08/18/20 02:22PM
Scouring archives.
So years ago when hypnochan was still a thing (god its already been ten years) I stumbled across a clover x mandy Total Spies story...
08/18/20 02:25PM
I remember most of it, but I've been on and off looking to see if I could find it or a copy of it. Anyone recall the story?
Mandy got a adjusted version of the mind control perfume to use on Clover (Mandy in the story being a closeted lesbian)
08/18/20 08:50PM
If it's from Hypnochan you're probably right fucked mate.
08/19/20 06:20AM
I know exactly the one you're talking about. I don't have it backed up, or a link to anywhere that I'm sure has it... but have you asked/searched around the following:
Hypnopics Collective?
MC Garden?
Ao3? (Archive of our own)
reddit's r/girlscontrolled? backup of Hypnochan?
8Chan's hypno forum?
08/23/20 08:21PM
bullet said:
I know exactly the one you're talking about. I don't have it backed up, or a link to anywhere that I'm sure has it... but have you asked/searched around the following:
Hypnopics Collective?
MC Garden?
Ao3? (Archive of our own)
reddit's r/girlscontrolled? backup of Hypnochan?
8Chan's hypno forum?

Internet archive, Ao3 and Haven't checked the rest yet thanks for the suggestions.

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