06/29/20 11:02PM
Thoughts on malesub
So I was originally gonna post something about this as a reply in a thread of unpopular opinions, but then I realized something. There's a bit more to this, that I figured I should acknowledge, and honestly I'm not sure what the extent of the following would be. What I wanna bring up is: How much do people feel that yaoi and malesub content gets shafted around here? (That might sound like a double entendre now that I think about it.)

Because I know there's some obvious exceptions to the trend here. People seem to not mind femboys too much in their NSFW art, in general, there's a number of manips and POV stuff where the malesub is the viewer, and, though I browse furry art pretty rarely, the furries seem to have very little issue with their art getting gay in that regard. These are great and all, since I'm bi as ever, but here's the thing. I'm not always looking for femboys or the viewer getting the hypno treatment, and furries just aren't my thing. The furries that like hypno probably got a good thing going on with malesubs getting tranced, but that leaves me SOL when I just can't adjust to the way they tend to draw their anthro guys.

(Also, I wanted to add this in later: Another exception to this may be artists who are inspired by Kaa and draw a lot of hypnotic talking snakes with malesubs. If you're a rare sort that dislikes art of talking snakes though, you're kinda SOL here.)

What I'm really concerned about personally is stuff that's just between malesubs that appear more androgynous and highly masculine subjects. Those two have their demographics, but the "in-between subjects" get little attention compared to the other two. I feel like, if I even draw characters that are somewhat masculine, I feel like I'm gonna take a hit on my art's stats if I go all "yaoi". I'm reminded of a little something Penken did a while back where he drew Deku getting dommed by a lamia OC of his, and it initially under-performed on Newgrounds for that reason. (See here: ) One reply to that tweet summed it all up really well:

"Unfortunately there is a very good chunk of people into hypno who are only into it for the idea of women being subservient, and actively revolt against anything that involves a male subbing. Less so nowadays though! it was fuckin rife in the early days, like a decade ago." - @Limewah, Feb. 6

And I can see where they're coming from. I have on rare occasion seen people speak up that they would have liked a bit of hypno art better if it featured women instead of guys as the subjects. Those comments don't lend much credence nowadays, but ya really don't see comments that are the inverse of that. And don't worry, I'm not singling out my fellow hypno fans 'cuz I think this is a problem larger than Hypnohub. No doubt about it; this isn't just us. I remember seeing a meme tweet about male-focused lewds getting almost no attention compared to female-focused lewds, and... I hated how true it was. (See here: )

Now, I will say that I don't blame people for liking what they like at the end of the day. But that made me feel like we might have a small issue with our demographics and what interests our community appeals to. Really, I can't see a girl whose really into yaoi and hypnotized, lean studs having a lot to work with on the booru. I see some artists on social media that favor hypnotized men and I feel like they're a treasure in their own right. Really, how do we look if we seem a tiny bit squeamish about masculine subjects getting played with? How do we look when you consider that and how users generally have few reservations at all about art with femsubs or malesubs that are off-camera? I have honestly gone for femsub more frequently than malesub, but even I recognize that this looks a little off.

That's why I wanted to start a new topic about this. Am I exaggerating this or what? Cuz if not, I'm gonna go have to hype up some artists that depict handsome trance slaves.
06/29/20 11:10PM
Femdom x malesub....good...
06/29/20 11:17PM
People like what they like. that's something that just can't be changed and if people like girl on guy or guy on guy/girl on girl that's just what they like.
06/29/20 11:25PM
I can understand your point of view, and I do agree with it.

Personally I am not into malesub or yaoi at all (I even have yaoi blacklisted in here) but I see very little images added here invlolving any of these two. This is a gaping hole that needs to be plugged (pun intended). I couldn't agree more with Limewah, always seeing a woman as the sub tends to give wrong messages about the whole hypno/mind control fetish, outsiders end up seeing it as a form of forced female subservience. This, along with the respect of male/female equality and the need to cater to all fetishes, is why I morally support creating malesub/yaoi art even if I won't actively seek it.
06/29/20 11:46PM
As in other fields and hobbies, tech has been primarily slanted toward men and what they want.
06/29/20 11:58PM
Like others have said, there's not much that can be done about the majority simply liking femsub more. I don't mind if the art features a male or female sub so long as the actual hypno is done well, though I usually stay away from pov sub (Which I suppose is disliking malesub in a roundabout way since I'm a guy).

I'm glad you quoted that reply to Penken about how there's a substantial chunk of people who are into hypno specifically because they like seeing women degraded or made subservient, because art or stories like that are a huge turn off for me. It's rare enough that it isn't a huge problem, but I'm glad that someone else out there feels the same and I'm not just crazy.
06/30/20 01:32AM
I'm not terribly active around here but this is probably my number one complaint. To keep it short, I'm tired of the severe lack of male focused content and I'm tired of only seeing girls (and that content vastly overshadowing everything else). It's a big reason I can't get more invested in this kink.
06/30/20 02:41AM
I only enjoy malesub when it is applied to Femdom. But God, do I love Femdom as a guy. I actually wrote an entire novella about it with some good ol' femsub called, "Lady of Spirals" on Smashwords. Check it out, it's free.

I noticed that when I render Malesub x Femdom, it doesn't really get as much attention as purely female pieces. Also when I did a poll a month ago on which novella, I should do next. The top two were both femsub and primarily maledom.

"Knight of Spirals" got 0 votes and is primarily Femdom-malesub. Some femsub as well. But ya, my point is this: Femsub is far more popular. Oh well, I like Femdom x malesub.
06/30/20 06:07AM
I've noticed the same thing, at least on the hub. Sometimes you'll get one or 2 instances of malesub at most, and on some days you don't get any at all! While I'm more into femboys and crossdressing (shocking, I know) I can't deny that masculine or even just thin guys don't get enough love around here. Thankfully I'm a bi guy and can see some bimbos and muscle-bound women, but I can't imagine what it's like to browse this site as a straight chick.

Another thing I notice is that there's so little pov-sub with maledom on the hub, mostly being femdom. I do want some more manips where I can be dommed by guy. Femdom is nice and all, but we need some variety around here if for no other reason. I also think that we should have a male/female_focus tag (although it may be too late now, with all the posts needed to tag it). That way you don't get a lot of girls in the malesub tag simply because the guy is off-screen.

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
As in other fields and hobbies, tech has been primarily slanted toward men and what they want.

And that sucks, especially when it comes to porn. Girls are horny too!
06/30/20 06:56AM
If you want to do Yaoi, then do yaoi. Pieces turn out better if your heart is really in it! Your overall views may take a hit on that particular piece, but as Alexander Keith said, "Those that like it, like it a lot!"
06/30/20 07:44AM
Not a fan.
06/30/20 09:01AM
Some of the rarer categories of hypno porn are sadly under-appreciated, and I don't want to guess at why malesub is one of those categories... if I *had* to guess, I'd say it's probably because the vast preponderance of femsub stuff probably turns women away from the whole thing, since they mostly see themselves represented as mindless, stupid bimbos... which probably isn't much fun. So the audience for femdom males content doesn't really get much chance to build.

As you noted, though, the stigma is slowly falling away (movements like "hypnosis is rape" notwithstanding), and stuff like 50 Shades getting popular is probably helping to open up more women and girls to this sort of thing.

You can help accelerate things yourself... e.g. by supporting artists like this:

Go over there and offer the person actual money. Hire your favorite artists to make more good stuff. Get your malesub loving friends to do the same.

Support the community, the community will support you.

Furry stuff was niche until artists figured out that furries are ... very willing to pay for good content. And now the amount of furry stuff is off the scale, and artists joke about how the only real way to make a living as a freelancer is to draw sexy furries.

When enough folks have been supporting the community, that artists are saying "subby men" instead of "furries", you'll be amazed at how much awesome content starts to appear -- both paid and free.
06/30/20 02:15PM
I'm genuinely curious about how the hub would react if the first 2 or so pages of the site were majority malesub and yaoi content. Like how would the average straight vanilla user react to having the shoe on the other foot. Maybe I'm projecting but I feel like people would lose their shit. I remember people complaining that the front page had too much ABDL stuff when I used to commonly post that kind of art even though there were ever like 6 present on the front page at a time. It's been about 2 years since I actively posted on this site so maybe attitudes have changed but I'm interested to see what would happen.
06/30/20 03:25PM
Sleepyhead97 said:
I'm genuinely curious about how the hub would react if the first 2 or so pages of the site were majority malesub and yaoi content. Like how would the average straight vanilla user react to having the shoe on the other foot. Maybe I'm projecting but I feel like people would lose their shit. I remember people complaining that the front page had too much ABDL stuff when I used to commonly post that kind of art even though there were ever like 6 present on the front page at a time. It's been about 2 years since I actively posted on this site so maybe attitudes have changed but I'm interested to see what would happen.

I know that a lot of users including myself have blacklisted yaoi. So, it wouldn't have much effect as it would simply drive most vanilla users to simply blacklist it as well. I do not like yaoi due to my large amount of detrimental and tragic experiences in real life regarding such aligned individuals. Thus, I will never make a Yaoi work in any form. I do create Yuri works because of personal pleasure.

On the matter of malesub, I do agree there needs to be an increase in the number of such works. In fact, I am working on a new image of Katherine Lyons (Lady of Spirals) will brainwash her beau Adam into a himbo and injecting him with roids in the first image. The second image will be a dazed Adam getting fucked by Katherine. A before and after image.
06/30/20 03:25PM
I don't think you're exaggerating or wrong really, it's just not something that can be helped really.

I myself really enjoy malesub of the more androgynous variety, and select stories of Maledom/malesub content. I'm still figuring out what makes it tick for me. But boys are good and fun I must say. I'm just way more finicky about it compared to femdom and femsub content. I'm a bit part of the problem I suppose!

The only thing is to do what you can to bring the content into the world. "If you build it, they will come."

Realistically speaking, artwork with less popular or male characters won't do THE NUMBERS that femme stuff will. But it will always be appreciated and enjoyed by the people who are really dying to see it. I hope that's somewhat encouraging!
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