06/21/20 05:20PM
Does anyone ever feel bad for the victims of mind control?
This is mostly a question related to stories, hentais etc.
Do you ever root for the victim in a mind control story and feel bad when she ultimately loses, especially in a brainwashing scenario where after all that happens the girl is less of a mindless fuckdoll and more of a fiercely loyal underling and sex slave to the controller who still has her own thoughts?

I'm a sub who loves the classic "girl is taken and controlled"-scenario, so I will usually feel great about most stuff, especially with making the girl do everything she'd never do if she was awake. I don't like corruption because it usually just feels like there is barely any resemblance to the orginal, so it feels more like replacing her with a slutty and/or evil version of herself, but a brainwashing sounds extremely hot.

I also love the classic defiant heroine as a victim, especially as a way to identify with her and get into everything even more. However, there are times where I just feel everything... Mean.
Where I think the girl really didn't deserve this. Especially when the girl is just extremely smart, kind, protective and defiant. I just sometimes feel like I can really identify with these girls (bonus points if they look similar to me) and seeing them treated badly and end up controlled and brainwashed, often turned into eager sex puppets willingly giving themselves to the bad guy, just makes me feel bad.

I enjoy seeing the very identifiable girl getting her mind zapped or anything else, but if it gets more intense like a constant brainwashing contraption, especially when the girl is trapped because the villain used her own positive attributes against her (the classic hostage who has actually been mind controlled by the villain and traps her, someone acting like he's in need of help to lure her). I then start rooting for the girl, and when she is smart enough to resist and fight but gets caught because of a tiny mistake or oversight, this is where I really start to feel bad and it all just feels mean and evil towards a girl who didn't even deserve it. And even less does the bad guy deserve a girl like this as his willing and deeply loyal slave.

Did anybody else ever have those feelings of feeling... Sorry or bad for the victim? Like she was really not deserving to be turned like this?

I've been unable to enjoy some of the most awesome work I've ever seen because I just... Felt too uncomfortable seeing the girl I identified with and rooted for willingly submitting. I even had to cancel the pretty much best roleplay I ever did because I ultimately felt unconfortable about what would happen to me and because it felt so mean and betraying.
06/21/20 05:48PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
This is mostly a question related to stories, hentais etc.
Do you ever root for the victim in a mind control story and feel bad when she ultimately loses, especially in a brainwashing scenario where after all that happens the girl is less of a mindless fuckdoll and more of a fiercely loyal underling and sex slave to the controller who still has her own thoughts?

I'm a sub who loves the classic "girl is taken and controlled"-scenario, so I will usually feel great about most stuff, especially with making the girl do everything she'd never do if she was awake. I don't like corruption because it usually just feels like there is barely any resemblance to the orginal, so it feels more like replacing her with a slutty and/or evil version of herself, but a brainwashing sounds extremely hot.

I also love the classic defiant heroine as a victim, especially as a way to identify with her and get into everything even more. However, there are times where I just feel everything... Mean.
Where I think the girl really didn't deserve this. Especially when the girl is just extremely smart, kind, protective and defiant. I just sometimes feel like I can really identify with these girls (bonus points if they look similar to me) and seeing them treated badly and end up controlled and brainwashed, often turned into eager sex puppets willingly giving themselves to the bad guy, just makes me feel bad.

I enjoy seeing the very identifiable girl getting her mind zapped or anything else, but if it gets more intense like a constant brainwashing contraption, especially when the girl is trapped because the villain used her own positive attributes against her (the classic hostage who has actually been mind controlled by the villain and traps her, someone acting like he's in need of help to lure her). I then start rooting for the girl, and when she is smart enough to resist and fight but gets caught because of a tiny mistake or oversight, this is where I really start to feel bad and it all just feels mean and evil towards a girl who didn't even deserve it. And even less does the bad guy deserve a girl like this as his willing and deeply loyal slave.

Did anybody else ever have those feelings of feeling... Sorry or bad for the victim? Like she was really not deserving to be turned like this?

I've been unable to enjoy some of the most awesome work I've ever seen because I just... Felt too uncomfortable seeing the girl I identified with and rooted for willingly submitting. I even had to cancel the pretty much best roleplay I ever did because I ultimately felt unconfortable about what would happen to me and because it felt so mean and betraying.

The hardest part of this fetish, for me, is the moral implications. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone on that front. :)

I've tried writing some hypno stories over the years, but I was only able to feel comfortable with it if it was one of following scenarios.

1. The hypnosis was consensual.
2. The hypnosis was some kind of accident.
3. The victim was a bad person trying to hurt people, and the mind-controller was trying to defend themselves or others.
4. The victim was already under mind-control by someone even worse, and their new boss is a lot nicer by comparison
06/21/20 05:58PM
My sense of empathy and rational mind are both repulsed whenever I see mind-control content. My dick, however, stays erect, so that's good enough for me as a fetishist.

I'm a degenerate, so the more evil the mind-control is, the hotter that makes it for me. I think the essential part is being able to separate the instinctive sexual fantasies we all have, from whatever we'd actually wish to happen to real people. As long as I don't want this to happen in reality, I think I'm okay from a moral perspective.
06/21/20 06:11PM
Indeed, I do...

It's pretty selective for me, and appears to flare up at random, but over the years I've experienced it many times. I can't say for sure if it has anything to do with the type of control, the parties involved or how much I identify with one party or the other, but there are some cases where a story hits just the right (or wrong, depending on point of view) chords and leaves me rooting for the story to 180 and give out some "justice".

One "recent" example that comes to mind was a story by an author who's content I previously really enjoyed. In the story in question, a serial harasser at a company (or law firm maybe? It's been months) made one of his plaintifs actively work towards getting fired and getting her claims discredited. All I could think the whole time was of how badly I wanted the guy punished and the victim to be saved or save herself. It got bad enough I had to step away, and haven't returned.

I have previously read (and have since read) similar or more "egregious" stories, but something about that specific one struck something inside and I couldn't help but hate the controller and root for the victim to an unusually strong degree... and it's hardly the only case where that's happened.
06/21/20 06:20PM
Well, that happened to me couple of weeks ago which caused me to open this thread hypnohub.net/forum/show/92902.

maybe you should read this guy's stories to understand what I feel also:

so basically this Author focused entirely on brainwashing girls into mindless, fiercely loyal slaves who would abandon everything they have for their master. It was great I gotta say, the stories flip a bunch of switch for me but then I started to feel kind bad for the girls, some of them fight valiantly until the end yet their works lies dead in vain as they all meet the same fate, bowing their head under their evil doers feet. There's even a heavy dose of NTR also, the girls' first act most of the time was to throw away their old feelings on the boys they love like a piece of wet rag, sometimes the NTRed male have not even a single ounce to be hated about (which includes their charms on the girls. I mean, you just can't be jealous of them, and NTR only works if jealousy is involved). I feel kinda bad for all the victims, both boys and girls, they just don't deserve to be treated like that.
06/21/20 06:26PM
I recently had a dream about me watching a video of several Touhou characters getting hypnotized into becoming brainless arm candy. Despite something like this being among my biggest fetishes it made me feel incredibly uncomfortable at the time. Even woke up feeling bad about it lol
When watching hentai though, no, I don't think I've ever felt bad for the victim.
06/21/20 06:32PM
It depends on what is happening to the girl, and how things "End"

Realistically if a girl is reprogrammed to enjoy being controlled, I'm more okay with it because well... she's now okay with it. And sure she was kind of reprogrammed into being okay with it, but after the programming she's happy. (The exception to this is if the hypnosis leads to death or major bodily damage. Looking at you, vore, or those terrifying amputation under hypnosis images)

Now, if she's just released afterwards and something less... fun... happened to her, then I'm less okay with it. I mean, if it's a girl who gets hypnotized, does the macarena and barks like a dog or whatever. Ya'know, standard stage shit, then is released there isn't really a problem. Like, she's no worse off.

However if the hypnotist has sex with her then just lets her go well... that's obviously gonna cause some problems.

In conclusion; major bodily harm or death is a no-no, and "catch and release" with some less than accepted things happening is something I'm not super okay with.
06/21/20 06:42PM
I'm a mess, personally.

I tend to fluctuate between extremes: for weeks at a time I want intense brainwashing -- complete and utter domination to such an extent that the dub's previous existence is completely subsumed by the destiny the dom has chosen for her. For me, I like that to range from enslavement as a toy/doll/servant, to vore, where the sub surrenders not only her mind but her body itself to serve the master's needs.

But then all of a sudden that seems too harsh for me. Then sometimes I stop thinking about these scenarios as domination and try to think of them through a different lens, like as a blissful release for the subs. True, their old lives and personalities are gone, but with that they also lose all of their old burdens. No more relationship pressure, no more financial or work responsibilities, no more fears or worries about the past or future. Nothing left but a simple, blissful blankness and obedience. All she has to do is obey and serve. There's no internal conflict, no inhibitions about her services; it's sweet and simple and she couldn't dream of an improvement.

When I think about it like that, I don't feel as bad, and I can more easily overlook their ill-treatment at the hands (tails?) of their doms. If they no longer mind, then why should I? The older parameters of justice and proper treatment no longer apply in their minds, so there's no need to impose it on them from the outside.
06/21/20 06:45PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
This is mostly a question related to stories, hentais etc.
Do you ever root for the victim in a mind control story and feel bad when she ultimately loses, especially in a brainwashing scenario where after all that happens the girl is less of a mindless fuckdoll and more of a fiercely loyal underling and sex slave to the controller who still has her own thoughts?

I'm a sub who loves the classic "girl is taken and controlled"-scenario, so I will usually feel great about most stuff, especially with making the girl do everything she'd never do if she was awake. I don't like corruption because it usually just feels like there is barely any resemblance to the orginal, so it feels more like replacing her with a slutty and/or evil version of herself, but a brainwashing sounds extremely hot.

I also love the classic defiant heroine as a victim, especially as a way to identify with her and get into everything even more. However, there are times where I just feel everything... Mean.
Where I think the girl really didn't deserve this. Especially when the girl is just extremely smart, kind, protective and defiant. I just sometimes feel like I can really identify with these girls (bonus points if they look similar to me) and seeing them treated badly and end up controlled and brainwashed, often turned into eager sex puppets willingly giving themselves to the bad guy, just makes me feel bad.

I enjoy seeing the very identifiable girl getting her mind zapped or anything else, but if it gets more intense like a constant brainwashing contraption, especially when the girl is trapped because the villain used her own positive attributes against her (the classic hostage who has actually been mind controlled by the villain and traps her, someone acting like he's in need of help to lure her). I then start rooting for the girl, and when she is smart enough to resist and fight but gets caught because of a tiny mistake or oversight, this is where I really start to feel bad and it all just feels mean and evil towards a girl who didn't even deserve it. And even less does the bad guy deserve a girl like this as his willing and deeply loyal slave.

Did anybody else ever have those feelings of feeling... Sorry or bad for the victim? Like she was really not deserving to be turned like this?

I've been unable to enjoy some of the most awesome work I've ever seen because I just... Felt too uncomfortable seeing the girl I identified with and rooted for willingly submitting. I even had to cancel the pretty much best roleplay I ever did because I ultimately felt unconfortable about what would happen to me and because it felt so mean and betraying.

I, though male, can understand where you are coming from. Personally, I do not trust anyone yet to hypnotize me because I don't feel comfortable yet with someone having me in such a potentially vulnerable state.

A well-drawn hentai manga that I read was the first time that I honestly felt bad for the female MC target. I have written about it before, it was essentially a one short manga. A high school girl goes on the train to school, notices that everyone is frozen in place and not noticing another girl getting felt up by some creep. The heroine protests and tries to stop him from touching this other girl. She does succeed but only by falling under the sway of his MC sound-emitter. The creep gives her a post-hypnotic suggestion to come back to a specific train after school. The heroine does as instructed and hentai ensues. It ends with her being brainwashed to come to the train every day at a certain time.

I thought of that hentai as being too sleazy at the time and now, my opinion is even more directed against it. There is nothing wrong with a girl getting her brains turned into scrambled eggs if done right. I don't mind seeing a man cumming his brains out under the sway of a hypnotic woman on the same grounds. The challenge is making the controller not too unlikable. Because if the controller is too unlikable, the audience will have that reaction of revulsion that you describe.

There is always the idea of an ugly bastard (ugly on the inside and outside) with a lovely woman to show the controlling character as being morally repulsive, which may serve well for the plot. In Japan, I know that this is a popular trope given the cultural notions of male dominance, ambition and the general decline of romantic/sexual interaction in real life Japan. This would account for many of the works that you described involving a proud heroine being broken by a deviant character.

My personal thoughts are that mind controllers all have different end goals. Take one of my favorite characters, Empress Matilda [Ingrid Karlson's Dark Passenger] as an example. Matilda does not care about a person's happiness, goals, relationship status, family, nor job. All she cares about is why this peasant (male or female) is not worshiping her as the Empress that she is and correcting their insolence with plenty of hypnosis. Afterwards, Empress Matilda simply uses her subjects for her own satisfaction: sexual, power-drunk, and sadistic. There is a reason that these sorts of characters are villains. The audience is supposed to hate them and their bad use of their MC abilities.

I only truly feel bad for a victim of MC, if they have a fate worse than death. Example. A girl is brainwashed to love a man who beat her regularly beforehand. In this type of scenario, I find no pleasure. A much better outcome in my eyes would be for the girl to turn the tables and brainwash her abuser to be a better person. She, of course, leaves him for a better man regardless.

Alternatively, I am not against downer endings for MC stories. Sometimes, you can't have a good or caring mind controller.

06/21/20 06:59PM
Mindcollector13 said:
It depends on what is happening to the girl, and how things "End"

Realistically if a girl is reprogrammed to enjoy being controlled, I'm more okay with it because well... she's now okay with it. And sure she was kind of reprogrammed into being okay with it, but after the programming she's happy. (The exception to this is if the hypnosis leads to death or major bodily damage. Looking at you, vore, or those terrifying amputation under hypnosis images)

Now, if she's just released afterwards and something less... fun... happened to her, then I'm less okay with it. I mean, if it's a girl who gets hypnotized, does the macarena and barks like a dog or whatever. Ya'know, standard stage shit, then is released there isn't really a problem. Like, she's no worse off.

However if the hypnotist has sex with her then just lets her go well... that's obviously gonna cause some problems.

In conclusion; major bodily harm or death is a no-no, and "catch and release" with some less than accepted things happening is something I'm not super okay with.

I am okay with the girl getting brainwashed to kill her true love by the mind controller. Killing under mind control was a goal for many real life governmental programs during the Cold War. It is interesting to see it play out in a fantasy setting kinda like a sexy version of the Manchurian Candidate, without the canonical incest.

This is part of the reason that I am a huge fan of Widowmaker, the other part is that I am a huge Overwatch fan and a talented player of the game. Widowmaker killing people in the game under the orders of Talon is pretty hot, especially considering that she was brainwashed by an Irish scientist/witch named Moira (an evil analog of Mercy).
06/21/20 07:00PM
There are some MC scenarii that I absolutely hate:

- Forcing the sub to do something harmful to others, including MCing random innocent people (which is why I don't like the Graybot concept)
- NTR and the like (including when one of the dom protag's slaves is taken by the antagoist, or forcing a sub to betray someone)
- A protag well-established as a dom getting suddenly MCed by someone else, or revealed as being MCed from the beginning (because by that point I've identified with the protag, and as a dom-only getting my character MCed is no different from IRL rape)
- Any form of bad end, which isn't exclusive to MC situations but the MC makes them even more painful
06/21/20 07:13PM
I've read 1984 too much. As much as I favour hypnosis as a person with no power going on a power/lust trip, hypnosis/mind control is also tied up with the reconditioning done to poor Winston. Which is utterly monstrous.

"Do not think that you will save yourself, Winston, however completely you surrender to us. No one who has ever gone astray is ever spared. And even if we chose to let you live out the natural term of your life, still you would never escape from us. What happens to you here is for ever. Understand that in advance. We shall crush you down to the point from which there is no coming back. Things will happen to you from which you could not recover, if you lived a thousand years. Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves."
06/21/20 07:17PM
Only if I can't root for the dom - they're either not a singular entity acting on their own free will, or something about their personality rubs me the wrong way, or they're domming another dom who I'm already rooting for.
06/21/20 07:40PM
I came across some where i just feel bad for the victim when it ends when lives are ruined because the Controller wants to make the victims lives bad
06/21/20 07:41PM
Goodness no, lol. It's hentai and as such I'm always rooting for the villain 100% of the way unless he's such a massive moron that he shoots himself in the foot or he's such an overpowered Gary Stu and therefore uninteresting to read/watch. Those two specific exceptions aside, I'm always cheering the bad guy on.
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