07/09/20 01:55AM
Game idea: Hypnosis themed arena shooter
Greetings all, so as my first post on this booru I figured I'd present this idea I'd had for a hypno-themed game and see what others thought. Apologies for its scattershot nature, I pretty much wrote out ideas as they came to me.

To provide an idea on what sort of gameplay this looks like in my head, imagine Splatoon type of gameplay (Third person) but with the GMOD: Trouble in Terrorist Town level of items and roles. If this idea has already been done then if anyone can link to it that would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you all enjoy, looking for feedback if possible. Many thanks!

Messrs Game idea: Hypnosis themed arena shooter

#Rather than shooting guns, the weapons and tools revolve around hypnotising your opponent for different results.

#Different loadouts exist which provide different hypno themed tools (Tech, Magic, Chem). From direct projectiles like mind guns to trap themed tools you set up which deploy hypnosis effects such as spirals.

#Every character has an arm brace to deploy their loadouts and traps (like the blueprints from Fortnite combined with the Pipboy from fallout). Could be hackable.

#Health is more like Willpower (Resolve?), a customisable stat that determines whether a hypno weapon is resisted or not and lowers until depleted. Some matches can be played with low Willpower to increase the frequency of successful hypnosis and a more frantic game.

#Willpower can be restored like health if the items are part of the match, multiple types of appearance from sprays to glowing rocks.

#[Maybe a Hidden obedience mechanic can be influenced by what affects you and what loadouts you have, so having more nanotech loadouts could create resistance to nanotech control but weakness to magic.]
#Hypno tools: Items for more direct effects for players to use on opponents.

-Mind gun (Tech): Shoots a projectile which weakens willpower, come in different varieties which can cause different effects.

-Mind pistol: Slow rate of fire, fires nanobot darts that implant triggers in opponent, causing them to commit certain actions, such as miss their own shots, show their traps and even betray their team (friendly fire reversal). Triggers deployed via arm brace.

-Mind Rifle: High rate of fire, fires poison/chemical tipped darts. Disorients and slows opponent but has little willpower effect, good for leading enemies into traps or slowing them for teammates.

-Mind sniper: High impact on Willpower, low willpower or a headshot crit causes the opponent to be a AI Bot for a period of time and fight for player.

-Mind Bazooka: Creates a gas AOE attack that drains Willpower over time.

-Spritzer (backpack and sprayer) (Chem): Close range akin to a flamethrower, flings mind control spores at a target.

-Gas bomb (various forms)(Chem): Deploys a mind control gas which depending on its chosen contents creates different effects.

-Magic wand (Magic): Casts different spells that create different effects, can be self cast to create positive effects at a cost to Willpower.

-Crystal (Magic): Slow effect on Willpower but when used obscures the player so they can’t be targeted by the chosen opponent. Charges when used and when fully charged allows the player to make a ‘wish’ which creates an instantaneous effect on a chosen opponent.

-Psychic helmet (Tech): Implants triggers or suggestions into targets, can create a backlash if Willpower is too strong.

-Pheromone spray (Chem): Sprays a small cloud that lowers defences against player who used it. A debuff tool.

-Staff of command (Magic): Creates an aura around player that drains Willpower and can be focused on a chosen target to increase the Willpower drain.
#Traps: Deployable around the maps but can take time to set up.

-Spiral deployer: Projects a floating spiral which disables opponents for a short time, allowing their willpower to be weakened by the spiral or by another tool.

-Hidden speaker: Slowly corrupts any in its area of effect, due to echoing it can be hard to locate it.

-Gas pressure trap: Sprays gas that lowers willpower over time.

-Pit trap: Deploys a pit that when enemies fall in they are trapped, contains tentacles or slime which slowly weaken willpower.

-Fake willpower recovery tool: Usage weakens willpower instead of heals it.

-Snake: Mobile trap that stuns enemy and damages Willpower until it leaves or someone gets behind it and picks it up, can be reused.

-Pheromone mine (Chem): Similar to gas trap but only emits a spray that increases sensitivity to tools and traps of player who deployed trap. Looks like a plant or flower.
#Defence items: Items that protect or recover Willpower but come with a cost, limited number of uses or number of equippable items at one time, could be buildable or only have a set number when match begins.

-Sunglasses: Block visual input, limits vision on sides, creates a tunnel vision effect.

-Tinfoil hat: Stops psychic signals from succeeding but is very fragile.

-Self affirmation song: Music via a tape player that resists audio hypnosis but makes it hard to hear anything else.

-Noise cancelling headphones: Blocks audio cues and allows one to listen for particular cues to traps and players, but can be hacked.

-Circlet of protection: Protects against Magical effects but can only block a certain number of attacks before it breaks and creates a backlash that increases sensitivity to magic effects with a permanent effect on total amount of Willpower.
#Melee (short range) weapons:

-Whip: Inflicts a hit to willpower

-Pendulum: Slowly lowers willpower the longer the opponent is watching it, slows target as well when in direct line of sight.

-Claws: Covered in a chemical that lowers willpower
#Hypno Effects Gameplay : Some effects can be direct, such as switching sides or disabling opponents for a time. Others include corruptive effects such as having poorer aim or fumbling item deployment so they get hit by its effects in a self inflicted manner.

-Triggers: An action is performed when a trigger is used, such as firing on an ally or walking into a trap.

-Corruption: Player actions take longer to enact. Certain actions are performed to aid another player, such as placing traps but making it so it doesn’t trigger in their opponents presence.

-Blanking: A stun effect, the affected player does not move for a time unless freed or affected by another hypnosis effect.

#Visual: Characters are archetypes (secretary, Priest, scientist) and players can select what their controlled or corrupted forms turn into (harem, stripper, slave, ‘enhanced’ versions of themselves). That or the player using the hypnosis determines what their opponents will turn into? Could also be basic visual effects such as blank eyes or glow around players.
#Different game modes:

-Standard Capture: Disable all opponents

-Team Capture: Control all opponents to your side in a team-based battle. Players can switch sides often so based on number of switches or amount of Willpower drained in total to determine scores.

-Harem Route: Gather all other opponents to your particular side in a free for all and slowly build your harem. Everyone starts out solo but over time acquires others to their side, can lose members though so needs to stay on top. Willpower could pool so larger harems are harder to corrupt on a per member basis or the leader of the harem gains resistances the larger their harem.

-Secret Hypnotist: Everyone is a target except for the secret hypnotist who is working to take control. Limited tools for hypnotists, some methods work fast to allow for early or easy success, while others take time and require planning to ensure success.

-Freedom seeker: Reverse of secret hypnotist, one or more players are free from hypnosis but need to either free others or escape. To do so they must complete certain actions without being caught. Hypnotists have a limited number of tools to use so cannot waste them on AI’s and so must watch to determine who is real person and who is the free player among AI bots.

-Freeze Tag: Players go around freezing opponents if they are ‘it’ (solo or team). Other players can free each other.
#Levels: Most levels have a lot places to hide traps and hypnotise opponents. Also certain aspects could potentially be controllable, such as hacking lights to control or stun players, screens to set up certain types of traps.


Once again, thank you for your attention, and have a nice day!
07/09/20 02:11AM
This does sound pretty fun. :)
07/09/20 07:15PM
It sounds like something you might be able to pull off in gmod to be honest. Interesting.
07/09/20 09:00PM
You would need to make sure there is a very strong single player mode; hypno kink is relatively niche (not the most niche but still), so a multiplayer game in that vein might suffer from being good in theory, but unplayable due to a small playerbase.
07/09/20 09:13PM
If this got like, major coverage and became a thing you could sell at like gamestop, I'm not sure how many of us would buy it. Idk about you, but I'd rather my friends NOT see me indulging in my secret fetish
07/09/20 11:27PM
TheFinalAnubis said:
If this got like, major coverage and became a thing you could sell at like gamestop, I'm not sure how many of us would buy it. Idk about you, but I'd rather mu friends NOT see me indulging in my secret fetish

Then you probably won't like to hear that a fair amount of H-games includes analytics that send data back to who knows where especially Unity Engine based games sometimes come with the analytics enabled and that module even allows to load code into the game from a remote server that is controlled by Unity but the devs and anyone who compromises them can upload code. The possibilities are endless! So I don't know about you, but I don't like backdoors on my system.
07/10/20 08:43AM
TheFinalAnubis said:
If this got like, major coverage and became a thing you could sell at like gamestop, I'm not sure how many of us would buy it. Idk about you, but I'd rather my friends NOT see me indulging in my secret fetish

Your friends can't see you indulging in your fetish... if you don't have any friends
07/10/20 03:28PM
TheMadPrince said:
Your friends can't see you indulging in your fetish... if you don't have any friends

Do you need a hug?
07/10/20 03:36PM
RemoteControl said:
Then you probably won't like to hear that a fair amount of H-games includes analytics that send data back to who knows where especially Unity Engine based games sometimes come with the analytics enabled and that module even allows to load code into the game from a remote server that is controlled by Unity but the devs and anyone who compromises them can upload code. The possibilities are endless! So I don't know about you, but I don't like backdoors on my system.

Then disable your wifi for 10 minutes while you play those games? It's not too hard lol
07/10/20 03:43PM
TheFinalAnubis said:
Do you need a hug?

Eh, it's fine. I've become used to it
07/10/20 06:59PM
You can do Unreal Engine and use figures from Abode Fuse.

It is pretty easy to control the figures in Unreal Engine. The only major issue that I have is scripting but it does layout some decent blueprints to shooter games.

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