08/12/20 12:57PM
Raising some awareness about an RP account
hey all. some of you may know me or perhaps you may not. im just a former mass commissioner who loves to see herself in various hypnosis scenarios. im pretty antisocial and shy so normally i wouldnt post in a forum about a personal issue like this but i figured id raise some awareness since someone reminded me about this.

about a year ago i found an account on twitter of someone RPing as my self insert character erika. i know people like to make RP accounts where they pose as fictional characters. there are even people who RP as other peoples OCs too. however for all intents and purposes erika is me. she is a self insert meant to represent myself and so it felt a bit weird to have someone RPing as my self insert.

the twitter in question is:

at the time i was bothered by this but after awhile it didnt really get to me as much and i kind of forgot about it. the only reason why im bringing this up after all this time is because the account was vaguely active recently and someone asked me if this was me.

as for what im going to do about this... well im not going to do anything. this person probably doesnt have any ill intent by posing as me in RPs. besides i doubt theres anything i could do about it anyways. also im not asking anyone to go harass them in any way. harassment isnt cool. i just wanted to let people know that this person is NOT me.

for the record when it comes to my accounts related to the hypnosis community you can find me at deviant art, here, on discord, and in a personal blog i started up recently. if you see me anywhere else its probably not me. thanks for reading. !
08/12/20 04:52PM
At the very least, this person should be linking to your art page and crediting you for your character.

If they cannot even manage to do a simple thing like that, then they should stop.
08/12/20 06:00PM
Oh man this account is still around? They've still blocked me for calling them out last year

Impersonation and not crediting artists is just crappy
08/12/20 06:06PM
Ordinarily I'd say "if it doesn't bug you that much, live and let live with these accounts", but...

EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Oh man this account is still around? They've still blocked me for calling them out last year

Impersonation and not crediting artists is just crappy

That, combined with the fact they're effectively roleplaying as you, kinda makes things a different matter in my opinion.

There's a difference between admitting "I'm roleplaying as the fictionalized Erikaa but am not the person she's based on" and borderline identity theft you refuse to acknowledge.

Erika, I think if you have an account on Twitter you should PM them. Explain that the character they're RP'ing as was an OC based on yourself, and you'd like them to put something in their status acknowledging that.

If they block you or do anything else hostile, report the account for "pretending to be me/someone else".
08/13/20 01:04AM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
Ordinarily I'd say "if it doesn't bug you that much, live and let live with these accounts", but...

That, combined with the fact they're effectively roleplaying as you, kinda makes things a different matter in my opinion.

There's a difference between admitting "I'm roleplaying as the fictionalized Erikaa but am not the person she's based on" and borderline identity theft you refuse to acknowledge.

Erika, I think if you have an account on Twitter you should PM them. Explain that the character they're RP'ing as was an OC based on yourself, and you'd like them to put something in their status acknowledging that.

If they block you or do anything else hostile, report the account for "pretending to be me/someone else".

I wouldn't even give them a warning. There's no way they don't know what they're doing. Just report them.
08/13/20 01:29AM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I think if you have an account on Twitter you should PM them.

part of the problem is i dont have a twitter account and im not going to make one for this. actually i cant even make a twitter account due to some sign up issues.

also as my friend edge said the accounts tends to block people who calls them out. the same thing happened to myuk if i recall. so i dont see a reason to even really bother with that. like i said i dont really know what to do lol.
08/13/20 02:36AM
Well that’s pretty fucking weird
08/13/20 04:44AM
hopefully this call out will get the account to stop
08/13/20 03:49PM
Yeah, certainly a bit of an odd situation but I agree with those above. So long as they admit to not being you and are only attempting to roleplay the character, and link to your stuff it would probably be more ok. Still a li'l odd but significantly less bad.

Seeing as how this person is apparently not doing either, yeah. They should probably stop.
08/13/20 05:02PM
I was in the same boat not too long ago— someone was using my character and artwork for a Twitter RP account, without crediting me at all. In fact, most people who followed it thought I was the one running it, even though this person seemed barely literate and the language used in their posts was like a 15 year-old just discovering porn. I sent them a DM stating that I was reporting them, reported them to Twitter, and then tagged their account in a Twitter post letting everyone know they were an imposter. They deleted their account and thankfully I haven’t seen anymore imposter accounts since.

I think it’s really pathetic that some people don’t want to put in any kind of hard work and just yoink someone else’s established characters and art for Twitter clout/RP purposes. Hopefully the dipshit who’s impersonating you can get taken down as well.

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