07/06/20 12:01AM
A Random Tweet About Sissy Hypno (Not Clickbait!)
Wasn't really sure what else to call this.
07/06/20 12:07AM
master226 said:
Wasn't really sure what else to call this.

Eh, seems to me like some more far-right conspiratorial bullshit brought on by the JK Rowling mob. Nothing to worry about, any more than you should worry about the standard moral guardians gatekeeping porn.
07/06/20 12:11AM
TheMadPrince said:
Eh, seems to me like some more far-right conspiratorial bullshit brought on by the JK Rowling mob. Nothing to worry about, any more than you should worry about the standard moral guardians gatekeeping porn.

I do love how many of the responses are people actually interested in hypnoporn.
07/06/20 12:13AM
Seems more likely that he's talking about stuff that at least pretends to be made to hypnotize the viewer.
07/06/20 12:54AM
Is this person implying trans people only exist because of hypnofetishists?
07/06/20 01:16AM
after a quick google search, i find this guy actually may be an expert on the subject of mind control. Like he's written books and stuff.
07/06/20 01:38AM
Transitioning is conversation therapy forced upon people by a cult is certainly a take

And man on top of everything else that's stopping the rest of the world from taking the UK seriously now it turns out our biggest cultural export is written by a fucking TERF
07/06/20 01:43AM
If you mean "we" as in HypnoHub then no. There's nothing to suggest he's attacking HH especially since we don't have much, if any, pov_sub trans hypno porn.

If you mean "we" as in hypnofetishists then... probably not? He does have a bit of a crazy vibe to him but it seems he just simply doesn't like hypnosis/mind control used for evil purposes, though I'll admit I don't know much about this guy so I could be wrong and he could be attacking hypnofetishists so that's why I say probably not. (someone who does know this guy is probably going to call me out on that last paragraph tbh)
07/06/20 01:45AM
Also yeah I think he’s talking about those god damn videos that fill up the “hypnosis” tag on pornhub those sissy conversion videos and such that use epilepsy worthy flashes of images and stuff and are like 49 minutes long with binaural beats and stuff
07/06/20 01:48AM
Ya, this is just an issue of overly focused optics on one part of the community. Those videos are there for people who already want to transition.

Oh well, everything is a contraversy nowadays.
07/06/20 01:49AM
This thread, particularly the title, is incredibly misleading and has absolutely nothing to do with the site or the community itself. While I'm all for discussing certain current events in a civil manner, I'd rather this thread not devolve into arguing over <<|JK Rowling>> and trans-people in general.

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