07/24/20 10:37AM
Hypnotized in Shanghai Draft Excerpt
Hypnotized in Shanghai
Morgan Grey

The following is the first 3.5k words in my second novella. The words may change between now and final release.


Chapter I

The clouded Shanghai night was alight with thousands of red, yellow and blue sky lanterns. Fireworks sent shocks through the hordes of lanterns. Few noticed, however as their attentions had been captured by a dizzying array of floats ranking from Dragons to Emperors to Giant Pigs and finally to the smaller human floats.
This was the night of the 2025 Spring Festival, Year of the Wood Snake. Hundreds of thousands were joyous. Laughter was heard all throughout the great city from the French Concession to Baoshan that night. Gone was the fear of the pandemic, only for it to augment an unceasing fear of Oldest Brother Xi. The reasons are unsavory things that have befallen those who dwelled too long on the past pandemic.
Smiling faces work better than masks to stave off danger now. Out of mind, out of sight goes the old saying.
Two of those smiling faces belonged to Li Huian [Insert], and her old childhood friend Zhang Kai [Insert]. Huian had witnessed 20 years of festivals and two without, all the while growing into a lovely young woman. She was dressed in a traditional red Hanfu [Chinese-Insert] dress. Comparatively, Kai wore an even more florescent red Tang suit with dull brown lapels running down the middle.
“It seems that the whole city is here! There is no way we can get a good view on the parade. I told you, Kai, not to take so long.” Huian complained
“Well, it is not my fault that I had to help my parents set up for their biggest show of the year. It is hard being the only child of China’s greatest Magician and Mesmerist.” Kai replied in a shrill tone
“Oh, it is so hard,” Huian began impersonating her friend. “Dad is making millions of yuans showing up on TV doing a bit of hocus-pocus. Hell, when he swings that shiny coin in front of a pretty girl’s face he makes so much money that it hurts my back moving it all.”
“Hahahahahaha…” Kai laughed
Huian caught the laughing bug and the pair laughed for the better part of a minute.
“So if your parents are having their biggest show of the year; why aren’t you with them, Kai?” Huian asked in a half serious tone
Kai was taken slightly aback by how suddenly Huian changed the subject.
Kai began to stutter.
“Wellll you seeee, I haven’t seen you in so long Huian. I just wanted to see how you are doing is all that is why I asked you to join me for the festival.” Kai said suddenly in a panic
Kai’s calm demeanor returned. In his mind, he was relieved that Huian had not figured out the real reason why he decided to ask her to the Spring Festival with him.
The pair walked towards another square and Huian changed the subject once more.
“Well I am doing well. Only thing that I have to do now is finish this semester to graduate from Shanghai University. I cannot wait to work in marketing. There are so many ideas I have to sell local products and places like Hainan. ‘Forget Honalulu, Hainan Island needs you!’”
“You were always patriotic, Huian. I will give you that much as true. Hainan is sure nice. Turquoise blue water and a summer’s sun is your constant companion down there. Have ever you been?”
“I am afraid not. My parents only took me abroad: Japan, Russia, North Korea and –”
“England,” Kai finished.
The smile on Huian’s face turned upside down into a frown.
“Yes, England; I hated that trip. My parents used me as a free translator to buy knickknacks, order food and get directions. Never had I talk to so many strangers with bad teeth since that summer I spent at my grandparent’s house in the countryside.” Huian admitted
Kai ripped a laugh to Huian’s chagrin. Huian’s frown slid into a grin.
“You think that is funny, wait until you hear this,” Huian changed her voice once more. “’Ello gov’na! I love chips and fishes.”
Both friends giggled at the silly British accent. They were unaware of the devious figure approaching them.
“It is simply just fish, not fishes,” the figure corrected Huian’s English. “I thought you would remember that fish is one of the few words in the English language; you don’t have to change for plural or singular use. Don’t tell me, Huian, you’ve not practiced since graduating from my class.”
“Ms. Kifton!!!” Huian and Kai screamed in surprise

The former pupils ran up to hug their secondary school teacher. They embraced.
Still clutching his teacher, Kai asked in crisp textbook English. “Why did you go with the blonde hair and bigger bust, Ms. Kifton?”
“You’re no longer my student, Kai. No need to be so formal. Call me Lauren.” the Australian belle replied. “Well funny you should ask about my changes, my boyfriend suggested them to me a long time ago.”
“You have a boyfriend, Ms. Lauren?! What’s he like?” Huian asked excitedly
“Well he is Chinese. He’s got the cutest face with a tiny nose that I like to pinch sometimes. When I pitch him often enough, his nose will turn red like Rudolf’s.” Lauren smiled
Kai felt the pit in his stomach return. Lauren was one of the loveliest women he had ever met. It was a shame that she was now taken. Oh well, he still had Huian. A love as old as since they were kids, in a few moments before Kai’s declaration: I love you, Huian.
The pupils let go of their teacher. “Well I have to go; my boyfriend is waiting for me at the Gallant Wild Geese Irish Pub. Before I go, do you two have my number?”
Huian and Kai nodded their heads no.
“Alright here, it is [ ]. Send me a text from each of your phones to confirm.”
After that was done, Lauren walked two yards away before she turned and said: “Oh and one more thing enjoy the festival, you lovebirds!”
Huian turned red. Kai’s stomach pit became a chasm. They both looked at each other for half a minute. After the initial shock wore off, Huian was the first to speak.

“Kai, you’re one of my oldest friends and it is great that you are back from Beijing for good after graduating from Tsinghua. I just don’t think of you in the same way. We are good friends. So, let’s just forget about this and move on with our night.” Huian proposed
“No!!!” Kai screamed. “The whole reason why I asked you out was to declare my romantic love for you. We were both single, educated and come from good families. We are a great match.”
Huian’s face soured. “What type of outmoded thinking do you still believe in? The whole matchmaking idea is from our bloated imperialist past. Women are free to marry whoever they want for whichever reason they see fit, notably love.”
Kai fucked up. He awoke Huian’s nationalist and Communist fervor. He should not have gone with the logical approach. Women seem to hate that. Next time, he thought about just declaring his love and letting his heart deal with the rest.
Kai corrected himself before Huian.
“I didn’t mean it that way, Huian. You know my family and I love the Party as well as China. We shouldn’t be fighting over something that we agree on. I was talking to you like you were your parents. My mistake. I love you. I loved you for saving me from the spider. I loved you for ---”
“I don’t love you. You are actually getting me mad now. You are a nice guy, but you’re not my type. Kai, I want to marry a man with an exciting life. All that I know is that you have become a boring psychologist. Both your parents are television stars and you shun the limelight. I wouldn’t do that.” Huian declared
Kai began getting mad.
“You don’t know anything about my life, Huian! So this is how it all comes out. How long have you harbored these feelings? Huian, you don’t want this life of mine. Both my parents are neglectful morons, who go partying and world-traveling while leaving their only child in the care of his grandparents.”

“That is bullshit, Kai. I saw your parents at lot when we were growing up. Your mother used to braid my hair all the time! Kai, face it you are just mad at your parents for their success. I understand you are still figuring yourself out. As a rule, I don’t date half baked men.”
Kai’s face turned red in fury.
“I am not half baked! You know what you can go and fuck yourself. I am not longer your friend and it seems that you never were mine.”
“One thing, Kai, I am your friend. You are just mad; calm down.”
“How can I calm down when you are insulting and telling me I am living my life wrong? Huian, I am going to leave. Enjoy the rest of your night alone.”
Kai turned away from his former friend and ran into a nearby crowd. Huian felt the anger in her subside and began to cry. She walked alone in the opposite direction with tears streaming down her face.

Chapter 2
Kai was in frenzy. He was running as far and as fast as he could from Huian and his heartbreak. Before Kai knew it, he was lost in an empty part of the French Concession. The tears started welling up in his eyes.
He didn’t want to upset his parents with the bad news with Huian. They were going to interrogate him for information on why it failed and give their advice. Kai always dreaded this part because his parents would dredge up the bad memory. Both of them would keep it lingering for weeks with snide commentary and remarks.
Kai can already think of them being uttered, “Oh honey, don’t chase the ducks away like you chased away Huian” Mother lectured. “Girls don’t like boring men; they want a man who travels the world and his pick of women.” Father boasted

Even Kai had to confess his father’s boast rings true. Mr. Zhang was the biggest magician in China and throngs of people would always come out to see him. Beautiful women were often picked from the crowd and given the old razzle-dazzle. They got sawed in half and reunited, switching places with a goat for a few minutes and other illusions. Those lovely ladies almost always ask for more and more they receive.
The climax of the show was always the hypnosis. Mrs. Zhang would always take the female volunteers once they finished, backstage. Kai remembered how his mother would hypnotize the lovely ladies into nice, relaxing trance. He knew when a girl’s eyes went glassy, she was under.
A warm memory suddenly floated into Kai’s head. He remembers on his 18th birthday, his mom took him backstage after one of their shows in Qingdao. Waiting for him was an entranced local model, who Mrs. Zhang booked as the event’s magical assistant.
“What do you think of your birthday gift?” Zhang Jun asked her awestruck son
The assistant was dressed in a black bunny suit complete with a pair of matching clipon ears. Her fake breasts struggled against the otherwise flimsy fabric. All the while, drool fell from the entranced girl’s mouth onto her bust.
“You hypnotized your assistant to be my girlfriend?!”
“Well, I actually think Shao Min here would make a lovely wife and mother to my grandchildren. No more one child policy means no more excuses mister. I want our line to be as expansive as Genghis Khan’s.”
“I don’t know about your bloodline getting that big, Mom. I know Dad’s line will soon rival the Great Khan’s descendants in number.” Kai joked
Kai clutched his cheek. It was burning red from his mother’s slap.
“Your father has only one child: you. Don’t you ever joke about that! If it wasn’t your birthday, I would have washed your mouth out with soap.” Jun scowled
“I am sorry, Mom.” Kai said meekly
Jun’s frown disappeared as she smiled.
“Do you like the bunny girl outfit? I recommended Min to wear it and she vehemently refused. We had to bribe her with an extra 2500 Yuan to wear the bunny suit.” a baritone voice said
“We had to pay her all that much because you lack tack, Darling. I mean you call yourself HelloMaster and expect women to fall to their knees at your very sight.” Jun told her husband
“And they do.” Zhang Wei proudly said. “My name is one of the most common in China. How do you expect me to separate myself from the crowd? Women respect uniqueness, and prestige. HelloMaster is my brand and who I am.”
“I guess then as the manager of your brand, I control who you are,” Jun joked
“Control me, then.” Wei said as he leaned in to kiss Jun
The married couple made out. Their son looked away out of respect and a slight tinge of embarrassment.
After that was finished, they all turned their attention back to the entranced assistant. Jun whispered something into the mesmerized Min’s ear and snapped her fingers.
Min’s eyes awoke.
“Kai, my love!! I want to have fun with you, cutie. Let me take you back to my hotel room or we can go to yours. I don’t really care, the truth is I want you all to myself forever.” Min said with intense brown eyes filled with lust
Kai instantly turned red as Min jumped up and began kissing him passionately.
Mr. and Mrs. Zhang left their son with his birthday gift. Kai’s mind raced forward towards taking Min to his hotel room. She was naked and so was he. She was on top of him. Min jumped up and down with her eyes closed. It was complete lust between the two young lovers.
“Uhuhhhhhu, Ahh!” Min screamed as she came
“Keep going, Min. I still want to come again.” Kai said
“I love you, Kai! I want to have your babies and be your wife. This is my happy ever after. Take off the condom.”
“No!! Are you crazy?! I am not taking off the condom, I don’t even think you’re on the pill.” Kai worriedly said
“I won’t be starting tomorrow. I am your girlfriend, which means my number one goal is to get pregnant and become your wife.” Min said casually
“Nope, nope. Get off my dick. You are not going to get pregnant anytime soon. Min, I love you. But, let’s take this slow.”
“NO!!!!!!!” Min screamed as she tried to rip off the condom
Kai rolled and fell off the bed. Min had the condom and tried to stuff it in her vagina. Kai managed to stop her, but just barely. The two fought and struggled for a few minutes.
‘Damn it, Mom and Dad! You got me a crazy girlfriend!’ Kai thought to himself
“Ok,okay,okkkay.” Kai tiredly spoke. “Let’s rest. I will make you a deal. In exchange for me, impregenating you and fulfilling your fantasy of a family; I ask one thing.”
Min began smiling
“What? I will do anything!”
“Min, I want to hypnotize you.” Kai proposed
“Oh okay, just like your parents did. It is a parlor trick you know. I mean they paid me a lot of money to fake it in front of everyone. I just loved it when you were telling me all those sweetnothings in my ear as I waited to go on stage. It was so boring working with your parents. So boring indeed.” Min said nodding off
“It was so boring wasn’t it? You just couldn’t keep your eyes open when they had you stare at the pendulum.” Kai’s voice soothed
“Couldn’t keep my eyes open, looking at the pendulum.” Min recalled dreamily
“Tell me what pendulum they used to make your eyes so tired and sleepy. Imagine it in your mind’s eye. Take a moment or two and just close your eyes.” Kai whispered
Min’s eyes gave into gravity and just dropped.
“Min, just drift into your memories and relax. Relaxation brings memories into sharper focus. Let me guide you into remembering. Can you see the pendulum in your mind?”
“Yes,” Min said. “The pendulum was a coin, it was a very shiny bronze coin. It spun and spun, whipping light into my eye. I felt a bit dizzy, but your father’s words calmed me.
“It is a present from my mother given on their wedding day. My mother’s family are Manchus and were high-ranking nobles during the Qing Dynasty. When Comrade Sun Yat-Sen’s Revolution toppled Puyi, my mother’s family lost most of their coins. But they kept that one. Isn’t it lovely?”
“Yes. Your father’s coin is lovely though-” Min stopped suddenly
Kai knew what was happening: Min was falling deeper into trance.
Can you hear his words?” Kai asked anxiously
“Yes, he is telling me to relax and to look at the coin as it spins. Spinning and swinging. Swinging and spinning. Spinnnnnnnnnnn…..” Min said as her mind froze
Kai was worried by this lockdown of Min’s mind. Especially as she began drooling once again.
“Min, can you hear me?” Kai said softly
“I hear you, Kai.” Min whispered
“Good now, tell me what happened after my Dad showed you his coin.” Kai inquired
A moment passed. Min squirmed on the bed.
“He was telling me all these things. How I think you are the most wonderful person in the world. Zhang Kai is the most handsome man in the world; I am madly in love with him. He is my soulmate, I want to marry him and have his children.” Min repeated her mantras
“Where was my mother in all this?” Kai suddenly wondered
“She was behind me the whole time. Her nails were massaging my scalp as my eyes got tired from your father’s coin. It felt so gooooddd………..”
“She was telling you things too, wasn’t she?”
“Yes, she was suggesting to me that it is natural to feel hypnotized. It is just so easy to slip into a deep hypnotic trance. My focus is completely on the trance, leaving my mind open for suggestion.”
“Wow, Mom and Dad really brainwashed you.” Kai said softly
Min nodded, dropping some drool down her chin.
“Yes, I am brainwashed and open to suggestion.” Min said aloud in monotone
Kai was taken aback.
“Min, will you obey any suggestion I give you?” Kai asked the brainwashed model
“Yes, Master.” Min said with a smile forming on her face
“Listen closely.” Kai began whispering his fantasies, desires, and expectations into Min’s willing mind
Kai remembered that it was 5 hours of brainwashing later to get his perfect girlfriend.
Min slept deeply that night as Kai let the changes sit in her mind. He soon fell asleep next to his new hypnotized concubine.
In the morning, Kai awoke with a warm feeling on the tip of his penis. Min was sucking it gently.
He remembered the love that was in Min’s eyes. Min’s deeply programmed passion burned behind her dark eyes which brought joy into Kai’s heart.
‘She was mine.’ He thought. ‘Min will be my forever wife. This is the beginning of my happy ending.’
‘How wrong he was,’ Kai thought back in the present. He was walking alone and heartbroken. Just then the phone rings, and it is Lauren!
Kai answers the phone.
“Hey Lauren.”
“Kai! Hey, I want to invite you to drink with me at the Gallant Wild Geese Irish Pub. I got a table for us all. My boyfriend is supposed to come, but he always comes late. Bring Huian along too, I need the extra company! She must be ready to get piss drunk. Hahahahaaha. I am already halfway there myself, *burp*.” Lauren tipsily said
“Huian shot me down. She is crazy and thinks that she can live my life better than I can. I had to run away from her insanity and ended up in a sketchy part of town. There are only a few lights around; I am going to order a taxi out of here. I will meet you at the pub.” Kai said suddenly afraid for his safety
“Ok, stay safe. Love you.” Lauren told Kai
“I will. Love you too.” Kai replied back automatically
‘What the fuck is going on here. Is Lauren trying to fuck me out of pity or something?’ Kai thought

Kai called a taxi using an app and got into it. He relaxed in the backseat. Watching on his phone, Kai noticed a familiar face in his parents’ LIVE show. It couldn’t be, but it was. Huian sitting there completely mesmerized in front of thousands of spectators.
Shock quickly overcame Kai and all sorts of thoughts flooded into his mind. He quickly resumed his rage against his parents.
‘They got Huian, those bastards. They give and take away everything in my life like petty gods. Well no more, I am going to brainwash Lauren and steal her from her boyfriend.’ Kai thought evilly to himself
Hahahaahaahahahahahahahahah! Kai maniacally laughed as the Taxi driver looked concernedly on from the front seat blocked with a solid Plexiglas barrier
07/24/20 10:41AM
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