08/21/20 08:48PM
Need help planning hypnosis commission
Hi guys

I'm thinking of getting a commission in the near future, but I'm unsure how to include a particular scene without it being awkward.

The scenario is a hypnotised girl leads another through the jungle to the snake that hypnotised her, when they meet the snake the non-hypnotised girl notices a human-shaped bulge in the snake causing her to run.

At this point I wanted to include a scene where the hypnotised girl subdues her allowing her to be hypnotised by the snake, but as I said I'm not sure how to do this without it being awkward.

I'll appreciate any suggestions y'all can give, thanks.
08/21/20 08:56PM
What do you mean by "awkward" here? Do you mean that it'll be sorta creepy or rapey cuz one girl is grappling and subduing a girl who doesn't wanna be subdued? Cuz that's totally fine, it's porn, and we're already on a hypnosis fetish website, so no one is going to be weirded out by someone being restrained. Plenty of pics on here already include someone unwilling being restrained before being hypnotized, that's sort of part of the fetish for a lot of people.

Do you mean something else by "awkward"? Clarification would be very helpful.
08/21/20 09:03PM
I was more concerned with how best to actually convey it as a struggle or a fight, my concern with awkwardness is if I don't explain it well enough the person I'm commissioning it from won't know how to pose it right and it will come out not looking as good as it could.

TLDR: I need help with how to describe the posing of it
08/21/20 09:10PM
Also I should probably say the characters involved are Camilla (hypnotised) and female Corrin from Fire Emblem, and during the struggle one of Camilla's nips gets exposed from her top and her panties get snapped off.

My current thought on how this occurs is that Camilla tackles Corrin, Corrin snapping her panties with her feet, but I'd want a bit of feedback on this.
08/21/20 09:21PM
Tackling followed by a struggle is totally reasonable, I'm sure whatever artist does it will understand what you want.
08/21/20 09:37PM
Ok, thanks. Just needed someone to confirm that for me.

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