09/13/20 05:19AM
SAGE 2020- Our Thoughts
Well, hoooooooooooooooooooooowdy ho! And golly gee, I made a forum without a pun title!

Not much that needs to be said about this one to preface it; Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2020 has laid itself upon us, and boy howdy how we suckle from the teat (or dick if you prefer, I don't judge) of the fan game creators and be rewarded with wonderful video games. What're your favorites? What of the Sonic games? Non-Sonic property games? Original works? Discuss 'em all!
09/13/20 08:00AM
I've played quite a few games from this year's SAGE. Here's a quick list of some of my favorites.

Sonic games:

Sonic GT
Sonic Quantum Collision
Sonic World DX
Sonic Encore
Sonic 2 Master System Remake

Original games:


Admittedly, I need to play more of the original stuff. A lot of them are still very early in development.
09/13/20 03:25PM
Okay, I've downloaded a bunch, but I've only gotten around to Sonic GT because I saw it had cutscenes, a revelation upon which I immediately shut down YouTube and fired it up. And I gotta say, wow. Just... wow. Not only did they finally strike perfect 3D Sonic level design philosophy, but they got original music to play, they have a bunch of characters who each have different properties and abilities without sacrificing mechanics like the homing attack, and the final boss was... fucking incredible. It was so good. Like, WOW it was fun. So I loved Sonic GT, the number of times I got completely lost and frustrated in Hidden Base notwithstanding.
09/14/20 12:20AM
sleeperhit said:
Okay, I've downloaded a bunch, but I've only gotten around to Sonic GT because I saw it had cutscenes, a revelation upon which I immediately shut down YouTube and fired it up. And I gotta say, wow. Just... wow. Not only did they finally strike perfect 3D Sonic level design philosophy, but they got original music to play, they have a bunch of characters who each have different properties and abilities without sacrificing mechanics like the homing attack, and the final boss was... fucking incredible. It was so good. Like, WOW it was fun. So I loved Sonic GT, the number of times I got completely lost and frustrated in Hidden Base notwithstanding.

I've seen some people say they got lost in the levels, but I never had any trouble with that. I felt like the levels were a perfect blend of open and intuitive. I disagree on the final boss. The only boss in the game I kinda liked was the 1st one. The 2nd one suuuuuuuuuucks and the final one just kinda drags on a bit for my liking. And oh god, those cutscenes. The writing is awful and the voice acting is almost as bad (except for Tails and Ray, they sounded alright to me). And worse is you can't skip them. -_-" But the gameplay is definitely where the game shines and it's what keeps me replaying it over and over.

Sonic World DX is also using custom voice acting, but I actually really like the voice actors they have so far. In fact, I'd say their Shadow is one of the best I've heard.
09/14/20 08:20PM
Mindwipe said:
Sonic World DX is also using custom voice acting, but I actually really like the voice actors they have so far. In fact, I'd say their Shadow is one of the best I've heard.

Oh? I'll be sure to get on that
09/14/20 10:07PM
sleeperhit said:
Oh? I'll be sure to get on that

I should note there are no cutscenes in it. It's just voices quips for the gameplay. Also, if you play with a controller, you'll have to do some control rebinding, because for some reason the game default binds things all jumbled.
09/14/20 10:11PM
Mindwipe said:
I should note there are no cutscenes in it. It's just voices quips for the gameplay. Also, if you play with a controller, you'll have to do some control rebinding, because for some reason the game default binds things all jumbled.

How jumbled we talking here?
09/14/20 11:44PM
sleeperhit said:
How jumbled we talking here?

Like... Pause being mapped to pressing in the right stick. You pretty much have to remap everything. And it can be hard because some of the mappings show that they're mapped to a different button than they really are. I was hoping they'd have the issue sorted for the SAGE demo, but alas.

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