, you are a piece of trash. Double if it involves hypnosis in any way. If you want to get money out of people in a sexual manner, just sell your fucking nudes like everyone else.

The deal with that is, there are fake/catfish findom accounts out there, either actual fakes or as an additional fetish (as in, the fact and acknowledgement that they are fake adds to the experience). Also, a bunch of accounts use anime girls or others' art as their content, adding on captions or edits telling their followers to $end. To me, it's a mix of people just in it for the money, people who genuinely practice it, very horny people with disposable income, and those unfortunate few who got themselves into difficult situations.

I think the thing with findom is that, much more so than many other fetishes, it can really screw up your life. At best, it's a fetish that both parties are well aware of the risks of and take precautions with while perhaps other services are thrown in. At worst, it's shit like a dom taking $2000 from a sub's paypal without consent because they felt like it.
06/18/20 11:25AM
So i'm going to come out and say that I am one of these catfish findom accounts. I've been doing it for around 6 months now and know quite a bit about some of the drama that happened in the community. Most of the community try to make sure that whoever sending money doesn't send enough to destroy their bank account. Usually an agreement is formed where the sub has this much disposable income and you can't go over that limit unless its discussed. From what i've seen doms can end up becoming friends with the sub. Especially with the really nice doms now as with the hypnosis community there are good and bad eggs and I definitely do not agree with how the bad eggs handle their subs. Hypnosis is usually used as a fetish and not used literally. So no were not brainwashing people to bankrupt themselves despite what we say in our tweets i'm down to answer questions if you have any.
06/18/20 11:48AM
Don't really have any thoughts on the findom scene. Not my kink that's for sure and I really don't see the appeal but I'm not going to judge. Would be a little hypocritical. Let he who is without werid kinks cast the first stone

At the end of the day it's like any other type of D/s relationship. If it's between consenting adults with negotiation beforehand it's really no one's business except the people involved
06/18/20 02:14PM
I respect the hustle.

Just teasing. I definitely understand the appeal of findom. Money is power, right? You give up your money, you give up your power. Easy peasy!

As long as its consensual and budget friendly, there's nothing wrong with it. Someone was probably going to spend some of that $$$ on videos or pictures or something anyway.

Could someone get scammed or manipulated out of a house payment? Maybe? I feel like these must be fringe cases and it really stops being findom and becomes highway robbery if you lose the consensual D/s relationship (like EdgeOfTheMoon mentioned above) that makes it good and worthwhile.
06/20/20 11:48AM
Jealousy towards the people who get the money, confusion towards the people who give the money.
06/21/20 01:48AM


then again i'm poor and very easy to make sad. so really my opinion is "it's just not my scene."

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