07/02/20 12:55PM
Experiences with sleep deprivation
Hello everyone,

basically I met someone on the hub a few months ago and we started some roleays, and it was pretty much perfect because I got to explore my own kinks a lot better than ever before. I stayed up way longer than usually as well, and I noticed that when you are really tired to the point where you constantly have to pull yourself together, if you just actively refuse to pull yourself together you'll slip into a somewhat weird and funny light-headed state where thinking, talking and writing become extremely slurry and uncontrolled, and I found it extremely funny to be in a state like that, all while constantly being able to snap out and pull myself together at any time. That mixed with be being extremely aroused often left me in a completelx compliant and submissive state a lot of the time, which I really enjoyed.

However, I now feel myself in the weird position where I just can't sleep longer than 6 hours at a time, and it's really affecting me badly. No matter whether I go to sleep early or it's a weekend day, after 6 hours I'm awake... And awfully tired. I spend almost an hour doing nothing in bed because I am so awfully tired but can't go to sleep either, caffeine is just making me more tired and I'm constantly yawning, drooling and generally sleepy the entire day.

Is there anyone who experienced similar things? Is this just temporary? I feel like all I need is a single night of full refreshing 8 hours of sleep to be alright again, but I just can't get it.

I especially don't understand this because in my working field (programmer) not getting enough sleep is really common and I've been fine with 3-4 days in a row without proper sleep (fine as in I could just sleep through a weekend to be full again). I'm just kinda worried about this since it does affect me in a negative way and I want it to go away.

Also in the roleplays I kinda fetishized my sleep deprivation too at one point, and once I was so tired I might've end up actually tranced. I was treated well the entire time and he told me I should stop and that I'm far too reckless with my body for the sake of pleasure, but I really just don't know what to do with the "lasting" effects and if they ever stop.

Should I do an all-nighter, then go to sleep early enough to sleep through an entire night?
07/02/20 01:38PM
I was born with a super fucked up internal clock so I have never had a proper sleep cycle. But I can give a few tips to help reset it a bit.

For one thing get a sleep mask, it will make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Just when you feel tired at all lie down even if you don't actually sleep just resting with start to get your body recharged to a degree.

Cut back on sugar and caffeine.

maybe take a warm/hot shower/bath before you want to go to bed to relax.

and if nothing else there are over the counter sleep aids that can make you sleep, don't become dependent on them though just use them to re-train your body into sleeping.

Oh and this helps me, have something playing that helps you unfocus and zone out. Could be music, white noise, hell a tv show. Just some kind of background noise that you can have and not care about too much.

It will take a while but it should fix it.

I've just leaned to live with my cycle. Sleep 4 hours for a few weeks, sleep normal amount for a few weeks, sleep 10 hours for a few weeks, back to the start.
07/02/20 03:04PM
When I was 13 or so, a friend and I spent a week with me sleeping over at his house. We barely slept. I remember going more than a couple nights without sleep, and felt awful physically, but we just didn't want to sleep cuz we had dumb stuff to do! It was fun, but ultimately I crashed so hard after I got home...

In high school, I had insomnia related to my depression. I would never sleep more than a few hours a night, and it wasn't very restful sleep, either.

Nowadays, sans my depression, I still don't sleep much, and it's a regular occurrence that I accidentally stay up too late, but I wake up at almost the same time every single day, because my body wants *some* semblance of normalcy. I'm mildly tired half the time, wired and ready to do anything the other half, but I honestly don't care for sleep much, since I feel like I have too many things to do in life, and not enough hours in a day to do them.

I've adjusted to this pretty well, I'd say, but especially early on in high school, not sleeping much was HELL. I just kinda put up with it somehow, without thinking about it much, but honestly should probably have gotten some meds for it back when it was actually a problem. Then again, I've always kind of been a morning person AND a night person, so that might be a factor, come to think of it >.>

So, not hypno related or ever putting myself in a "sub space" as some might say. But still.

Try coffee, or sleep meditation tracks before bed. The meditation thing works for my GF well. Setting a strict sleep schedule for a bit can also help some people. If it gets worse, see a doctor about maybe getting some mild sleep meds, but don't go overboard.
07/02/20 08:57PM
Thanks a lot for your answers. I actually have no problems falling asleep, the moment I lie down I'm just gone. It's just frustrating that I never get more than 6 hours out of it. I go to sleep super early... I wake up 6 hours later. I go to sleep late... I wake up 6 hours later. No alarm, nothing waking me up. Maybe I will take my weekend to stay up all night so I can sleep for 10+ hours and refresh my sleep schedule.

Anyways, I've never thought about my state as a type of subspace, but maybe the mixture of sleepyness and arousal and additional arousal from that sleepyness was a mix that just knocked my brain out.
07/02/20 09:01PM
I once stayed awake for 4 days straight,
I was NOT doing well, super irritable, and mild hallucinations, and bad paranoia.
07/02/20 09:06PM
MissCass said:
I once stayed awake for 4 days straight,
I was NOT doing well, super irritable, and mild hallucinations, and bad paranoia.

Wow, my record were 50 hours without sleep and food because of a problem with a tooth, and in the end I saw everything swim and I constantly lost focus, but twice that amound is insane.
07/02/20 09:09PM
Hypnomaid20 said:
Wow, my record were 50 hours without sleep and food because of a problem with a tooth, and in the end I saw everything swim and I constantly lost focus, but twice that amound is insane.

Yeah, I thought I was gonna die, and at one point became convinced the neighbors was trying to steal our chimney. It all ended with the weirdest dream I've ever had in my life, so yeah lol
07/03/20 03:24AM
Recently, I tend to stay up late and get little sleep as a result. Usually gives me sleep paralysis and makes me super tired and grumpy, which is no fun.

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