08/08/20 05:39AM
Discord Idea - IRL Meetups and Trusted Members
Hey everyone!

Haven't been around too often, but I've been doing a lot of lurking. That being said, I've also been thinking a bit on moving from a digital medium to a more physical one, to get a feel for more face-to-face trances and whatnot. Small problem with that though; it seems as though most people I know who I'd be interested in meeting face-to-face are not only out of state, but either halfway across the country or halfway across the planet.

So I came up with something of a solution for that; an IRL meetups channel on the HypnoHub Discord. Someplace where people who are trusted members of the community (more on that briefly) can post where they live, (state or city, nothing any more specific) so it's a little easier for people who are a bit less socially inclined like I am to find others in the same area who have the same passion for this kink and community, and get to know each other better.

Naturally, this is ripe for exploitation by more unsavory individuals, which was why I was also thinking about how this might be a good way to implement a trusted member role, so that those who have not yet obtained these roles wouldn't be quite as capable of taking this information and abusing it. It could be something that a user applies for, where one or two of the mods or admins looks through the application and decides whether or not the applicant can get that 'Trusted Member' role. The process could even be automated so the mods/admins don't even need to do much work aside from receiving the application, reading through, and making that decision.

Also naturally, I'm sure there are question, comments, or concerns about this idea, and I'm sure the mods/admins would have a much better idea about how well this would work out. I just figured I'd put my thoughts out there, to see what other people think.
08/08/20 06:02AM
I've done it before. Had to travel clear across the US but i met a few famous hubians from here as well as a few artists.

Though if one does have the idea to meet up with people IRL it may be best to do it after the pandemic goes away.
08/08/20 06:14AM
A valid point, admittedly. But, at the same time, I do feel like it's worth discussing. At least so that if it is put into place people could meet up relatively quickly.

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