04/04/14 05:05AM
Music And You - What do you like?
It's obvious that our community is very diverse. It's something I love about HypnoHub; such a variety of people to meet and chat with. As an attempt to bring the community a little closer together and due to general interest, I just thought I'd ask this question:

What type of music do you prefer and why?

Everyone (who has a sense of hearing, anyway) enjoys some form of music, whether it's something as common as light rock or as rare and special as <<|pirate metal>>.

What's your gig?

(Don't worry, you don't have to be as descriptive as in my below post :P)
04/04/14 05:05AM
I've always loved music ever since I was little, at one point in my late teenage years, though, I went through a time of great troubles and my love of music waned until it was gone completely. There was a 4 year span during which I had not listened to a single song.

When I rediscovered my love for music again, it was, ironically, because of video games. I was playing some oldschool stuff (Light Crusader? The Legend of Zelda? Bubsy the Bobcat? Anyone?) when I first realized how catchy the tunes in these games really were. In an odd twist of fate, the very same day I discovered <<|OverClocked Remix>>, a site dedicated to remixing video game music. I lived and breathed the music off of that site for a year or two before expanding my horizons.

When I decided to expand my horizons a bit, I discovered that I really liked orchestral and progressive metal and rock, as well as techno. I also found that can like almost anything; when I say my taste in music is eclectic, I'm not just making things up. The only type of music I can't bring myself to like even a little is rap.

During this time of self discovery in music, I found a few bands that stuck with me through all this time. And I mean few. :P

<<|Kamelot>> is possibly my favorite English-language band to date. In particular, I absolutely adore their Black Halo (2005) and Ghost Opera (2007) albums, though all of the albums starting with Epica (2003) are great.

<<|Here>>, <<|have>> <<|some>> <<|samples>>. And prepare for some feels.

Another band I enjoy to this day is Daughtry. You all might know the founder of that band, Chris Daughtry, as that one dude from the fifth season of American Idol. Their songs are nothing outrageously unique, but I really feel it when I hear them.

Another <<|sample>>.

But it was always the less popular genres that I truly enjoyed. *points at OCRemix* No kidding. I find it exciting to discover genres of music that I've never heard before. This causes me to have a tendency to avoid the overly popular bands and seek out things less mainstream, because I'm much more likely to find unique stuff in them.

At some point, through OCRemix no less, I discovered that Japan has been at the whole remix thing for a long time, now. That's right, I discovered <<|doujin music>>. In particular, I discovered <<|Touhou>> <<|remixes>>.

To this day, I listen almost solely to this stuff. Touhou remix music come in...

<<|Every>>. <<|Genre>>. <<|Imaginable>>.

<<|Seriously>>. I'm not <<|kidding>>. I mean, <<|wtf>>?

So, yeah. That's enough out of me. Shutting up now. :P
04/04/14 05:10AM
04/04/14 05:32AM
I generally like a little of everything except screamo

But these are two things I've been listening to recently -Fragmants -Pray
04/04/14 05:52AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:

Well, that was unique. :P

Mistress_Marea said:
I generally like a little of everything except screamo

But these are two things I've been listening to recently -Fragmants

I somewhat like this one. :D
04/04/14 05:53AM
Vanndril said:
Well, that was unique. :P

Don't answer that. It was a rhetorical video
04/04/14 05:59AM
Current favorite albums in no particular order:
Death Grips - Exmilitary
Burial - Street Halo
Fun. - Aim & Ignite
PATD - Pretty. Odd.
Madvillian - Madvillainy

I don't really like anything else from PATD and Fun but those two albums, man.
04/04/14 06:01AM


I gotta branch out though really, I end up listening to the same music for a super long time. I commute to school every day in a car with a CD player so I actually listen to like the same ten physical actual CDs over and over D:
04/04/14 06:22AM
@Petal - get Late Registration and MBDTF, one of those two is definitely Kanye's best album. Also check out the new album Pinata by Freddie Gibbs and Madlib, you'll probably like it. If you want poppy female stuff like Gaga try Goldfrapp uwu
04/04/14 06:28AM
One of my all time favorite songs is The Dead Flag Blues by Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Extremely haunting but beautiful.
04/04/14 06:29AM
I mostly like punky stuff from the nineties. Blink182, Linkin Park, Mindless Self Indulgence, and other "immature" sounding bands. It takes me back to a simpler time in my life when I could just pick up a pencil and a piece of paper and start drawing.
04/04/14 06:36AM
TakyonH said:
@Petal - get Late Registration and MBDTF, one of those two is definitely Kanye's best album. Also check out the new album Pinata by Freddie Gibbs and Madlib, you'll probably like it. If you want poppy female stuff like Gaga try Goldfrapp uwu

Oh man, I love Late Registration and MBDTF. I have spun Late Registration in my car so many times you don't even know. Course it was always fun to put on College Dropout when I was doing the retail shuffle in 2012 so that one's close to my heart too :p

I'll check out the other stuff too, Goldfrapp sounds cool :)
04/04/14 06:43AM

I like that album a lot but Sleep on LYSF is 2gud.

petal said:
I'll check out the other stuff too, Goldfrapp sounds cool :)

Goldfrapp is great but a lot of her music is slower and more trance than pop. She does have songs like Strict Machine and Happiness that make her albums worth listening to for me though. Also if you want good shit for driving check out the 1986 EP by Kavinsky.
04/04/14 07:20AM
yall know many of these songs would count as hypnotic right like you could post these in my thread down there :/

but yeah i like all genres also. been fairly into anime music lately which tends to combine rock and electronic really well, but also the regular electronic genres like DnB, Dubstep, Trap, been into all of that lately.

here have a song:

04/04/14 07:40AM
Been getting into Daft Punk as of late. Kiiinda repetitive at times, but perfect for just playing in the background while doing other stuff.

Logan Whitehurst (RIP) was friggin amazing. His Earth is Big album, in particular, is an absolute joy. Take a listen:

Soul Coughing is brilliant.

Also, I listen to a looot of They Might Be Giants. Like, I'm pretty sure 90% of my playlist is just TMBG stuff. >.>
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