07/09/20 10:20PM
What is the most annoying thing to you all?
As the title says my question is what is the most annoying thing to you all? This does not have to be hypnosis related.

Mine is when people shake their leg up and down.
07/09/20 10:58PM
Privatesoup said:
As the title says my question is what is the most annoying thing to you all? This does not have to be hypnosis related.

Mine is when people shake their leg up and down.

Well we can never be friends...I was actually doing that as I read your statement.
07/09/20 11:03PM
Imasuky said:
Well we can never be friends...I was actually doing that as I read your statement.

Another one bites the dust
07/09/20 11:36PM
Imasuky said:
Well we can never be friends...I was actually doing that as I read your statement.

I also never skip leg day.
07/10/20 12:14AM
Spambots or ad accounts posting shady links to the site.
07/10/20 12:40AM
I'm very sensitive to sound, in general. A tennis-racket bug zapper makes a high-pitched squealing noise, which I will hear without fail. I also hear it when my dad adjusts the settings on his hearing aids - that's done via a sound that's supposed to be just outside human hearing range.

There's a lot of noises that bug me, as a result of how sensitive I am to sound - mosquitoes are all hellspawn intent on destroying my sleep, noisy eaters can rot in hell, and whomever came up with the Dutch street organ deserves to get fucked with a rusty chainsaw.

07/10/20 12:47AM
People who complain about having to wait for food at a restaurant. Because apparently there time is just so important that they feel the need to harass the staff.
07/10/20 12:54AM
People not using a pop filter on their microphones so you can hear them smacking their lips and wiggling their tongue and popping the spittle in their mouths every time they speak. How ASMR doesn't drive people to the brink of insanity is beyond me.

I worked at a deli before and all of the food we cooked was placed on display in a hot case, and I wanted to punch every slack-jawed idiot that asked "Uhm what do y'all have" so I'd have to stand there, point at everything we were serving, then explain what it was.
07/10/20 01:05AM
People who just sling buzzwords about all willy nilly and never use them in the correct context.

Related: People who see someone use a buzzword in the incorrect context and immediately go "OH SHIT U RITE"
07/10/20 01:40AM
The most annoying thing to me is that in order to ensure my continued existence, society has forced me to perform a series of menial tasks that don't particularly benefit me as a person other than they earn me the money that buys my existence; also that this very same society, when someone asks for a little help, would much rather point a weapon at the person in need than trying to find ways to help.
07/10/20 01:46AM
When someone needs something and they say "Hey, you wanna help me with this?"

No buddy, you didn't make it sound like a big deal so I'm gonna be a lazy peace of shit. If you need help with something then ask me like a normal person.
07/10/20 01:53AM
People who say "maths" instead of "math", or "ecksetera" instead of "et cetera", or "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less".
07/10/20 02:15AM
origamiswami said:
People who say "maths" instead of "math", or "ecksetera" instead of "et cetera", or "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less".

What about "irregardless"?
07/10/20 02:20AM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I'm very sensitive to sound, in general. A tennis-racket bug zapper makes a high-pitched squealing noise, which I will hear without fail. I also hear it when my dad adjusts the settings on his hearing aids - that's done via a sound that's supposed to be just outside human hearing range.

There's a lot of noises that bug me, as a result of how sensitive I am to sound - mosquitoes are all hellspawn intent on destroying my sleep, noisy eaters can rot in hell, and whomever came up with the Dutch street organ deserves to get fucked with a rusty chainsaw.

Yesss… Not all of these, some really get to me. Also, the "hum" produced by some lights and plugs, and some "turned off" PCs, nails on fabric, scuffs.

On another note:
People who do not read instructions before asking what the instructions say.
People using chat services who do not scroll up to read previous messages (and ask a question that has been answered three times or more, including five posts back).
People who refuse to even try looking up an answer before asking about it.
People who claim they have not received an answer when you can track how many times you've given it.
07/10/20 03:51AM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I'm very sensitive to sound, in general. A tennis-racket bug zapper makes a high-pitched squealing noise, which I will hear without fail. I also hear it when my dad adjusts the settings on his hearing aids - that's done via a sound that's supposed to be just outside human hearing range.

There's a lot of noises that bug me, as a result of how sensitive I am to sound - mosquitoes are all hellspawn intent on destroying my sleep, noisy eaters can rot in hell, and whomever came up with the Dutch street organ deserves to get fucked with a rusty chainsaw.

I am going out on a limb here but I think you have the sound variant of what I have what I have is called misokenisa (extreme anger to a certain sight usually a repetitive motion).

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