08/24/20 08:56PM
Sleepymaid (former) Patreon discord
I’m a former Patreon of the wonderful Sleepymaid. I had to stop due to financial mishaps, and now that I’m kinda better I wanted to resume supporting her. But I see her Patreon was shut off, which left me a bit sad tbh.
I remember it having a lively little hypnosis discord as a Patreon reward, which I would very much love to see once more. If anyone here has got a link, I would appreciate it immensely if they could provide it to me (naturally via private message, I wouldn’t want to break anyone’s privacy).
I hope anyone can see this eventually. If you need anything on my side, please let me know.

I hope everyone seeing this has a nice day! @_@
09/23/20 07:38AM
I got your back

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