08/25/20 06:49PM
Anyone else have a weird hypnotized to be a chicken fetish
Yeah I know its weird but screw it, that stuff is hot. Anyone else agree? I’d like to see some of the best examples of that
08/25/20 06:58PM
Weird? Bruh, just look at the stuff I upload haha.

Chickens are always nice.
08/25/20 07:05PM
That is a most fowl fetish....
08/25/20 07:28PM
Muddle said:
That is a most fowl fetish....

To kill or to award. That is the question...
08/25/20 07:51PM
Chicken trances are pretty milquetoast when it comes to this fetish. I'd say it's one of the most popular hypno clichés alongside catalepsy and the zombie walk.
08/25/20 08:11PM
I mean, my sub-fetish is Pet Play in general. But chickens are my favorite form.
08/26/20 04:13AM
GaimBravo said:
I’d like to see some of the best examples of that

I can't think of any specific pics, but just in case you haven't run across it, the [[chicken_pose]] tag has nine pages of art you may like.
08/26/20 04:47AM
Chicken Hypnosis is like my 2nd favorite thing in the fetish.

Love it.
08/26/20 06:23AM
Yup. The powerlessness, the silliness, it's tremendous.
08/26/20 02:43PM
Hypnorgasm said:
I can't think of any specific pics, but just in case you haven't run across it, the [[chicken_pose]] tag has nine pages of art you may like.

I have seen and enjoyed all of it. I’d like to find more still tho
08/27/20 05:50AM
Some people like the pet play aspect of it. Personally I like the idea of having your mind turned into a silly plaything. Becoming a chicken at the snap of your friend's figures is just a classic example. Bonus points if you heckle the hypnotist just to get placed into a deep trance. When you awaken you think nothing happened and no time passed. You hear your trigger. The post hypnotic suggestion kicks in. You feel a click in your mind. You are a chicken. You enjoy your time as a chicken. Others enjoy seeing you cluck, bob your head, flap your wings, strut, and peck for food. When the hypnotist is ready they snap their fingers and you awaken unaware of what happened. Everyone laughs and tries to inform you in vain. Then the hypnotist snaps their figures and you remember everything. Of course, your friend left a few post hypnotic suggestions in your mind to trigger you later with in case they would like some entertainment at your expense.

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